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Premier Membership Giveaway!



(Apologies for bumping this so many times - just wanted to be sure people on BZP at different times would get the chance to see it, especially with the blogs being the way they are at the moment.)


Hey there! Title drew you in, eh? Sounds good. Well, it's exactly as the title says: In celebration of BZP's 11th, I'm holding a Premier Membership giveaway. Why? 'Cause I'm sweet like that. And more importantly because I remember wanting a premier membership way back when and not being able to get one, and now that I actually have a job that enables me to donate ~$50 to BZP and not break my budget, I may as well spread the love a bit rather than just make a boring old donation.


So! Here are the important details. Read this before entering.


I will be giving away three one-year PMships via random drawing. The drawing will take place at 7:00 PM PST, Sunday, July 29th. Entrants' names will be collected into a list, which will be randomized through random.org. The top three names will receive a one-year PMship through BZP's store.


Who can enter?

Anyone who doesn't have a PMship may enter. However, if you can buy a PMship, I would prefer you don't enter. Like I said in the opening thing up there, I remember being young with no way of paying anything over the internet, and certainly no way of convincing my parents to buy something over the internet on my behalf. (A paid membership to a forum? I'd have been lucky if they didn't try to sue Dimensioneer and co. for fraud.) So ideally I'd like to get these out to members who want a PMship but cannot purchase one due to financial or logistical reasons. Obviously, if it turns out there are no such people around, I'll relax this.


This also has the added benefit of BZP not losing out on the support from anyone who was planning to buy a PMship and then happened to win one.


How do I enter?

Just comment on this entry!


Can I enter on someone else's behalf?

Sure, but to keep this from just turning into a popularity contest, there is a one-person-one-entry limit. If you want to enter on someone else's behalf, you're going to have to announce that person in your comment - and then, of course, if that other person enters for themselves, your entry is essentially null. Basically, do this if you've got a friend who's out of town for the duration of the entry period or something like that.


What happens if I win?

I'll send you a PM with a voucher for BZP's store worth a 1-year PMship.


Why 1-year memberships?

Seems appropriate for an anniversary, doesn't it? Also, lifetime is crazy expensive and 6-month is comparatively poor value.


Best of luck to everyone!


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Lifetime is ridiculously expensive.


It would it self off in a few years, if the site is still around. :P


Sure, add me in, I just want to see my chances for this.

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I'm not entering, but GSR wins the awesome award for the day month year. Just thought that needed saying.

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:kaukau: I just thought I'd say that you're being a wonderfully generous person, GSR, and I admire your selflessness.


Not entering on the basis that I bought my own Lifetime Premier Membership, of course.



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If you win, can you give the PM-ship to someone else?


I mean it is a voucher, so it's not like I'd have any way to stop you, haha. Like I said above though I want to give everyone a fair shake; as long as you're not entering just to act as a second entry for someone else, go ahead and give it away or trade it or do whatever with it.

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If I know where to go to beat you up for not giving it to me, do I win all three of them?


Regardless, I'm in.

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I'm in. So this comment counts as my entry?


Yep. Nothing else you need to do now.

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I can buy Premier Membership, so I won't enter. However, I thought I should let you know that it's fantastic that you are doing this. :)


-Gata signoff.png

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