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Ode To Eggplant



Eggplant: A Poem


Eggplant eaten fast for lunch

Eggplant wolfed and bit and munched

Eggplant pillows in a can,

Great Scott, it's got another, man!  


Eggplant threats for story time,

Eggplant quiche, it is a crime,

Eggplant roadkill, make it smell,

Make it often, make it well!


Eggplant mess upon the floor,

Eggplant salad on the door,

Eggplant wonders down the drain,

Forever mixed in calming rain.


Eggplant purée in the band,

Eggplant carcass caressed by sand,

Eggplant nestled in the brush,

Wait and see if it'll be crushed!


Eggplant drapes, a-hanging down,

Eggplant donning opulent crowns

Eggplant wind upon the wings,

As it comes down, flying, sings:


"Eggplant taking all my wares,

Eggplant deodorant accrues stares,

Eggplant wonders might amaze,

If there wasn't such a mighty craze!"


Eggplant cream up in the fridge,

Eggplant housing a silly midge,

Eggplant pens hooked up to the wall,

And all my love to down the hall!


Eggplant keys to tiny cars,

Eggplant eyes and ears and jars,

Eggplant shirts and socks and pants,

All tied up with rabid ants!


Eggplant tales and myths and songs,

Eggplant mimes, a-wearing thongs,

Eggplant shoes, with tight laced string,

Yelling curses with gangster bling.


Eggplant trips to see the sights,

Eggplant hair that gets in fights,

Eggplant needs to cater to,

Unless we all just catch the flu!


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I once wrote about mashed potatoes in elementary school.


At least now I know I'm not the only one who combines literature and culinary delights.

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