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You're Looking At Them!

Takuma Nuva


Man, it's so late now that I'm worried I might have forgotten stuff, so please excuse me if I did. Also, I have yet to pack so I'm going to have to try and make this shorter...


So we showed up at BFair a little earlier today making sure to get the last pictures we wanted. I took two more sweeps through the vendors today and STILL there was nothing there I wanted to buy! If only we had been able to go to the LEGO Store... :(


There were a couple chicks from the LEGO Friends Design team there this morning. I didn't really talk to them, but I said "Good Morning" as I passed by once.


Black Six had a birthday today. We sang for him but he threatened to ban us all (ungrateful no-good sunuvaburnak :angry:).


He also knocked the LED visor clip lights off my cap, sending it crashing to the hard floor and scattering parts everywhere. I put the batteries back in, but it would only light up for a couple seconds at a time. Eventually it stopped working all together. Sixxer tried to fix it, but failed at first. I suggested duck tape. Lo and behold, he pulls some out. I wasn't watching him, but he did manage to fix it. I'm just kinda surprised that it didn't take six months...


There was much singing of SPIRIT songs and dancing (Zatth and I invented a dance now dubbed "The Minnesota Reel"). Rayg said he wanted enough clips for 5 days of news, so we danced even more and recorded it all (or at least most)!


We also made a big hat pile. It was awesome and stuff.


AT, LM, my cousin, and I left briefly so that we could get some lunch at Burger King. Ugh. It was terrible. The place was inexcusably messy and it took us too long to get our food IMHO. I'm pretty sure it was because they were understaffed, but how could they seriously not have planned ahead for Brickfair???


Wasn't wearing a brony shirt today so I didn't get stopped this time. I did see a very young kid wearing a "20% Cooler" shirt as he passed by though, so I totally gave him a brohoof. His parents grinned and/or chuckled.


Waffles and Kothra where pseudo-there thanks to the power of modern magic. Guess it was better than nothing.


After the fair was over, we pitched in to help clean up. I gave a hand putting away some MOCs, collecting the foam floor pads, folding table covers, etc. Then came closing ceremonies. My cousin got a freakin' HUGE LOTR set! I can't believe it! All I have to say is that it is a good thing I went and hunted him down just in time for him to sign up for door prizes! Also, there was one of those master builder-type Star Destroyers. What annoys me is that they went to somebody who wasn't even around. Somebody ran over to get him and he just walked up, grabbed it, and then went back to what he was doing. It should have gone to somebody who was actually paying attention to the ceremonies if you ask me. <_<


After that, Sisen, Zatth, Sumiki, Brickeens, my cousin, Avohkah Tamer, Spink, Disky, Bionicle Raptor, and I went to Longhorn Steakhouse for our own special dinner. Crazy thing is, who'd have thunk we'd be going to the restaurant with those two LEGO designers from Denmark! Sisen and I even sprung to buy them both some key lime pie ('cuz we're just fly like that). REALLY wish Zatth had mentioned he didn't have money for dinner though! Good grief, man!


Afterwards was one of the saddest parts. We had to say goodbye to Sumiki. :cry:


Anyways, we went back to the hotel at that point. We hung out in my hotel room for a while and even managed to video skype with Bfahome, Emperor Whenua, and Kohaku..... ALL AT THE SAME TIME! It was a grand old time and a great finish to an amazing vacation...


Tomorrow, Windrider is going to take us to the train station. I don't want to go back! I seriously could almost cry...


I'm gonna miss you guys so much!


Takuma Nuva


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So how many times did I take your life this weekend?

Almost as many times as I got brohooves on Saturday. Almost...

i wish i could've stayed for dinner D:


anyway yesss, awesome time, and we miss you too Tak!

I know! It would have been even more awesome with you around! :(


Takuma Nuva

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