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Garreg Mach

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The BZPower Times:

BZ-METRU, FEB. 11 – Notorious criminal mastermind “Xaeraz” escaped from custody late last night after being caught last week for vandalizing the BZ-Metru Bank and being arrested on a number of charges including first degree murder and suspected terrorism. Xaeraz levelled the entire villain containment centre in the Ga-Metru, freeing thousands of criminals in the process. Reports are estimating that forty guards were killed and an additional sixty more were injured.


The Turaga issued a statement earlier this morning reminding Matoran to report any sightings of Xaeraz to the Vahki enforcers and Metru Police Force, with additional warnings to stay away from the wanted criminal.


BZ-METRU, FEB. 12 – In response to the recent increase in terrorist activity and the escape of wanted criminal Xaeraz, the Metru-Nui Turaga have announced a news conference to be given on the island town of BZ-Koro in three days time to address the issues of security that are plaguing the country.


BZ-METRU, FEB. 13 – Late last night, a message was discovered scrawled onto the walls of the Coliseum, warning the Turaga of Metru-Nui to cancel the upcoming address in BZ-Koro. Three witnesses were interrogated regarding the responsible party’s identity, but all three died of unknown causes before questioning could be completed.


The Turaga have stated that the message will have no effect on the timing of the speech, although it was later announced that only two of the previous six Turaga announced to be attending will be present at the conference hall on Saturday.


“Still looking at those scraps of paper?”


The Matoran glanced up from the numerous paper cuttings strewn across the table of the cafe, located right next to the window. Grimacing, he offered the seat across from him to the newcomer, who accepted it.


“Voltex, you’re worrying about nothing,” the newcomer (a Matoran of Lightning) said. “Nothing is going to happen at this conference.”


“You don’t know that, Blade.” Voltex said absently, still inspecting the scraps of various articles. “I met Xaeraz once... it was terrifying.”


“The security at the conference is going to be top of the line, though,” Blade said.


“Security all over the country is top-notch right now and he’s still finding ways to blow up our biggest prisons,” Voltex said, pointing towards a clip detailing the destruction of a series of holding cells in Ko-Metru three weeks prior.


Blade grimaced before changing the subject. “Did you accept that application to the Metru-Nui Police Force?”


“Of course not,” Voltex said, laughing nervously as he adjusted his Volitak.


“But gravity! That’d be so useful for law enforcement!” Blade exclaimed in mock surprise.


“So is lightning,” Voltex noted, “but you didn’t accept it either.”


As Blade mumbled something about Toa being lame under his breath, a Matoran cloaked all in black stepped up beside them. Flinching, Voltex scrambled to gather the newspapers, dumping them all unceremoniously into the pack sitting beside him on the floor. The cloaked Matoran said nothing, instead handing two sealed envelopes to the seated Matoran and then vanishing back into the crowd.


“What are these?” Blade asked.


“Must be an invitation of some sort,” Voltex said, “or we’re the targets of an assassination.”


“...should we just leave them?” Blade asked, before realizing that Voltex was already opening his. “Voltex! What if they’re poisoned?!”


“Oops,” the other Matoran said, not caring at all. “They are invitations, actually. To... the conference....”


Voltex sighed and flopped back into his seat as Blade tossed his unopened envelope back onto the table. Their gazes met and Voltex sighed again. “Should we go?”


“It’s dangerous to refuse the wishes of the Turaga,” Blade said. “They aren’t the most benevolent of rulers.”


“Then it’s settled,” Voltex said, standing. “Let’s go to that conference and die.”


The two stood to their feet and shook hands before exiting the cafe and heading their separate ways.


There you go - what was the point of this teaser, you ask? Merely to announce the title of the epic, which should release next week:


Bionicle Mafia Uprising: Book 1 - Isolation


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Kinda figures that Blade would end up being Voltex's best friend. But as his friend, I want to be EPICLY AWESOME AND EPIC TO!!1111one


Nah, just kidding. Do what the RNG says I guess.

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Even which people die at which moments?

I must predict what I will be... Ax-Crazy? No, Xaeraz has that taken... Sarcastic and witty? Maybe... Scared hapless? Probably, what with my luck... Charming and suave? Meh, doubt it. Gah, so many choices!

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I like the part where you implied that my Mafia persona has remotely enough sanity and planning capability to be a "mastermind."

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I like the part where you implied that my Mafia persona has remotely enough sanity and planning capability to be a "mastermind."

That version of you controls your RNG :P
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