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So I've Been Suicidal Before.



Thought about killing myself in the past. Hadn't done so recently until tonight. Hoping it goes away soon.




You know what, screw it. I don't even know why the heck I'm saying this here.




It's not like anyone cares.


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Ditto. D=


*internet hug*



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Please dude, do not kill yourself. I know life can be hard at times, but don't give up on it. It can get better, if you try. Please, don't do it. :(


*internet hug*




"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."

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I'm amazed you all think I've even got the god-forsaken willpower to do myself in. I'm too weak-minded to even do that.

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I care. You're a charming and intelligent person, and I'm glad you're one of my friends here. I'm sure there are also people who you know in real life that care, just as us on BZP do.


Hope you feel better soon, man.



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It's a cliché, but clichés exist for a reason: suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I have a friend that attempted it before I met her, and she's bloody glad she failed. Back in middle school I got pretty badly depressed on a few occasions, but I've put that behind me.


Y'see, the wonderful thing about life is that there is always hope for improvement, and there is always opportunity for change. Today might bite the big one, but that doesn't mean tomorrow isn't going to be great.


I won't say "cheer up", because I don't think that ever actually helps, but I will say: look at the people here and consider that people from around the country (world?) are supporting you, even if they've never met you in real life. A world where that can happen is pretty awesome, in my opinion, and well worth living in.

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I get down sometimes. Low down. I get over it.


Thanks for all the kind words, guys.

Seek professional help now. I know this sounds over-the-top, but the moment you start feeling suicidal you have slipped past the realm of depression and anxiety that is bearable for most people, and even if you were to "get over it" on your own, these feelings and issues can leave terrible emotional and mental scars that will affect you the rest of your life. You need to see a professional counselor or psychologist who specializes in depression.


And whatever you do, try and surround yourself with people who care about you, even if you don't feel like they care, they do, and the best way to make it through these things is to cling desperately to other people. (You know, in addition to counseling and maybe antidepressants).

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I'm seeing a therapist, but it's not for depression and such. Should bring that up next time, eh?


And it was some poor wording on the part of one such person that triggered that little episode, so I'm gonna talk to her when I see her again.

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"Suicide, above all else, is the most cowardly way to die."


I don't remember who said that, but keep that in mind.



Nobody wants to die a coward.

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Xaeraz, on , said:


I get down sometimes. Low down. I get over it.


Thanks for all the kind words, guys.

Seek professional help now. I know this sounds over-the-top, but the moment you start feeling suicidal you have slipped past the realm of depression and anxiety that is bearable for most people, and even if you were to "get over it" on your own, these feelings and issues can leave terrible emotional and mental scars that will affect you the rest of your life. You need to see a professional counselor or psychologist who specializes in depression.


And whatever you do, try and surround yourself with people who care about you, even if you don't feel like they care, they do, and the best way to make it through these things is to cling desperately to other people. (You know, in addition to counseling and maybe antidepressants).


Ah, I knew I was forgetting to say something. I agree 100% with Deevs here, talk to your therapist about your depression.


And yes, talk to that person. It's always good to talk with someone.


Also, just in case you feel self-conscious about seeing a therapist, don't. You should feel no different about it than if you were seeing a chiropractor because your back hurts. They both help you, and will make you feel better.


- :burnmad:

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"Suicide, above all else, is the most cowardly way to die."


I don't remember who said that, but keep that in mind.



Nobody wants to die a coward.


Just you saying that shows that you have no clue what you're talking about in a situation like this.



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thebeggerpie, on , said:


"Suicide, above all else, is the most cowardly way to die."


I don't remember who said that, but keep that in mind.



Nobody wants to die a coward.


Just you saying that shows that you have no clue what you're talking about in a situation like this.





Haha well I liked what he said lol But yeah man don't do it, really isn't worth all the pain and trouble for your family to go though. Even though at times where you think that is the best option, DO NOT TAKE IT!! There are other was you can handle this.


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Xaeraz, on , said:


I get down sometimes. Low down. I get over it.


Thanks for all the kind words, guys.

Seek professional help now. I know this sounds over-the-top, but the moment you start feeling suicidal you have slipped past the realm of depression and anxiety that is bearable for most people, and even if you were to "get over it" on your own, these feelings and issues can leave terrible emotional and mental scars that will affect you the rest of your life. You need to see a professional counselor or psychologist who specializes in depression.


From my experience, the mental scarring has already happened before the suicdal thoughts & actions come in.

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DeeVee, on , said:



Xaeraz, on , said:


I get down sometimes. Low down. I get over it.


Thanks for all the kind words, guys.

Seek professional help now. I know this sounds over-the-top, but the moment you start feeling suicidal you have slipped past the realm of depression and anxiety that is bearable for most people, and even if you were to "get over it" on your own, these feelings and issues can leave terrible emotional and mental scars that will affect you the rest of your life. You need to see a professional counselor or psychologist who specializes in depression.


From my experience, the mental scarring has already happened before the suicdal thoughts & actions come in.

Not always, no. The scarring comes from not getting your stuff worked out.

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Throwing my lot in with Deevs here; talk with your therapist about this. It's what s/he's there for. And it's good that you're talking with the person who set this off; it's better to try and work things out than to avoid them altogether.


Keep us posted; these comments should be more than proof enough we're listening. :)

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:kaukau: I've never seriously considered doing it before. Maybe that puts me in a place to offer some consolidation, maybe not. The reason I always reasoned against it was that, hey, if there's a life after death, the Big Guy Upstairs might not be incredibly happy that I was so selfish to go and off myself to solve a temporary problem while hurting everyone close to me in the process.


I'm not really concerned that you'll actually do it, but I do hope you end up feeling better and get out of this trough. Watch It's a Wonderful Life, To Kill A Mockingbird, Schindler's List, Dead Poet's Society, and a whole lot of Disney. Something that helps you realize that life is wonderful.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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Watch It's a Wonderful Life, To Kill A Mockingbird, Schindler's List, Dead Poet's Society,

You honestly could not have chosen a worse list to recommend for this scenario.


Xaeraz, as a person that has had to talk people off of figurative and literal ledges, I would not recommend listening to advice on the internet from strangers. It's not anyone's fault for their ignorance, because unless you've been there, you cannot justifiably seperate depression from sadness.


Please listen to Pat's (AKA DV) advice.

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