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Really people?



So, I decided, "Hey! I really don't know much about this Bionicle business at all, and dragging myself through a wiki is no fun, so let's go read discussion topics on BZPower! Might be worth it!"


So I sat down and started digging through Storyline, Bionicle Discussion, and so on.....



Good Lord, people, it's a toyline. It's a toy, it's a toy, and will be nothing more than a toy. And you guys are fighting? Insulting each other? Some of this stuff is almost on par with the comment sections of CNN/Fox/NewsSite! That's ridiculous!


You guys can't just sit down and enjoy this, what you have in common, without wanting to fight? I get that there's a lot of people here from different backgrounds, ages, lifestyles, and so on and etc.


But you can leave that out and just enjoy Bionicle. Or Harry Potter. Or cars. Or baseball. Or my personal favorite, coin collecting.




But really people. Just really.

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Haha, you should see the blogs sometimes. Actually, no, because none of that was any good for anybody.


Still, I don't remember BZPower being all that bad until about 2009. Big shakeups like the move to Bara Magna and then the cancellation took their toll on the fanbase. I still remember all the backlash that came for Hero Factory when all we had was one solitary promo image.

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This is a BIONICLE site, so for a lot of people BIONICLE is an important part of their lives. When someone sees something about it differently, it becomes an encroachment on something somewhat important to someone else. So disagreements happen.


The anonymity of the internet just allows people to get angrier faster. That's true anywhere, not just BZP.

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Storyline and Theories is a place that I dare not visit.

Bionicle Discussion has much less fighting.


  I mean, it doesn't matter how much fighting is taking place, the fact remains that there IS fighting.


The Internet is srs bsns.


 I got my eye on you.


Haha, you should see the blogs sometimes. Actually, no, because none of that was any good for anybody.


Still, I don't remember BZPower being all that bad until about 2009. Big shakeups like the move to Bara Magna and then the cancellation took their toll on the fanbase. I still remember all the backlash that came for Hero Factory when all we had was one solitary promo image.


  I figure the blogs were, are, and could be a source of fighting and issues among the members. Blogs are personal, and personal opinions or statements can be either taken the wrong way or be hostile in nature. It does happen, unfortunately. That's the one thing I do NOT want to happen on my blog. There's enough petty fighting...


 The cancellation certainly could have been a stressor. Running out of things to talk about, a replacement of what brought one here in the first place, and so on, could have easily led to some fights. But a lot of it is plainly ridiculous.








This is a BIONICLE site, so for a lot of people BIONICLE is an important part of their lives. When someone sees something about it differently, it becomes an encroachment on something somewhat important to someone else. So disagreements happen.


The anonymity of the internet just allows people to get angrier faster. That's true anywhere, not just BZP.


 I'm not going to say Bionicle, even as a toy, isn't important to some people. I have very fond memories of toys I had that are still important to me. Disagreements are one thing; insults and open hostility are another. One is alright to have; the other is completely ridiculous to have on this forum.


ah-.... nnnno no

- Consuela



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no idea why I said that earlier lol . ive been delusional today ever since my eyes were dilated

 Ooh, eye surgery or did you get tested for glasses?

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But I like debates. :evilgrin:


 There is nothing wrong with a good debate. There is an issue when personal attacks and hostility come into play.


This forum actually has rules against personal attacks and hostility. 


As a community, though, we've had to go through some bumps in sorting out our interpersonal relations over the years. A lot of those have largely been resolved, and hopefully we will stick together better in the future. :)

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But I like debates. :evilgrin:


 There is nothing wrong with a good debate. There is an issue when personal attacks and hostility come into play.


This forum actually has rules against personal attacks and hostility. 


As a community, though, we've had to go through some bumps in sorting out our interpersonal relations over the years. A lot of those have largely been resolved, and hopefully we will stick together better in the future. :)


 Having rules doesn't always mean they are followed. I recognize there are rules; but sometimes it seems like they are ignored.



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I'm not going to say Bionicle, even as a toy, isn't important to some people. I have very fond memories of toys I had that are still important to me. Disagreements are one thing; insults and open hostility are another. One is alright to have; the other is completely ridiculous to have on this forum.

It goes beyond "this is something I remember fondly and I care about it still," though. If I look back on BIONICLE, I think of the toyline quite fondly indeed. I also think of the storyline (which is the main thing people are talking about in S&T... ) with a high degree of care. But the storyline I hold much more dearly than just the toys because of the impact of the community around it has had on my life. A lot of us on here grew up with BIONICLE and with the BIONICLE community as a very central part of our lives. I gave years of my life to BS01 to help catalog and record the story as accurately as possible. I met people through BS01, and then through BZP, who played a formative role in who I am currently. There is a lot more emotion than just "fondness" tied into the BIONICLE storyline for me, as well as many others. I love to find other people who care about it and who also have these experiences, but those people and I may not rub elbows very well: personally, socially, or experiencially whether that comes to life or the story. With all the emotion many of us bring to the table when we begin to discuss the storyline, what do expect to happen when there is conflict about the story? Some of us are better than others when it comes to keeping a cool head. Some of us approach the story vastly differently because we have living memories of how things played out or how things were resolved (some of those resolutions being lost to time because of various data-losses), while others are coming into this with new, fresh, inexperienced perspectives. Personally, I think you might be overstating things a bit, but then again I've been part of far worse, so my view is a bit distorted.


But whether you are or aren't, perhaps what we need is someone like you to help guide discussions by asking questions and making comments in the calm manner which you expected to see. That's what I try to do: lurk in the background of topics I'm interested in and try to see if there is a question not being asked, a clarification that isn't being made, or a statement which needs to be said that will help resolve a heated topic. I don't always succeed, nor am I in the vast, vast majority of topics, but I feel a little is at least something.

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 Well, Zox, I can't say I have ever had a strong attachment to something in the way you describe the way Bionicle has for you. Or for other people here. That's a X factor here I just don't have, and probably will never have. I mean no disrespect when I talk of Bionicle as just a toy. It is quite possible I am overstating things, and even oversimplifying everything in regards to Bionicle.


 I haven't experienced it like you, so I lack that viewpoint and the emotional experience. This does, in a way, make me the most unattached person on these forums to Bionicle.


 I can see this community, and I can see the people, and I can see how they interact. I see the old wounds, and the new relationships. I see that things have happened that may never be healed, and I can see where two foes have become friends. And to me, not having a connection to Bionicle, I see it as silly and ridiculous. But with your statement, I have to relook at it all. I see this community, and I think it's great. I see the people, and I see the friendships. I see the interaction, and I love it.


It certainly wasn't Bionicle that brought me here, but it was the community that made me stay, and that community wouldn't exist without Bionicle.


 These friendships wouldn't exist without Bionicle.


 And thinking over it, it isn't ridiculous. It's quite beautiful how something so simple, a toy and it's lore, can make that happen.


 Maybe I'll learn that X factor. Maybe I won't. But I think I can appreciate it.

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I mean no disrespect when I talk of Bionicle as just a toy. It is quite possible I am overstating things, and even oversimplifying everything in regards to Bionicle.




 And thinking over it, it isn't ridiculous. It's quite beautiful how something so simple, a toy and it's lore, can make that happen.


 Maybe I'll learn that X factor. Maybe I won't. But I think I can appreciate it.

And yet, your point of "it's just a toy" is still valid, to be honest. It is the thing which brought many of us here and brought many of us together through shared experience, but we should probably still keep in mind that--while important to us--it doesn't deserve the full force of our anger. There are much more intense problems that require that than the mechanics of Onua's ability to cause earthquakes. The heated discourse is no less unneeded than if we didn't have such a strong attachment. Discussion should be civil and understanding, otherwise we never move ahead on any given point :)
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I see that things have happened that may never be healed, and I can see where two foes have become friends.

I just have to say, I have seen the latter happen so many times here, and it gets to me every single time. 


I think of all the people who I thought would never come around walk beside each other and even work together. I have been surprised over and over at how some things just dissolve. 

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But I like debates. :evilgrin:

I'm willing to debate you on that. :evilgrin:


There's nothing to debate there. Debates are over a conflicting belief of what is true, and you wouldn't be able to prove I don't like debates. 


You can't debate preference statements. 

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