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Kumu Islets Discussion, BZPRPG 2013



Hello members of the Kumu Islets expedition plot! I'd like to hear you're ideas for what happened during the time skip as a comment below. I will morph the official outcome of our adventures in this post as our comments grow. Once we've decided, we can get on with the RPing.




THE KUMU ISLETS, What Happened

  • During the events in the lighthouse, the cannibals were finally eradicated by the upper level survivors, despite the attempts at peace talks by the Marines. However, the onu-lesterin who led the marauding group of bottomless stomachs wounded Corporal Mons Shajs with shots from his technologically advanced weapon. Shajs was returned to the Invincible, and seemed to recover quickly from his wounds. Little did he know what was in store.
  • The refugees led by Gabel began to fight amongst themselves over who could sail back to the mainland first, leading to a large scale elimination of most of the population. In the fighting, Vice-Captain Iraira's old injury flared up and she received a gash to her bad leg. (If you want to receive wounds from combat, this is the time to do it.)
  • Gabel was KIA, the onu-lesterin was captured and imprisoned on the Infernavika after a successful ambush by members of Lohkar's crew. (The Angler's fate is now up to Ghosthand's: does he live, die, or get sent to prison with the Marines, or something entirely different?)
  • The lighthouse remained, haunted by the temple squid, as a location marker on the nautical maps made by the dive team. Iraira made plans for the new koro to be erected under Ga-Wahi's protection.
  • Everyone not dead sailed back to Ga-Koro, where they have since returned to daily activities.
  • Kavala is in Ga-Koro prison, calling for a trial against his treatment by the explorers.


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I'm incredibly dissapointed we didn't get to properly explore the lighthouse and the sunken city.


I'd prefer the characters getting trapped there for the duration of the timeskip, forced to coexist among the cannibals and Makuta worshipers, but I guess that isn't the general wish.

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I'm incredibly dissapointed we didn't get to properly explore the lighthouse and the sunken city.


I'd prefer the characters getting trapped there for the duration of the timeskip, forced to coexist among the cannibals and Makuta worshipers, but I guess that isn't the general wish.

I to am significantly disappointed, given the amount of time I spent planning this adventure for people and getting staff approvals for a ton of stuff you don't get to do in the end. Being trapped is an interesting idea. Let's see what other players think. :)

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I'm pretty disappointed myself about not being able to actually do anything in there. XD


While being trapped does sound somewhat unlikely, it could work. Or maybe the cannibals barricaded themselves in and have finally gotten hungry enough to open up or something?

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So... maybe we've been holding the cannibals in a sort of 'siege/stand-off' situation for the duration of the timeskip?

Whatever we decide, though, I'm perfectly fine with it, and it's not like Krios himself has much choice in the matter. :P

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I was thinking more along the line of a freak storm makes our mode of transport unavailable, putting us in the same position as the residents of the tower.

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Hm. Remember that temple squid? It was gonna' have a reappearance and go kraken on the ships sometime around when they needed to get OUT of the place. If players want to be stranded, they can lose The Invincible to the squid, making only one ship possible for escape. However, this would mean Kavala died in the destruction, or was mortally wounded and had to be medically attended to in the lighthouse.

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Hmmm, I like the kraken idea. It's a good excuse for their departure being delayed. Of course, we'd have to address the issue of eventually getting away from the lighthouse, which could be problematic. Does one group sail to the mainland, drop off a bunch of passengers and come back or something?

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I don't know about the expedition as such, but I know Kavala's next move would be to sue the entire crew upon arrival in Ga-Koro. Did the group keep him captive until they reached the village? What are they planning on doing with him? Kavala has his own plans and is confident that he won't get any prison sentence.

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My primary concern with the idea of the ships being capsized is that I personally would prefer the Infernavika to not be damaged all that much. While such damage could probably be repaired, if it was possible to easily repair the damage to the ships then we wouldn't need to be stranded in the first place.


Also my character at least is reliant on the Vika or at least her crew to have anything to do at all in the RPG, but that's just a personal issue.

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The 'Vika wouldn't necessarily have to be damaged, though. With the Invincible gone, a group could have sailed the 'Vika back to Ga-Koro to pick up supplies, drop off Shajs (Sorry if I spelled that wrong) and Kavala, etc. A bit unlikely, perhaps, but it's a fair way to deal with having some of the characters back on the mainland if we want to go through the lighthouse.

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Perhaps some of the team (the ones currently in the lighthouse?) are stuck there- maybe captured by one of the two groups?


The Invincible is destroyed by the big squid monster, and the survivors of the wreck either make it to the lighthouse or get to the Infernavika. The Infernavika returns to Ga-Koro and drops off the wounded, gets supplies, and begins it's return journey to rescue the stranded people in the lighthouse.

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Disappointing as it is, I feel it's time we move forward in the general plot. Times are shifting, and characters need to be available to address these new game elements without being bogged down in a dataclysmic plot.

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I see you've put the Angler's fate up to me...interesting. Could Lohkar have gone down to fight him personally, and in the process ended up finding some lovely loot in his lair that he 'forgot' to tell the Marines about? ;)

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Yep. Within reason. You can't get any new foreign technology, but anything else is pretty much fair game. I want everyone to make up personal plots involving the basic gestalt of the events above.

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About Gabel: she could be a prisoner as well, perhaps another coming down with the sickness.


About the Angler: what's up with his shotgun? Could a flashback fight allow the winner to take it?

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*checks 'What Happened' notice*

Looks fine to me. Back to Ga-Koro with Krios, and several thousand widgets the richer! (Not to mention all the jewels, art items, three of Captain Iraira's personal throwing stars, etc., etc., etc.) :D

Fame, fortune, and good physiological health to go with it! Looks like it's time for the black-clad gambler to split, folks; was an excellent, entertaining BZPRPG subplot, and I want to extend a particular thanks to Kughii for masterminding it.

See you all in future days. PM me if anyone needs their wallets cleaned out. ;)

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