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About These So-Called "bans"



I have a very bad habit of exaggerating. When I can't do something, regardless of reason, and I don't like it, I claim that I'm completely banned from doing it. I know I'm not really banned in most cases, and contrary to popular belief I do know what the word "banned" means, but that's just what I'm like, taking things way too far out of context. That's me being me.


That is why I often say Bionicle is banned, just because I can't have it and I feel I did something wrong and got punished. I once even had the nerve to use that word in a letter to Lego early last year because, naturally, I was (and obviously still am) ticked off about what they did.


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Honestly, I still can't quite understand why you feel so wronged about Bionicle ending.


You always say the same thing about how LEGO "owes" us because they were planning to have two more years. Of course, this is completely ignoring the fact that those were nothing but plans. Kind of like the plans to have it only last one year. But nobody's complaining. I think we should all just appreciate what we got.

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Y'know, LEGO ended it. We can't do anything about it. A lousy few thousand people can't bring back - people like you and a few other thousand tried for a year, and you still haven't succeeded.


Some of us may have thought the story was being too drawn out, getting dull, and kind of boring to be honest. Any longer, and it would have been just a repeat of the same characters, because hey, what would be the point of bringing in completely unheard of characters as sets?


To me, Bionicle lived it's lifespan. LEGO had a habit of releasing the same characters over and over, and it's something that gets kind of boring after awhile. Had they continued this even longer, it'd probably just get dull.


Nonetheless, Bionicle is over. You can't revive something that's already replaced - you only revive it when the place setting hasn't been called for somebody else already.


To be honest, I think you should stop trying to bring it back. You're wasting too much time with this - the longer you try, the less they're going to want to bring it back. This is just friendly advice, and you can do what you want to do, but again, this is friendly advice. ; ) If I've offended you in any way from what I've said, I'm sorry, but I'm just stating a few points I wanted to make.

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I thought this meant something else. :PI kinda feel we got cheated there at the end, but at least there's still hope.

I know exactly what you think I meant. However, I don't know enough about how politically incorrect wet manes are to form an opinion.


I, too, feel we were cheated, particularly out of two movies. Bad as TLR was, and likely as it was that the next two were gonna be just as cheezy, a movie is a movie to me; I'd've bought them anyway, along with 10 baterra, and many other sets that would've come.


I wish I had an Olisi so I could find out what if it did stay, or better, an Olmak so I could get the sets I'd miss out on in this dimension.

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You mean like the 5th movie outline Greg posted? Yeah, that would've been cool.

I mean, I feel disappointed by the ending, and I would have loved to have had those other two years in the Valley and Bota Magna (Baterra sets!) but I don't think constantly trying to bring it back is going to do much of anything for anyone.

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Oh that's makes a lot more sense. On the plus side your blog comments have skyrocketed. Although hopefully next time you'll be careful about what you post for a blog entry.

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Oh that's makes a lot more sense. On the plus side your blog comments have skyrocketed. Although hopefully next time you'll be careful about what you post for a blog entry.

I'm glad someone understand me. :)


It seems the only time I get heaps of comments is when I do something controversial, like that time I discussed the Nanny Plague, which I'll have no shame in doing again.

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Should I be worried? The nanny plague I kinda agree with you that issue but I don't want to discuss it.

The problem then was that racism was also mentioned, and everyone took that side personally.


But yes you should worry. :P I will argue my point about the Nanny Plague, just like anything else, forever.

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What was the nanny plaque?

It's my name for how people these days are paranoid and overprotective, "covering their kids in cotton wool", as they sometimes put it. For example, they took slot machines out of Pokemon games because they think they encourage real-life gambling later in life. Also, at my high school, they banned Muck-Up Day because one student assaulted another, and they suddenly thought Muck-Up Day is unsafe.

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Nanny plague? Muck-Up Day?Ah. These must be Australian things.

Muck-Up Day must be, if Americans don't do it.


It's where people in their last year of school come in costume and celebrate, and play pranks on everyone.


The Nanny Plague is a name I came up with myself and actually concerns every country in the west. Since it's ruined Pokemon (Black Jynx, slapstick violence and slot machines are all lost), it's also mildly affecting Japan.

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Nanny plague? Muck-Up Day?Ah. These must be Australian things.
Muck-Up Day must be, if Americans don't do it.It's where people in their last year of school come in costume and celebrate, and play pranks on everyone.The Nanny Plague is a name I came up with myself and actually concerns every country in the west. Since it's ruined Pokemon (Black Jynx, slapstick violence and slot machines are all lost), it's also mildly affecting Japan.

Ah, we do do things similar to your "Muck-up Day" here in the states. We just don't call it that.


And regarding your "Nanny Plague", I wouldn't say it's ruined Pokemon. All three of the things you mentioned are minor things that I think Pokemon is better without.

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