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Would you like to be in a BZP Story?



(Before any of you rag on me for copying Xccj, let it be known that I did it before him, and that many others did it before me :P)


That last entry about killer Vahki? Yeah, that has something to do with this. What I'm looking for is anyone interested in being a character in this story. This story will be standalone, so no prior reading of anything will be required. In order to sign up, just post in the comments with the following:


Name: (Self-explanatory; I'd prefer your display name, or most commonly known variant)

Gender: (Also self-explanatory, I think. This can be anything - what you personally identify as, or what you'd like the character to identify as)

Element 1: (This is your preferred element; canon Matoran/Toa elements only, please) >> to those who have signed up before (you know who you are), this field will remain the same.

Element 2: (If I find that too many people have the same element above, I'll look at this one)

Other: (Any additional info you want to include; keep in mind that I will use the stuff here as a basis of inspiration, not as actual backstory)


Remaining Roles I'm Looking For

The Agents: These characters will serve another, more neutral faction in the story (Note that you would like to be one; this is for anyone)

Secret Person: Anyone new can apply for their character to be this as well; out of everyone who wants this role, I will select one. (Note that you would like to be this; only for new signups)


Anyway... signup below! :)

(And of course, if you have any questions, feel free to ask)




I'm hoping for this story to be released mid-December!

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You know, I coulda made a good Assistant, what with the whole snarky attitude and all.... Dagnabit. 

veltex ya bettar make up for dis and give me gud rolez

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You know, I coulda made a good Assistant, what with the whole snarky attitude and all.... Dagnabit. 


veltex ya bettar make up for dis and give me gud rolez

No... no, you really wouldn't. The character that the Assistant is helping... just... no....

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What? I was talking about something like Orbot's original incarnation from Sonic Unleashed to Doctor Eggman. If you look stuff up, it's the little robot that goes "Ergo" a lot and generally deprecates everything Eggman does. =P

but i see ur point and stuffs. but i still want da fun rolez that shows off da snark if dat be k.

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You aren't terribly snarky


I may not, but who's to say I can't ask for my character in this to be? =P


Also is secret role something that is horrifying and bad y/n?

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Wheeeee signups


Name: TBK

Gender: Male

Element 1: Same as before, stone

Element 2: Plasma?

Other: Sarcastic comic-maker. (I'll be an agent if you still need another)

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This has to be one of those rare times where I actually don't miss out on sign-up? :D


Name: Taka Nuvia

Gender: Female

Element one: Light

Element two: Fire

Other: nobody ever suspects Taka Nuvia :> (kidding. Kinda); like Fishers, I really like the character you established already, so I guess things are going to stay the same...? ^^


Role: Anything is fine with me. :)

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Name: fishers64 

Gender: Female

Element 1: I'm pretty sure it was estabilished as ice. 

Element 2: Light

Other: Please continue the Agent 64 characterization thing you have going. It is the best. 


Role: I'll take Secret Person if that fits. But I want you to stay true to the brilliant character you have created. Role with it. :)

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Hope it's not too late to enter. ^^'


Name: Tekulo

Gender: Male

Element 1: Jungle

Element 2: air/earth

Other: Follows philosophy of yin and yang. Strives to find inner balance, however tends to act more towards yin (in the traditional sense of passive as opposed to active). Preferably someone who likes to look at the big picture and acts independently to move the story forward, regardless of the forseeable outcome. (You can ignore this if it's too much info or doesn't work for the story ^^`)


A secret person working in the shadows could be cool, or maybe the assistant? I'm not picky with a specific role, so if neither of those match, I'm fine with anything.

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uhh. just copy/paste one of the many profikes I've sent you before.






if not I'll try to figure this out over lunch break

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Name: Burnmad

Gender: Male

Element 1: Ice wait no I mean fire

Element 2: I guess I can be ice if you really want me to :(

Other: Fakes own death constantly (Voltex pls incorporate)


- :burnmad:

You are sounding very Tsundere Burnmad-kun.




>Initially cold, eventually warm

>"Ice wait no I mean fire"


i c wut u did thar



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Name: Voxumo
Gender: Male
Element 1: Ice
Element 2: Plantlife/Jungle/The Green
Other: Has been known to wield scythes and icepicks on occasion. 

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I don't think I'll make the cut, but here's mine.


Name: The Rider of Kikanalo

Gender: Male

Element 1: Light

Element 2: Ice

Other: Rides Kikanalo


General if I may?


ToaD has taken the General already, unfortunately - but you can try out for either an Agent role or the SECRET role :)

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Well, I have done this before, back in 2010-2011, but I also remember another member doing this as far back as 2003... so I guess I can't really claim it's a unique idea. However, you totally did copy my blog entry title. :P



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Well, I have done this before, back in 2010-2011, but I also remember another member doing this as far back as 2003... so I guess I can't really claim it's a unique idea. However, you totally did copy my blog entry title. :P




Yeah. I couldn't think of a way to word it that would be more effective =P

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If I can still sneak in here...


Name: Letagi

Gender: Male, but I notice you've got hardly any females. If you need another one, I wouldn't object to being female in the story.

Element 1: The Green/Jungle/Plantlife, if male.

Element 2: Psionics, if female.

Other: Has a very strong moral code, and doesn't like inflicting harm on others. Is a scientist and musician. 


I'd like to be an agent; alternatively, secret person sounds good too, if my character fits the role and you're still looking.



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Name: JMJ
Gender: Male
Element 1: Lightning
Element 2: Water
Other: Tends to be a bit aloof and shy around other people
As for role, I leave that up to you.


- JMJ 2014

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