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How To Treat Me And Why



I always speak to others the way they speak to me. Therefore, when dealing with me, you have to be gentle and respectful, so I will be gentle and respectful right back. If you get hostile, I can't help but get hostile right back. It's just who I am.


If you don't realise that this is how I usually react, then that is your problem more than it is mine. It is a normal part of my personality, always has been, always will be, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.


So please remember to be careful how you speak to me.


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Actually, the rule is that, if somebody starts flaming or breaks the rules in some other way, you hit "report" instead of "post".


Just sayin'.

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But besides what Takuma said, what you say is smart. Simply ignoring the hurtful remark as misunderstood, immature, or perhaps even just letting it go regardless? Noooooo. Retaliation is always the right move!


That was sarcasm. Just saying. :P

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But besides what Takuma said, what you say is smart. Simply ignoring the hurtful remark as misunderstood, immature, or perhaps even just letting it go regardless? Noooooo. Retaliation is always the right move!That was sarcasm. Just saying. :P

People always like "eye for an eye" better than "turn the other cheek", I suppose XP.

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TGGitS is right.


People, in most cases, are intrinsically nice, and will retaliate if provoked. A true sign of maturity is to be able to not deign to their level.


And frankly, respect is gained, not asked for, and it's best to have people learn your personality instead of writing it out for them.


EDIT: I doubt you meant this, but the last sentence in your entry doesn't seem at all nice, but rather menacing.

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EDIT: I doubt you meant this, but the last sentence in your entry doesn't seem at all nice, but rather menacing.

Yeah you're right. I suppose I should get rid of "we'll both be sorry".


*tries to get "Don't You Want Me Baby?" out of head*

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