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The "Four Characters" Trope



For this, there are four characters and two genders; two characters must be male, and the other two must be female.


1. Logician - This character uses analytic and strategic thinking. They are typically hardened and veteran fighters, and suppress whatever emotions they need to at any given moment. Tend to be socially reserved, and if they do talk, are focused on what they need to accomplish with their words. They usually manage to cover any true emotional stakes they have with thoughts of how to accomplish their plans. Usually the same gender as the Insane Person.


2. Depressive - This character usually acts to fill some emotional void of loss. Some tragedy in their past is motivating their actions in the present, or they feel that their situation is hopeless and they can't achieve their goals, so they try to "patch up" the best they can, or just do whatever. Usually are hard to motivate. Usually the same gender as the Affectionate. Tend to get along with the Logician, since they will tend to understand the Depressive's motives.


3. Affectionate - This character is motivated by a sincere love for the people around them. They feel protective of the innocent, helpless, and anyone else they perceive to be in need. Frequently are affable to everyone else - will work with anyone, even the weirdest, to achieve their goals. May be in a tense or abusive relationship to the Depressive, since they try to help everyone, even the most down emotionally.


4. Insane Person - This character is crazy, spontaneous, and unpredictable. Even in the darkest of circumstances, life is about 100% having FUN, no matter what. Drives the Logician up the wall, for obvious reasons, and continually makes the Depressive cringe. The Affectionate will applaud - at least, as far as his efforts actually cheer up the others. If he goes too far, however, the other three will gang up on him...only for the Insane Person to reappear with a big smile, a huge bunny, and box of chocolates.




Releasing this after some character confusion in Bionifight: Infinite. Readers of Amethyst will recognize this one for TackerKinshasaCalmahriKali (geez, that epic is three years old now).


I'm not sure if Late to the Party uses this trope, and if it does, which characters are which - some of them I think will appear as one type in the beginning and revealed as another, a refreshing change.


I'm not sure if this trope is necessarily bad. There are about endless variations on each type, and enough type combinations to keep me going for years. It's more of a fun thing to look back on and say "Well, Doctor Drake was the Insane Person, the Lawyer was the Logician, Vezon was the Depressive, and fishers was the Affectionate." I don't start writing with this, and I think I never will start writing with this, but this is where I usually end up. It's one of those lame patterns that TVTropes is filled with, but one that is specific to me as a writer, so I make note of it.


The eventual challenge will be writing all of these into one character (read: Tony Stark :P).

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I have never read Animorphs, so I must say that is not that trope's origin.


I think that it is me. I have been all four of them, and I will be all four again. :P 

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Let's put that to the test:


1. Sokka

2. Aang

3. Katara

4. Toph

Although Aang and Katara dance between 2 and 3.




1. Mako

2. Asami

3. Korra

4. Bolin


Fits the pattern much better



1. Lisa

2. Marge

3. Bart????

4. Homer


Not sure it really works here.  They normally have their own storylines, and don't really work together.




And that's it.  I cannot think of any other examples of 4 person teams that have 2 females and 2 males.

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This is a bit of a stretch because they weren't necessarily all constantly on a team, but


1. Jazz

2. Danny

3. Sam

4. Tucker


In Danny Phantom.




1. Neku

2. Shiki

3. Rhyme

4. Beat


Not bad for TWEWY's first week. Haven't finished the game yet, so character development still has yet to happen. XP


Can't think of too many others at the moment.

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Since we're naming characters without actually naming the work in question:


1. Lisbon/Cho

2. Jane

3. Rigsby/Van Pelt

4. Jane


(Doesn't follow the gender rules.)


And then:


1. Jack

2. Sun

3. Kate

4. Sawyer

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You've rediscovered the ancient philosophy of The Four Humours.

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Hmm. So the Reds fit, but I don't really think the Blues do. 

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Hmm. So the Reds fit, but I don't really think the Blues do. 

Church (α)


Butch "Florida" Flowers


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From Homestuck







Maybe???? At least at some point...maybe.







Ok, definitely not Jane here. AR? But then there's not two girls...


For the post-Scratch session, hm...

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BZP version
~The 1st Shadow~
Dallior: Rahkshi Lord




Just to be specific.

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