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Muscle and Fitness

Jean Valjean






:kaukau: I bought this the day after my great transminnesotan bike ride. So long as I'm working to be in shape, I'm going to aim to look like Superman, except my face won't look as ugly as Henry Cavill's.

Also, I bought this shirt to work out in, since I don't like lifting while wearing sleeves and I also wanted something Superman-related to motivate me. I love it, and I'm going to wear it a lot. There's a similar Batman tanktop, for anyone who's interested.


I work out pretty hard, but unfortunately I only know the "ups", as in sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, and chin-ups. Those are healthy, but far from a comprehensive workout routine that gets every area of my body, and I really want to take better care of it since I only have one life to live and sometimes it gets very annoying when I have to use a muscle that I haven't used in a while and realize that I've been a poor steward to my body. Ergo, I paid for this, knowing that the worst case scenario was that I only wasted seven dollars, but more likely I will actually have a more solid and consistent routine now that I have something written down to follow.


It helps that I'm naturally very strong and can bench a couple hundred pounds after a long hiatus (Tempted to make a Dos Equis reference here: "I don't work out often, but when I do, I prefer to listen to barbershop quartets."). I'm surprisingly skinny in spite of it, so it should be interesting to see what my strength to muscle mass ratio is going to look like as I progress these next few months. If I'm lucky, I just might maintain that extraordinary strength even as I get promoted to a geriatric gentleman.


"Can this be true? I don't believe what I see! A man your age to be as strong as you are..."


(There are characters who inspire me more than Superman, you know)


Stay healthy, my friends.




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Oh come on. Cavill isn't that bad. You don't even need a grade curve to give him at least a seven. Maaaaybe a six. But really anything 5+ is fine.

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:kaukau: My sister calls him "butt face." I'd give him a 4. Maybe a 4.5. Hardly worth having a man crush on. A much hotter British actor would be Matt Smith. He's good looking.


If you want a solid 10, go look at Paul Newman, John Schneider, James Stewart, and Colm Wilkinson. They are the epitomes of handsomeness. If I had a choice between dinner with one of those guys or dinner with the most beautiful woman in the world, I'm going to disappoint the lady.



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If you want a solid 10, go look at Paul Newman, John Schneider, James Stewart, and Colm Wilkinson. They are the epitomes of handsomeness. If I had a choice between dinner with one of those guys or dinner with the most beautiful woman in the world, I'm going to disappoint the lady.

This statement flies in the face of everything I thought I knew about you.

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:kaukau: Okay. How about Benedict Cumberbatch? That looks he gives Kirk when they first meet on Kronos. His eyes were so piercing. It was intense. And that voice. If I were to socialize and share a toast with him for only the briefest moment, I just might catch some of his alpha male presence and henceforth bask in the adoration of swooning admirers. They'd have to add "Kragghophile" to the dictionary as it came into common use.



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A much hotter British actor would be Matt Smith. He's good looking.



Physical description: Looks like the eleventh Doctor


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As a bisexual guy in the transition to becoming a gay one, I can say that his face isn't bad at all. Granted I wouldn't give it a 10/10, but I'd give it like a 7.5/10.

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:kaukau: @Kohrak Kal: Thanks for the advice. I definitely appreciate it and will give it a try.


@Sinclair: thumbs up! I feel very sad about leaving the show, though.


@Gato: I'm going to go with my sisters' opinions on this. They each gave him a 3/10. Of course, they're heterosexual females vs you being a gay man, and everyone's standards are different anyway, so there's really no standard opinion (because attractiveness being subjective is old news).


This does remind me of an old preponderance of mine though: do gay man generally find the same things attractive as heterosexual women?



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