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Mysterious Mata-Nui Stories Holiday Exchange

Takuma Nuva


So, I just had this brilliant idea.


Okay, maybe I didn't JUST have it. This was actually an idea I proposed to Hahli Husky but she is unable to host it at this time.


So here's the idea. You know those "Secret Santa" things where everybody gets a gift for some other random person in the pool? I thought it would be a neat idea to do something like that on BZPower, only stories.


So, here's the idea. When you sign up, you send in the premise for a short story/comedy. Anything you can conceive (within the rules, of course).


Next, all the entries get jumbled up and handed out to the participants. They must write a story/comedy based on the premise assigned to them (of course, it is the writer's choice whether it ends up as a serious story or a comedy).


Then we'll just all post our new stories sometime around the holiday season and see what the other authors did with our ideas!


So, anyone interested? C'mon, don't be pansies! Even if you don't do much writing normally, it's only 300 words! If enough people are go for it, I'll call for submissions pretty quick here so that everyone has enough time.



Takuma Nuva


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Sounds like a great idea. I'd join, but I've never managed to complete any story for BZP. So I'd most likely wind up letting somebody down.
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