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It's 2012, And Bionicle Is Still Not Back!



I remember when the Announcement was first made, I vowed to fight to bring it back until the end of 2011, and if it wasn't back by then, I'd fly to Lego's HQ in Denmark and kill myself. No joke.


I've since mellowed, as if I've actually gotten over it (which I haven't).Now I'm just fighting until it comes back, even if I die first anyway. Otherwise I'd just be seen as just another madman, like that guy who did that terrorist attack in Norway "as a warning".


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That's a little grim...


IMO, it's more fun to revisit the story with epics, artwork, MOCs, or RPGs than wait for another punny atempt at a serial story. And there are worst things than not having Bionicle come back.



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I really hope your not serious about suicide in Lego. Suicide is a very dangerous thing the only person happy about it is the person who did it. Even if you do do it Lego is probably call the cops and your family members. Not mention how this would reflect on your whole "Give me Bionicle or Give me Death" (hey I like history) crusade it make them look like extremists. Not mention it'd probably not change Lego mind and bring back Bionicle they'd keep it dead.


But I digress that's only if you're serious and frankly I don't know if you are.

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"This breaking news just in-- Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead."


That's the impression that I got from this entry's title.


Anyway, I'm glad your first impressions of BIONICLE ending have mellowed out. It would be senseless if people were so hurt by BIONICLE ending to end their lives.


In the meantime, I don't think BIONICLE is likely to come back anytime soon. I think that if it comes back, it will have to be a full revival (not just a continuation; I struggle to envision how that could possibly work) with a great deal of advance planning and perhaps more significant marketing of the story through a TV series or big-budget movie. And I would expect it to come back ten years after its cancellation at the very earliest. Look at how long it took the TRON franchise to get revived.


Now, this isn't to say I'm an expert on how BIONICLE could be revived and revitalized. Frankly, though, I can't see any way that it could be simply brought back and continued from where it left off as if it had never ended. Because frankly, BIONICLE has "ended" on a number of levels.


The loyal fanbase and the theme's ability to bring in new fans had both dwindled, which is the reason the cancellation was needed. The sets were given their swan song in the form of the Stars, which paid tribute to the nine years of BIONICLE that had come before. The story tied up the plot thread that had held the whole theme together for so long, that being the fight against Makuta Teridax. There were loose ends, and we'll always regret those, but let's face it-- people wanted the story to go on without the sets, and Greg and Binkmeister gave them that for as long as they realistically could (and for longer than they probably needed to).


If BIONICLE is to come back, it will probably need to start fresh: either by rewriting the story from the beginning (which would be hard to do in a way that paid tribute to the years of thought and effort that went into how it was initially told) or by telling a brand-new story, almost entirely independent of the old story, that, instead of trying to follow up on old mysteries and challenges, creates new mysteries and new challenges for a brand-new set of heroes to face.


In the meantime, we as fans shouldn't be wagering all of our efforts and all of our lives on its eventual return. It's not healthy to put our every chance of happiness in the hands of forces beyond our control. Try to find out what you liked most about BIONICLE, and see what you can do to rediscover these qualities in stories, hobbies, and passions that are still available to you. In other words, don't put all your eggs in one basket.


BIONICLE was great, but all things considered it was just a toyline and a story created by human beings, and it's entirely possible that other interests are out there to help fill that void it left behind. Whether those are LEGO-related interests, book series, or even attempts at creating your own fiction masterpiece is entirely up to you.


tl;dr It's foolish to treat BIONICLE's return as the only thing that could give your life meaning.

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Guys, calm down. MoZ and I are trying to work something out.


I suggest you close this entry before you get mauled by angry hordes of commenters.


And MoZ, please respond to my last PM.

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