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From: Bionicle Zone Power Or Hero Factory Power



No. I am not the biggest HF fan, so that's a contributor, and I understand Bionicle is 100% dead with no return in the next 10+ years, but BZP did start on Bionicle, and I'd much rather have a Lego/Bionicle focused forum then an HF/Lego focus, as that wouldn't do anyone any good.


Source: Bionicle Zone Power Or Hero Factory Power


I should just stop looking at that thread. The more I do, the more insulting the posts get. :annoyed:


Apologies to Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen for doing this to his post, but I am just that sick of people being so defeatist regarding Bionicle's future.


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I'm going to assume that due to your habit of changing the meanings of words, by "insulting" you actually mean "truthful".


Interpret it how you will. I personally get insulted badly by people saying Bionicle will never come back. I am literally in tears atm just thinknig about it.

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Which is not a good thing, and something you should probably seek help about immediately.


I know it's been said before, but taking a children's toyline that seriously, especially at your age, is extremely unhealthy and not at all a good sign.

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Maybe you get insulting posts because people are fed up with your whole "Bionicle's not dead" thing. It's cool to think it'll come back, but maybe consider that if you tone it down just a bit, people might not say "lolololol bonkles ded" as a response? When you have a down-your-throat manner of doing things, people might not react so kindly to it.[/justsayin']

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Optimism is one thing, guys. Really, it is. Optimism is, to use the cliché, "seeing the cup half full."


LEGO's official representatives at conventions have stated flat-out that BIONICLE is not going to come back. Period, full stop, end of chapter, done, seeya, in the books.


I kind of get the feeling that optimism is not what your outlook on BIONICLE is, and honestly, I'm quite concerned that you're in tears over the end of it. I must echo the sentiments expressed in the previous comments and say that it's not really normal - in fact, coming from an amateur psychology dabbler here, I'd venture to call it an obsession.


Either way, I don't think you have any viable reason to feel offended by the end of a toy line.

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Optimism is one thing, guys. Really, it is. Optimism is, to use the cliché, "seeing the cup half full."


LEGO's official representatives at conventions have stated flat-out that BIONICLE is not going to come back. Period, full stop, end of chapter, done, seeya, in the books.


I kind of get the feeling that optimism is not what your outlook on BIONICLE is, and honestly, I'm quite concerned that you're in tears over the end of it. I must echo the sentiments expressed in the previous comments and say that it's not really normal - in fact, coming from an amateur psychology dabbler here, I'd venture to call it an obsession.

I am a self-confessed Bionicle addict. That I admit freely (except to a lego employee :P ).


As for Lego representatives saying so officially, I still refuse to believe it. The representatives and staff of today may not be working for Lego in 20 years time, and I will still be fighting in 20 years time to bring back Bionicle if I must, even if I'm dead.

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You refuse to believe the very people who know most about the situation?


I also can't see quite how you can fight for the return of BIONICLE if you're dead.

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You refuse to believe the very people who know most about the situation?


I also can't see quite how you can fight for the return of BIONICLE if you're dead.

1: They could just be saying that to try and shut the more annoying and persistent fans up.

2: Ever heard of ghosts? :P

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If I were trying to sooth the annoying constituents of a fanbase, I'd opt for saying that there's a slim possibility that BIONICLE would return, even if it were a white lie and I knew that not to be true.


LEGO's frankness on BIONICLE's dead status is, to me, an indication of truthfulness.

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Still not convinced. It is possible to change their minds. That's what I'm trying to do right now.


As you know, I've created a multi-site online social group called the Bring Back Bionicle Club, a group of like-minded Bionicle fans who aim to sway Lego into bringing it back. At this stage I don't know if they're aware of the group's existence. I haven't bothered to tell them via Customer Service yet because I feel it'd be futile; given only a useless automated reply.

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LEGO's decision to end BIONICLE did not have anything to do with either how well the line did or did not sell or how deeply committed the fans were to its continuation.


The costs for new molds was not factored into LEGO's statistical models until late in its run. Most of BIONICLE's run owes its existence to the fact that the costs to produce the sets was falsely lowered. When levels became realistic, LEGO realized that the line was not cost effective, and was in fact losing money.


The story was also getting to a point of utter convolution, so much so that potential new fans couldn't get into the story for fear that they would have to learn tons of backstory. These two factors, among others that I haven't even mentioned, led LEGO to realize that it was high time to end the thing, because it just simply wasn't profitable.


Yes, it might be possible for them to change their minds, but the higher-ups in the LEGO group are no fools. They'll do whatever's right for the company, and they're not going to intentionally lose money on a line that's dead.


(And honestly, I don't want to be rude or anything, but even if you had a couple thousand people in your BBBC, LEGO wouldn't care. The numbers of customers that they deal with are much larger than anything a petition can realistically muster.)

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(Also, you need Germans. LEGO's biggest fanabse and largest market is in Germany. If it won't sell in Germany TLG won't sell it.)

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I guess that would explain why they frequently reused the Inika/Piraka and Av-toran builds... not that I had a problem with that, since they were a consistent Toa/Matoran template.


One day they'll find a way to save on new mold costs without sacrificing quality (sadly it'll take the end of money-hungry oil companies to do that :annoyed: ). I feel they may have started that with HF. Plus I have no issue with HF builds being used in Bionicle.


Also, if Bionicle gets a long-enough hiatus and then comes back, wouldn't most people believe it'll have a new story? I mean, just look what happened to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Since that got an entirely new story, people would expect Bionicle to do the same, even if it didn't. Besides, now is the perfect time to start a new story with a new villain, as I've said time and time again.


Just part of the reason why i still feel Bionicle has a chance.

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And I am sick of people acting like I did when Bionicle ended: Not seeing the sad truth.


I don't mean to offend or attack here, and understand I was in your boat when Bionicle ended, but thanks to a little help from a good 'ol friend of mine, I can see that Bionicle went just as it should have - a whole 10 years of sets and story, then a conclusion.


Maybe it's not the exact conclusion everyone wanted. Sure, it wasn't perfect. But the fact we got one at all is a miracle in itself. I'd like to invite you to a somewhat "Debate Corner" that the podcast I help out with would like to try out. We'd have a friendly debate about this subject over microphone (on Skype), record it, and publish it online.


Accept or decline if you wish, but I would personally like to get some things straightened out that I feel needs to be done so.



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Thanks for the invite, but I don't have Skype. Plus I don't think I could have a civil enough discussion about Bionicle's discontinuation, or at least I'm too scared I'll make myself look stupid.

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Thanks for the invite, but I don't have Skype. Plus I don't think I could have a civil enough discussion about Bionicle's discontinuation, or at least I'm too scared I'll make myself look stupid.


Skype is a free program you can download. Also, as long as we keep it BZP appropriate, then I doubt ANYONE needs to worry about that, as it will be put up other places.



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I kind of agree with you; just because a story ends doesn't mean that forums for it should be ended or switched to another focus. There are plenty of active forums for ended storylines, even ones that weren't very popular. Sure, Bionicle ending helped slow the BZP traffic. But this forum has been pretty active despite that, notably on the related subject, so I think it's okay as-is. It's good for fans of HF to have a place to talk about that too, though, and I like that we've been able to provide for such discussion here.

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I don't support killing a bionicle focus. I much prefer Bionicle story to HF, honestly, and HFRPGs would stink, to put it bluntly. I think it is right and just to still have such bionicle focus, while greater focusing at the same time on lego itself. I fully support keeping bionicle RPGs as their own forum, and making set discussion and suchlike lego, not just Bionicle.


It's all a matter of essential balance that while not keeping us in the past does not wall the past off from us.

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It's not a defeatist attitude to say BIONICLE's not coming back unless you view bringing about its return as a sort of personal crusade. For most of us, it's a realist attitude.There is no sign BIONICLE will return, and if it ever does it won't be because of a small group of fans refusing to let it go.


Seriously, your BIONICLE addiction is a little creepy. And it's not going to go away if you don't even try expanding your horizons. Find a new hobby! It could be something else LEGO, like Ninjago or Hero Factory. It could be a book series, or a TV series, or a video game. But dwelling on a dead toy line isn't healthy, and the sooner you accept that BIONICLE is over, the better. This doesn't mean it's gone; what has come before will always be there, and there's nothing telling you you can't continue to be a fan. But refusing to accept that it has ended will accomplish nothing but making you miserable.

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Also, little heads up: There is a HUGE differences between "defeatist" and "realist."


I wanted to clarify something with you: When GregF said that Star Trek quote, that wasn't a cry for "Bring Back Bionicle." What he meant was talk about it and keep it ALIVE. Making projects like BioCraft, BNG, Rebirth Chronicles, etc. THAT is keeping it alive. What you are doing is making a grand fool out of yourself and getting no where. I'm sorry if I sound really offensive, but I am sorta sick of looking around the forum seeing you ramble on about Bionicle's return when in all honesty WE as a fan base CAN NOT bring it back, but we can keep it ALIVE so that someone else could.


That's what Greg meant. The Star Trek Fans did nothing to bring it back, producers, companies did. And there is no way you can tell me I am wrong in this case.


Again, I do not mean to flame nor start a flame war. One is only started if you take it with extreme offense. I'd like to keep it calm and ask if you'd join me in that endevour.



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