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so this is something i've been meaning to write about for a while i guess. haven't said it on bzp directly or anything but uh


i'm trans. probably. i can't say "certainly" quite yet since i haven't talked to any sort of professional about this (though i have thought this way for ~7 months at this point) but...yeah.


decided to make an entry about it here on bzp since i told my parents the night before we left to CANADIA about it. i'm thankful they didn't completely reject me or disown me or do a myriad of things i expected because i expect the worst. while they aren't completely on-board with me about it (they do want me to see a psychiatrist or someone like that so i can talk about it and get my feelings fully sorted on it so i don't jump the gun on it and find out "oh, maybe this isn't what i want") i'm just glad i could tell them.


i dunno. just felt like writing this down


also the title is because i learned "trans" means "across" from o chem. if only i learned the things the teacher tested on...

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While your parents may not have expressed it well, they just want you to be happy. And with what's going on in the news these days, who wouldn't want someone to talk to?


The other day I read the Facebook comments on a trans bathroom rights news post and got cancer.

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While your parents may not have expressed it well, they just want you to be happy. And with what's going on in the news these days, who wouldn't want someone to talk to?


The other day I read the Facebook comments on a trans bathroom rights news post and got cancer.

One time I thought about reading comments on Facebook and got triple cancer and also polio


(seriously though ehks, we're all pulling for you here! and those who aren't don't count adn can be ignored because you don't need that kind of negativity)

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While your parents may not have expressed it well, they just want you to be happy. And with what's going on in the news these days, who wouldn't want someone to talk to?


The other day I read the Facebook comments on a trans bathroom rights news post and got cancer.

whoever pushed that law through should be punched in the face. or peppersprayed. or forbidden to use the bathroom.

yeah, not allowed to use the bathroom sounds perfect for them.



While your parents may not have expressed it well, they just want you to be happy. And with what's going on in the news these days, who wouldn't want someone to talk to?


The other day I read the Facebook comments on a trans bathroom rights news post and got cancer.

One time I thought about reading comments on Facebook and got triple cancer and also polio


(seriously though ehks, we're all pulling for you here! and those who aren't don't count adn can be ignored because you don't need that kind of negativity)


you should see a doctor about that triple cancer and polio. you gotta make sure they're healthy and didn't get cancer, too.

(thank you xae!)

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I'm glad you're able to write this even if you're not at a point of 100% certainty yet. I'll defend you as best I can here as you continue to find yourself.

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I will say this, despite what the stigma is: Your parents still love you for who you are. Coming to the conclusion that you are a girl instead of a boy does not make you any less their son/daughter. Aside from that, I wish you luck on your path.

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I'm a wee tiny bit extremely late to this but


If you've been thinking like this for most of a year now, you're probably on pretty solid footing there. Just keep yourself steady, don't let fear make your decisions for you, and know that you're in good company.

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