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Bionicle Forsaken In Favour Of My Little Pony?



Unlike the majority of BZPers, I'm actually beginning to grow tired of the My Little Pony meme. I believe this meme has gotten so out of hand that everyone is favouring it over Bionicle, and I'm concerned.


If this keeps up, I fear it will seal Bionicle's fate as a dead toyline, and it will never come back because no-one else is interested in it anymore.


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My Little Pony is not a meme, it's an actual interest. I don't know anybody who's doing it because it's a meme, but I do know people who do it because they actually like it.

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It's not a meme.Just because we like something else, doesn't mean we don't like Bionicle anymore.
What he said. Be ready though, for MLPZP is on its way. XP
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I have a problem understanding why it is a bad thing if we like more than one thing. I know you want Bionicle back and all but believe me there is little chance MLPFiM will fore sake Bionicle's "return" seeing as most Bronies just watch the show and don't buy the toys (I don't have the guts to do that). Please explain your fear in greater detail for me please becuase I think I missed something.


@Wolven Bionicle+Ponies=epic win! Who drew that?

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My Little Copy/paste from what I said in the pet peeves topic:


We, the Bronies and Pegasisters, are a fandom.

MP:FiM is in itself note a meme, although it brought a few in existence, like "It needs to be about 20% cooler" or "I can do it in Ten. Seconds. Flat!".

A current MLP:FiM fad on BZP seems to be the winking Santa hat ponies. ;)

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Just to be clear, whether MLP is a meme really depends on how you define "meme." With the current Internet's interpretation of the idea, MLP is just a fan-dom with roots in semi-memetic spread. I think that Richard Dawkins would probably say roughly the same thing, although perhaps saying also that the whole idea of being a "fan" of something is memetic in origin.


~ BioGio

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Really? I mean, just really.


MLP:FiM is a good cartoon, so what's so wrong about people talking about it here? Bionicle is dead dude; it may one day come back, but in the mean time it doesn't mean we have to talk about absolutely nothing else.


Also, it isn't a meme.

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There are some people who only like MLP for the memetic aspects, this I am aware of. Most of the comments I see here at BZP are from people who have a genuine interest.


And frankly, how is it getting out of hand that people are interested in things other than BIONICLE? BIONICLE was special, but for a lot of people it's as good as over. For others, there's just not as much to discuss since new stuff isn't coming out regularly, so they discuss something that is still ongoing and in the public consciousness.


The thing is, the people who are interested in BIONICLE here on BZPower? Yeah, they weren't enough to keep the theme alive. That doesn't mean BIONICLE can never, ever come back, but if it does it won't depend solely on BZPers' continued interest. It's not like Tron-related forums were blazing with activity for the many years between the start of the internet and the announcement of Tron: Legacy.


Overall, expecting that we on BZPower are the guardians and protectors of BIONICLE is a bit of a fallacy. BIONICLE being a toy franchise, we adults have at best a very small influence on whether it returns or not. A true return for the BIONICLE theme will depend largely on the interests of kids well within the target age range. All we can do is continue to remember it fondly and keep it in the public consciousness through art, stories, drawings, and discussion. But giving the impression that we are unable to move on to other interests won't help matters in the slightest.

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I'm also a little tired of the MLP stuff that seems to be monopolizing blog entries as of late. But still, I don't think it's a bad thing for people to like, it's just something I myself am not into. I mean, this is probably the same argument that AFOLs made when Bionicle first came out: "I hope Lego gets over this action figure meme and gets back to making Space and Castle sets."



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I understand that MLP is popular, but I dismiss it as a meme because of how that interest is shown here, which appears to me the same way as many other memes that have come and gone, only this has lasted far longer, even outlasting the downtime! Plus, I don't see the meme dominating anything beyond Bionicle communities, except a strong presence on deviantArt.


There's nothing wrong with having multiple interests. I'm a Bionicle fan with a Pokemon avatar, playing a Commander Keen computer game. But as far as I know this is a Bionicle forum, but the fact that Bionicle is banned and MLP is popular here scares me into thinking MLP will take over this forum and make it MLPZP, as ~MatoroIgnika~ said. Or am I just spending way too much time in the blogs? :P


One thing is for sure: that was my addiction to Bionicle talking in that entry, and I do regret making it and the preceeding poll. And yes it's an addiction.

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There are aspects of the cartoon that have become memes, like certain phrases and characters, but FiM in itself isn't a meme. There's fan music and remixes, fanart, and enough fanfics to fill a library. You definitely haven't seen the full extent of the fandom if you think that it's only here and on dA; there are extremely popular pony blogs and pages on social networking sites with thousands of followers, and hundreds of music videos on video sharing sites, some of which get upwards of 100,000 views and higher. One of the most popular PMVs, Night of Pony, has over 500,000, and the Katy Perry parody Equestria Girls just broke 1,000,000.


What do you mean by Bionicle being banned, though? This is a forum dedicated to it; you can't ban the thing the forum was founded on.

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I understand that MLP is popular, but I dismiss it as a meme because of how that interest is shown here, which appears to me the same way as many other memes that have come and gone, only this has lasted far longer, even outlasting the downtime! Plus, I don't see the meme dominating anything beyond Bionicle communities, except a strong presence on deviantArt.

You're either not looking hard enough or you have your eyes shut tight.

There are massive blogs and image boards dedicated to MLP that have garnered tens of millions of views in less than a year. The amount of fan-made music is reaching 1000 songs with a collective data space of nearly 10GB and is constantly growing. The fan art alone stretches beyond the millions!


It's a fanbase.

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How do you say Bionicle is banned? There's still discussion on Bionicle. But Bionicle is no longer producing content for us to discuss (at least until Greg gets back to writing the serials), and MLP provides the social groups here on BZP to discuss something with semi-regularity. There's no need to fear BZP shifting its focus to something like MLP (although now that you've suggested it something like that may roll around for April Fools' Day next year). If BZP were to shift its focus, I expect it would strive to focus more on LEGO in general, or Hero Factory. I'm a little disappointed that it hasn't done that, but the fact that it hasn't (and shows no sign of doing so), is enough to convince me that BIONICLE will always remain at the core of BZP.

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>Plus, I don't see the meme dominating anything beyond Bionicle communities, except a strong presence on deviantArt.


You need to get out more man.


The brony community is all over the internet.

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@Makuta_of_oz MLP is pretty popular on a lot of non-bionicle forums, that website about tropes and plot devices is a great example (it reached Troper critical mass). Practically it's all over the internet. Plus when was Bionicle banned or I am just uninformed.


Bionicle addiction does make you do crazy stuff that you'll regret, but making you join BZP and getting you into Bionicle is not one of them.


@xccj I think the reason why Ponies are big in blogs is because it brings comments and attention to their blogs that popular members, such as yourself, get. But that's just what I've learned from my experiance, it's a theory that could be proven wrong.

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I seriously think you're taking this too seriously. Fads come and go, and people have difference in opinion. You can't force people to like Bionicle, they might favor something else.


And I doubt Bionicle will ever be revived, it's been dead for almost two years - and a mere twenty-seven members from this site isn't going to bring it back. Neither is the few thousand out there - If LEGO hasn't brought it back instantly, it probably isn't going to come back.


Besides, people grow up and get too busy to play with a children's toyline. Most of the people that were 8 ten years ago are paying closer attention to the future, careers, college - when are they going to have time to think about this?

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How do you say Bionicle is banned? There's still discussion on Bionicle. But Bionicle is no longer producing content for us to discuss (at least until Greg gets back to writing the serials), and MLP provides the social groups here on BZP to discuss something with semi-regularity. There's no need to fear BZP shifting its focus to something like MLP (although now that you've suggested it something like that may roll around for April Fools' Day next year). If BZP were to shift its focus, I expect it would strive to focus more on LEGO in general, or Hero Factory. I'm a little disappointed that it hasn't done that, but the fact that it hasn't (and shows no sign of doing so), is enough to convince me that BIONICLE will always remain at the core of BZP.

I say Bionicle is banned because I'm a Bionicle addict, and because "banned" is always the first word I use when I can't do/have something.


Also, as far as I'm aware, MLP first came here with the last April Fool's Day. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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That wasn't this generation of ponies; I think it was G3, which a good number of bronies dislike, bordering on outright hate. From what I've seen it was pretty shallow and lacking in some of the things that make FiM so appealing to us.

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