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Garreg Mach

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These are the moments where I hate myself



For those of you not aware: for the past... well, ever since the second half of Grade 10, I've been in the IB programme (it's a really advanced bobbery sort of school class deal). This involves being with the same group of people for what will, in 3 months time, for 2 and a half years in all but a VERY small minority of classes.

(All of my classes are with the group this year)


I'm asking one of the girls in said class to prom tomorrow... which obviously isn't THAT big a deal...


Except that I've always had an imagination too big for my head, and it is now racing through every possible scenario in which she says no and my life subsequently turns into a horror show of awkwardness, embarrassment and all sorts of other things at school. Uggggh.


I'll still be asking, but why can't I just be normal for like 24 hours pleeeeeease




In other news, as I have been unable to concentrate on getting it done, there is a 95% chance that the next chapter of Isolation will be delayed.


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What do you mean a small minority of classes? I'm doing full IB and most of my classes are the same general group, with TOK of course being the only class to have only full-IB students.

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Perhaps my phrasing was not as effective as it could have been - I was saying that there are a couple classes in the past two years (film, writer's craft, art) that were not with the other IB students.

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also that is the most normal thing to ever have happen. my brain runs through possible future scenarios as well and it just sucks


I think most people do this

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also that is the most normal thing to ever have happen. my brain runs through possible future scenarios as well and it just sucks


I think most people do this


Not much of a relief

but at least people know my pain .__.

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Trust me, it's actually a useful skill that will come in handy later. (Being able to imagine all possibilities, that is. You just need to decide what you're going to do in each situation instead of writhing in horror.)


I feel your pain, though - such things happen all the time to me as well.

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...Ugh, maybe this is why I haven't been looking for a girlfriend, besides the fact that I'm obsessing over schoolwork.


Well, it's tomorrow, I wish you luck! Remember that either way, you're a pretty cool guy.

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Story of my life lolol. Not only am I also smart, but completely socially awkward as well.


I really do need a life, but until I find one, I guess I'll be right here with you guys...

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