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R P G Tech Planning Entry

Blessed Blade


This is the entry for the new RPG Grochi's thinking up that'll span the entire Matoran Universe; or rather, to think up and discuss tech in it.


We've already discussed teleport Kanoka, which is a good idea to me.


Also, just to mention, it might be a good idea to follow the entry, if only just to get notifications of it; my blog doesn't usually stay on the first page much.


Want me to add any links to the contest topic?



Shadows Of A Doubt


Tech Stuff:


All in-universe technology is present, along with teleport systems.


The teleport system is based off the Matoran Universe's newly discovered natural power source; however, it's unknown how that works, though a Toa of Lightning is required to regulate the power, and coordinates to get to the correct location. However, Voya Nui, Mahri Nui, and Mata Nui do not have teleport systems.


The teleporters are called 'Shift Gates' by the major organizations, and just plain 'Gates' by the normal Matoran and Toa.


The teleporters resemble a fusion between Star Gates, and the teleporter pads from Star Trek.


Story Stuff:


The first main plot is of a cold war between different factions in the Matoran Universe.


The second main plot is of rebuilding on Voya Nui and Mata Nui.


Possible side plot to find the Great Beings.


This takes place less than a year after the Great Cataclysm.


There will only be a few Makuta who are actually free; the rest will be imprisoned in Toa Seals, especially Teridax, who is still imprisoned.


Those Makuta are Icarax, Mutran, Bitil, Gorast, Miserix, Tridax, Vamprah, and Krika, currently.


The reason for the Dark Hunters and the Brotherhood of Makuta fighting each other, is because word got to The Shadowed One that Teridax was the one who killed Nidhiki and Krekka. Therefore, the Brotherhood, desiring the Vahi, struck first, and started the war.


Story Summarizations:


Inside the Matoran Universe:

It's been a year since the Great Cataclysm. Teridax is still trapped in his Toa Seal, and in his absence, Icarax is running the Brotherhood. What they are planning is unknown


The Visorak army, lead by Sidorak and Roodaka, has invaded Metru-Nui and mutated most of its Rahi. The Rahaga have been trying to save the Rahi, but every passing day the situation looks worse.


On the island of Zakaz, the Skakdi have finally united themselves and have become allies with the Dark Hunters, whose base is on Odina.


The Toa have been fighting both the Brotherhood and the Dark Hunters in an attempt to reestablish peace in the universe. They have a few bases, but not too many. The Toa, unbeknownst to them, have been secretly aided by the Order of Mata-Nui, whose headquarters are on the island of Daxia. You can only join the Order on a special invitation with Helryx's approval.


The Vortixx, inhabitants of Xia, have become weapons manufacturers and dealers to all sides. They are relatively neutral, but a few have left to join whichever side they fancy.


For the outside, Jovan has just died, Mahri-Nui (not named so, as of yet) has been created as a secondary part to Voya-Nui on the volcanic outcropping, the chord connected Voya-Nui to the pit, multiple tribes of Zyglak taking main residence there.


Mata-Nui's matoran have been making significant strides in their efforts to rebuild, with Toa showing up in Voya-Nui fairly often, taking boat rides to Mata-Nui. Trade has been established between the two island nations.


The Barraki are attempting to re-instate their legions with other survivors of the pit and various Rahi, along with discovering the usefulness of the sea squids and the electric eels. Ehlek is constructing their fortress, as well. They are, on a side note, searching for a way to regain their former power and forms.


They have made expeditions to the chord, opening up the bottom of it. It has been lightly flooded near the bottom, though it is still mainly a dry, air-filled hollow stone lance. Zyglak run freely through it, as well as other, more...sinister things.


Species and Characters:


Great Beings are being considered for the RPG as NPCs.


A species is currently being thought up for expansion or creation.


The Rahaga are indeed still Rahaga, and Sidorak is still alive; this take place before Roodaka's defeat, in a different universe, as per current plans.


The Toa Metru are Turaga now, having skipped becoming Toa Hordika.


There will be a limit of eight characters, due to the massive size of this RPG.


Staff members are limited by the eight character limit for the most part, but Staff Characters do not apply to the rule.


The Visorak will indeed be serving the Brotherhood of Makuta, and, more specifically, are currently infesting Metru Nui still.


The Piraka are still with the Dark Hunters. Vezon has not been created.


Takanuva would only be around as Takua, at this point in time.


Location Stuff:


This, again, will span the entire Matoran Universe.


This includes the island of Mata Nui, Voya Nui, The Pit, and Mahri Nui.







The Toa and Matoran are the typical citizens; and while there is a Toa Army, the Toa never kill anyone, so in a way, the Toa are just empowered citizens willing to fight for what they believe in. They wish to take on all evil, however, their main goal is to defend their home islands.




The Turaga will try to tell you that there are no such things as Zyglak. They will try to make you think there aren't beings who can send diseases which can kill you in seconds through skin contact. They will tell you that your powers over the elements can affect anything. That nothing can resist your powers. Under no circumstances should you believe them.


Born of the Great Beings' failure, they rose up from the excretion of the first Matoran, they came up from the garbage that was a side product of such creation. For years, they have hated us. Hated you. Hated Mata Nui. They have crawled in the pits deeper than anyone dare go. But now? Now, we can't trust them to be so subtle.


-Order of Mata Nui-


The Order of Mata Nui is a secret faction, unknown to most normal beings, who attempt to keep the peace in the Matoran Universe. Their leader is Helryx, Toa of Water. They hate people who try to disrupt the correct workings of the Universe, and therefore, hate the Brotherhood of Makuta, and the Dark Hunters.


-Dark Hunters-


The Dark Hunters are effectively the Bounty Hunters of the universe. Led by the enigmatic 'The Shadowed One', the Dark Hunters continually fight with the Brotherhood of Makuta and Toa, in order to take over different islands. They especially hate the Brotherhood of Makuta, if only because they always get in the way of the Dark Hunters.


-Brotherhood of Makuta-


The Brotherhood of Makuta is a group that was once effectively the bodyguards of the universe, however, after Teridax went rogue, they dropped all pretenses of that, instead attempting to control the Universe. The Makuta have almost all been sealed, however; though they still have armies that they can command, in order to get their goals completed. They hate the Dark Hunters badly, since they see the Dark Hunters as being in their way of universal domination.


-Scythe of the Makuta- (BoM Sub-Faction)

When the Toa first began capturing Makuta and sealing them in Toa Seals, nearly the entire leadership of the Brotherhood was cancelled, leaving only Icarax, Vamprah, and Krika. Icarax soon rallied the best and most skilled of the Brotherhood together and began a crusade across the universe to free the captive Makuta by killing the Toa responsible and using specially crafted scythes to 'reap' their elemental energy and redirect it to the Seals. Since then, the Scythe has successfully freed all other Makuta listed on this page. They remain under the command of the battle-hungry Icarax, and count amongst their numbers some of the fiercest Brotherhood warriors in the universe.

Symbol - A black scythe on a patch of blood over a black background. The point where the blade affixes to the shaft of the scythe is marked with the symbol of the Brotherhood.

Goals - Free imprisoned members of the Brotherhood.

Leader - Makuta Icarax

Base - Destral


-League of Six Kingdoms-


On cold nights, when Matoran huddle around a campfire, they speak in hushed tones of the six beings- the devil at their helm -who were sent to the most indestructible prison and came back even more powerful than before. Matoran lay awake at night, fearful of the forces that could overcome their protectors at any moment, loot their villages, and enslave them. Conquest in the Matoran Universe is never at such as scale as when the League of Six Kingdoms decides who's next.




Imagine an entire species, an entire faction, who cares nothing about the sides, the reasons. Who doesn't care who wins, or who loses. Only who has the most money. They would supply the darkest force, or the wickedest of armies with all they need...for the right price. Imagining all that, you've come to the Vortixx. They are the only truly neutral group, not bothering with sides. They have the most advanced tech, and most are extremely rich.


-Unnamed Custom Species-


Nothing is known about this species yet.




Work in progress

Goals: To be determined

Leader: Nektann?

Allies: Dark Hunters

Base: Zakaz

Symbol: Unknown, possibly Skakdi face.


-Voice of Artakha-


The Voice of Artakha is a group based on having true 'good' or 'light' morals; they detest evil, and wish to eradicate it from the universe. The best equivalent, is to a group of Paladins. They attempt to follow the Toa Code as much as possible, even for members who are not Toa, however, that is not always possible with their goals, causing slight discontent with other groups at times. They hate all evil, shown by their quest to eliminate all sources of evil.

Goals: Destroy all evil.

Leader: Unknown, as of yet.

Base: Nynrah

Symbol: Unknown


Potential Player Factions


Great Beings?





Kal Grochi - The Creator - Krika, Teridax, Artahka, Miserix, Jaller, Garan, Zaktan, Ehlek, and Axonn.

Blade - The Chronicler - Voice of Artakha Leader, and Bitil?




BenLuke-116 - The Bounty Hunter - The Shadowed One, Ancient, Nektann.

Belthnor - The Biologist - Spiriah, Dalu, Sentrakh, and Mazeka.

KNI - The Warlord - Tridax, Krakua, Defilak, Reidak, and Lesovikk

Krayzikk: Champion of RPGs - The Shadow - Vamprah, Brutaka, Thok, Darkness, Nuparu

Toa Levacius Zehvor - The Cartographer - Icarax, Vultraz, Ahkmou, Lariska, Conjurer, Johmak, and Voporak.

Toa Xemnas of Crystal - The Protector - Mutran, Vican, Helryx, Jerbraz, Tobduk, Velika, and Trinuma.





Tabby: Toa of Cats - The Engineer - Phantom and Gaardus


Doctor Wotz - The Artist- Roodaka, Takua, Vezok


TX Wade


Recommended Comments

I am indeed lurking, and if you don't mind would like to join in this brainstorming session before I disappear for half a week, as it sounds interesting. The number of players required for a universe-wide RPG is huge, so something like this could wind up very large. I have at least one idea for tech, based on the Mask of Conjuring, which could be related to how the Nynrah ghosts make things.


Essentially, the idea is that the earliest craftsmen on Nynrah created an altered version of the Conjuring mask material, which could "connect" with any material, reveal it's programming and permanently change it. There obviously need to be some limiters on this, such as how powerful something can be made, and time consumption of this process could obviously be another.


Also, a question you should consider- are you planning to allow common custom elements, such as Acid, Crystal, and Kinetics, and if so, which ones?

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I think I got everything; just in time, too. xD


Tabby: I think we should allow some custom elements, though which ones might be based on the circumstances, and what we discuss in general, during this round of brainstorming. =)

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Realistically, I don't think we could get six people apart from the current staff to play the League of Six Kingdoms. Asking anyone from Techna, you'll realize how much I love those guys. If allowed, I would enjoy plotting for them.


However, I would like to choose an assistant Henchmen to help with this ostentatious group.

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Also, @Tabby: What Blade said. :P


Now, for the story outlines-Xemnas came up with the outline for those inside the MU, I came up with the outline for the pit, Voya/Mahri-Nui, and Mata-Nui.

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On the subject of the 'Kuta I'd control, I would request that Vamprah be put in the list, perhaps in place of Chirox. After all, his role was almost identical to Mutran's.


But if not, then Mutran could be fun.

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Inside the Matoran Universe:

It's been a year since the Great Cataclysm. Teridax is still trapped in his Toa Seal, and in his absence, Icarax is running the Brotherhood. What they are planning is unknown


The Visorak army, lead by Sidorak and Roodaka, has invaded Metru-Nui and mutated most of its Rahi. The Rahaga have been trying to save the Rahi, but every passing day the situation looks worse.


On the island of Zakaz, the Skakdi have finally united themselves and have become allies with the Dark Hunters, whose base is on Odina.


The Toa have been fighting both the Brotherhood and the Dark Hunters in an attempt to reestablish peace in the universe. They have a few bases, but not too many. The Toa, unbeknownst to them, have been secretly aided by the Order of Mata-Nui, whose headquarters are on the island of Artahka. You can only join the Order on a special invitation with Helryx's approval.


The Vortixx, inhabitants of Xia, have become weapons manufacturers and dealers to all sides. They are relatively neutral, but a few have left to join whichever side they fancy.

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Wow. This is amazing. Too bad I won't be able to join. :/ But this looks very promising. But I wonder, could you assign each 'henchmen' to a specific island for the players? It's like being the Makuta of an island, but you aren't actually there. Rather you moderate it instead.

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On the subject of the 'Kuta I'd control, I would request that Vamprah be put in the list, perhaps in place of Chirox. After all, his role was almost identical to Mutran's.


But if not, then Mutran could be fun.

Sorry, I already called Mutran.

Yes, I did come up with the story outline for the inside of the MU using my intellectual genius. :P

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For the outside, Jovan has just died, Mahri-Nui (not named so, as of yet) has been created as a secondary part to Voya-Nui on the volcanic outcropping, the chord connected Voya-Nui to the pit, multiple tribes of Zyglak taking main residence there.


Mata-Nui's matoran have been making significant strides in their efforts to rebuild, with Toa showing up in Voya-Nui fairly often, taking boat rides to Mata-Nui. Trade has been established between the two island nations.


The Barraki are attempting to re-instate their legions with other survivors of the pit and various Rahi, along with discovering the usefulness of the sea squids and the electric eels. Ehlek is constructing their fortress, as well. They are, on a side note, searching for a way to regain their former power and forms.


They have made expeditions to the chord, opening up the bottom of it. It has been lightly flooded near the bottom, though it is still mainly a dry, air-filled hollow stone lance. Zyglak run freely through it, as well as other, more...sinister things.

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Those are the story outlines.


And Belthnor, that's actually a wonderful idea. If you want, I'll let you be a henchmen.


Now, my friends, it is time for the seperation.


Those of you who wish to be full staff, say 'Staff.'


Those who wish to be staff henchmen, say 'Henchmen.'


If you all say Staff, I'll have to seperate you myself.


One problem - the Order of Mata-Nui is based on Daxia, not Artahka. Nobody is allowed on Artahka because of the Brotherhood attack so long ago.


Woops, looks like I missed that in my proofread of his material.


(Comments merged, please do not double comment. -Kohaku)

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Alright: Xemnas, Lev, KNI, Blade, and Krayzikk are on the current list of official staff.


Staff: Xemnas, Lev, KNI, Blade, Krayzikk.

Henchmen: MicroSnipe.


(Comments merged, please do not double comment. -Kohaku)

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Aw, thanks! I'll accept that. This is amazing, as I have stated before, just because I have never seen anything like it. :)


If you are okay, Staff. Or not.

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