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What is your favorite thing about yourself?



Here's a question:


What is your favorite thing about yourself?


For me, I just like the wide range of things I can do because of my talents.


So what about you?




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I don't have one. The very fact that I can walk, talk, breathe, pump blood through my body, and lifts large amounts of weight is just as impressive as surviving nearly dying after getting torn apart and competing head-to-head with some of the top LEGO MOCists.


So I don't know.

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Wow you guys are vastly depressing. I'm going to direct this message to specifically those who can't figure it out.




You seriously can't think of anything? You honestly can't think of your favorite part about yourself? Narrow it down to some questions then. 


1. What am I good at?

2. What are some things with me that are different than those I know?

3. What defines me as a person? Is it my hobby, my talents, my personality, what is it?


This question shouldn't be taken as, "What's unique about me," I'm not asking why you're a special little snowflake. Your favorite part of yourself could literally be, "I'm average." That is a perfectly acceptable reason to like yourself. 


It can be the largest of things like, "I score high grades in every class I take," or it can be small things like, "I'm a naturally nice person." 


Don't overthink things and more importantly, don't overlook yourself. There's clearly a reason you're living, so what is that reason? Is it because you have dreams you want to pursue? Is it because you're looking out for others? Or is it simply because you're alive and breathing air? All of these are prime examples of a "favorite thing" about yourself. 


You've all got something to be proud of about yourself, even the smallest of victories can count.



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Wow you guys are vastly depressing.

I feel bad for you sometimes, Soran. You're one of the most genuine people on the site; just trying to be nice. And everyone else is really edgy and empty inside. I notice that a lot on your blog posts.

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My modesty.


(And my sense of irony)



Haha, I always love those ironic statements. Nice one.



I don't have one. The very fact that I can walk, talk, breathe, pump blood through my body, and lifts large amounts of weight is just as impressive as surviving nearly dying after getting torn apart and competing head-to-head with some of the top LEGO MOCists.


So I don't know.



At least you've got options, so that's something. An interesting "problem" to have, the inability to measure ones abilities as being superior to another. I'd suppose that you would fit under modesty as well in this case.



I have no idea.



As in too many options or not enough?






Well hopefully you'll find something. It's important to remember what defines you, it helps with goal planning.



my writing, I suppose



You've definitely got talent in that department. Nice one.



my persistence



That's an interesting one. Fun fact: Humans are known for persistent hunting, where they'll literally chase their prey until the prey dies from exhaustion. Seems like you've retained that to some degree, or you've just got great willpower.




Wow you guys are vastly depressing.

I feel bad for you sometimes, Soran. You're one of the most genuine people on the site; just trying to be nice. And everyone else is really edgy and empty inside. I notice that a lot on your blog posts.




I try to wear a mask of positivity. I like to see others grow, so despite what I may be feeling internally I try to put my best foot forward in all situations I can. It's a website, I literally control everything I post so why not make it positive and try to help people? 



It's nice to know what each of you value about your person,



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No, like, I grew up as a depressed gay fat kid who was being bullied for his plus size and fearing other forms of bullying. I was unpleasant to be around and I clashed with my friends growing up until we had a falling out and I made new ones halfway through highschool. Until that happened I was treated like the stupid fat comic relief characature of a friend because everyone else was trying to be cool and popular. My mental health got so bad in the past that I seriously considered self harm. To top it all off, I have zero motivation to better myself, I've convinced myself that good things will never happen and when they actually do go my way I'm such a pessimist that I think of a hundred ways something will go wrong so I can't even enjoy myself.


Or, well, that's what it was like. Things have been getting better, and I hope they still do, but stuff like that doesn't just vanish without a trace. I still struggle a ton with self-confidence and positivity, and it's very likely I will continue to do so for some time.


As for now, I'm kinda drawing a blank when it comes to a question like this. =/

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I try to wear a mask of positivity.

Sadly, though, only an Akaku fits



More like an Avohkii. 



No, like, I grew up as a depressed gay fat kid who was being bullied for his plus size and fearing other forms of bullying. I was unpleasant to be around and I clashed with my friends growing up until we had a falling out and I made new ones halfway through highschool. Until that happened I was treated like the stupid fat comic relief characature of a friend because everyone else was trying to be cool and popular. My mental health got so bad in the past that I seriously considered self harm. To top it all off, I have zero motivation to better myself, I've convinced myself that good things will never happen and when they actually do go my way I'm such a pessimist that I think of a hundred ways something will go wrong so I can't even enjoy myself.


Or, well, that's what it was like. Things have been getting better, and I hope they still do, but stuff like that doesn't just vanish without a trace. I still struggle a ton with self-confidence and positivity, and it's very likely I will continue to do so for some time.


As for now, I'm kinda drawing a blank when it comes to a question like this. =/



Well that stinks, I'm sorry to read that that happened to you. You're right that stuff like that doesn't just vanish without a trace, often times it leaves scars on a person. But it's these scars that lead one to the crossroads of their life, for better or for worse. It seems though in your case that you're taking the road for the best, which is nice to hear.


Just from what you've said, here's what I can draw for an answer to the question. Tell me if any of these you feel works for you.


You seem to have a thick skin and are able to ignore undue and harsh criticism that may come your way. 


You mentioned that you were more or less a comic relief, which means that you were at least funny. That's always a good trait to have, the ability to not let things go to your head and laugh it off. 


Also by demonstrating that you withheld from self-harm and are trying to improve your mindset despite the setbacks that you may have shows that you have strong willpower. 


At least, that's what I got from it. Regardless, I wish you the best of luck in your life. 



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:kaukau: Nothing.  I hate myself.


Well, I guess I have an appreciation for how I'm ENTP.  That's a less common personality type, and it makes me unique.  Although it does cause me to over-analyze all the ways that I hate myself.



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