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some updates and stuff

Laughing Man




what's this? a new entry on Scythey's blog that isn't a music post, some kind of bait-and-switch, or unfunny attempt at humor? I know, I'm disappointed too. never mind, it has all those things now. crisis averted.


first things first: this is officially my new proudest moment on BZPower




second things second (see, I can count): I got a drawing tablet and have dipped my toes into the abyss you call art. personally I think I'm pretty terrible at it but I started an artblog anyway (if you're dedicated enough you'll find it) and apparently people like my stuff enough to ask me to do art for them. I got the amazing opportunity to do the interior artwork for an actual upcoming music album that will be printed in an actual physical CD booklet, which is an actual dream come true for me.


third things third: speaking of amazing opportunities, two days ago I submitted a write-up for possible inclusion in a special featured article on a popular music site and today it was approved for publication. it's a large project that will feature a bunch of other writers and so far they've only got half the people needed so there's really no telling when it'll actually be finished, but still. also pretty much a dream come true.


and fourth things fourth: because this wouldn't be a good entry on my blog without some kind of music hype, new Katatonia album comes out this Friday and I should get my pre-order of the 2-disc limited edition by then. potential Album of the Year h y p e.

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Generally I'd recommend starting with paper first but digital is fine. I'd also recommend looking up Andrew Loomis' Fun with a Pencil. Yes there are some antiquated (it was written around the 40s and 50s) phrasing in it, it is a great beginner book. You'll have to forgive me, I get gity every time I see someone take up art.


Also being/thinking you're terrible is normal, that feeling never really goes away. Just have fun while including life drawings. I believe in you mate.

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