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(notes are below the arrows at the bottom)




Welcome to Okoto, an island divided into six regions: Fire, Water, Ice, Stone, Earth, and the central Ancient City. Each region is populated by Protectors of their respective element (barring the Ancient City, which holds a population mixed with Protectors from every region). The regions are officially united under the banner of the Mask Maker, who rules over Okoto from the Ancient City.


Ten years ago, in the year 317 AE (After Ekimu), the Regions of Fire, Water, and Ice united to overthrow a violent and treacherous Mask Maker, known as Voxumo the Usurper. After stealing the throne for himself in a rebellion twenty years before in 296 AE with help from Fire, Ice and Stone, Voxumo had reigned over the island through fear and intimidation. It was he who saw the Earth Region crushed and destroyed, nearly wiping it off of Okoto entirely.


The true heir – a Protector of Water by the name of Pulse – had been forced to spend twenty years in hiding, as well as numerous surviving Protectors of Earth. After Voxumo had managed to fall out of favor with both the Ice Region and the Fire Region, Pulse began to make his move, slowly gathering allies within the Water Region. Forging an alliance with Fire and Ice, Pulse and his allies made their move. The Stone Region was decimated and the Jungle Region’s leadership assassinated, leaving Voxumo and his allies weakened enough for Pulse to seize the Ancient City and summon the mythical Temple of Time back to Okoto. In the battle that followed, a lone Protector of Water managed to assassinate the Usurper within his own camp, winning the battle – but not the war. This is where the events of Season 1 [link] ended.


Despite the new Mask Maker’s best attempts at forging peace, the Region of Jungle continued to fight against their rule tooth and nail for two more years, before the Fire Region Ruler (a Protector by the name of Burnmad) ordered the Jungle Region burned to the ground. Half of the Jungle Region was destroyed in the mighty blaze, and what was left was conquered and absorbed by the Fire Region - finally ending the War for the Throne in the year 319 AE.


For the next four years, Okoto lived in a tentative peace, as the Fire Region settled into its new position of power and the rest remained wary that it would attempt the same thing again. Everything changed four years ago in 323 AE, however, when the Earth Region surged back.


For twenty-six years they had lived under Okoto, hiding so deep underground that not even the Protectors of Earth they had left behind knew they still lived. Led by a great skull creature known as Kulta the Skull Grinder and protected by an army of Skull Warriors, the Protectors of Earth easily re-established their region, partnering with the Stone Region in the process to help rebuild. With the return of the Earth Region came the birth of a new religion, known as the Faith of the Skulls – those who worship the skull creatures such as Kulta and the Skull Warriors that have helped to protect and guide the Mask Makers for years beyond counting, and have now brought an entire region back from the dead.


As quickly as the Faithful appeared, so too did an opposing force – an extremely secretive group calling themselves the Knights of Ekimu, seemingly based within the Ice Region. They claim that the Skull Creatures are not to be trusted, that they seek the destruction of Okoto; the evidence seems to suggest otherwise, however, and as the Faith continues to grow, the more they outnumber the so-called Knights. In the hopes of uniting Okoto rather than instigating further conflict, the Mask Maker at this time summoned the six Heroes of Prophecy to Okoto, though their presence has often led to worsening the situation.


The Mask Maker’s inability to properly manage or deal with this conflict in a satisfactory manner has tainted his image in the eyes of many on the island, and there are some who begin to wonder if, perhaps, they even need a Mask Maker at all….


There is an air of discontent throughout Okoto. Alliances are frayed thin, and the hard-fought peace that has reigned for years is now collapsing in on itself.


Welcome back to the game of thrones, where you win or you die…


…and the prophets are starting to sing a song of shadow.





The game will last for ten “rounds”, known as “episodes”. Several key mechanics of the game are explained below – but I cannot stress enough that the game’s open nature truly does leave many things open to interpretation or manipulation (or even in some cases, being able to be outright ignored).


If you have any questions about whether a move you want to make is legal or not, simply shoot me a private PM to ask. If a move is impossible to make, I will make sure to let you know. If you’re up to it, you can also read through Season 1.


We’ll start off with each round lasting roughly 72 hours, and see how that goes.



Every player will make their moves for each round via PM, of which there are two kinds – OFFICIAL and BACKDOOR.


An Official PM is any PM that involves me, the host; moves made in Official PMs are the only ones that will be included in the scenes for each episode, which means that they are the only moves that will actually occur. If you want to kill another player, or bar them access to your region, that would have to take place in an Official PM. The upside to Official PMs is obvious – it is how you make things happen! The downside is that everyone will be aware of what occurs in these PMs.


When the episodes are released, I will include IC tags at the end of each “scene” to note which players can consider those particular events as something that they would know about.


A Backdoor PM, then, is any PM (or other method of communication) that I, the host, am not a part of. Anything said or done in these PMs will not be included in the scenes, which means that they will not technically occur; in this way, the downside is obviously that your abilities are limited. You cannot kill someone (or take other such drastic actions) in a Backdoor PM. But they do allow you to operate behind the scenes where I and others cannot see, and this can allow you to set up plans that might take several episodes to come to fruition.


Some Example Actions


Click the map up above to see Okoto.


Each episode, players can travel through adjacent regions at a rate of one every 24 hours (any delays will occupy a 24 hour slot). Sailing will add an additional 24 hours to travel time, but will also increase security – and might allow for you to explore strange new lands!



Will be a primary action in every round – keep in mind that while Backdoor PMs are very useful, unless you learn that information in an Official PM, you cannot make use of it… unless you’re able to do so without giving me a good reason to call you out on metagaming.


Each region will be given their own Official PM; the same goes for the Guardians (and the Mask Maker with them), as well as certain other factions within the game – some you already know, and some that you might not.



There are a variety of other actions that one might decide to take in a round. Perhaps you want to keep someone silent for a little while. Perhaps you want them to be silenced permanently. Perhaps you discover some new information, and this knowledge requires you to make moves not listed here.


I have not thought of everything, for that would be impossible – and I will keep an open mind. If you have thought of an action to take that has not been mentioned, run it by me first if you are uncertain, and I will be able to inform you of whether it would be possible.


RULER-These players rule over their respective regions (or, in the case of the Jungle Ruler, serve as their region’s backup should the Fire Ruler and Fire General both fall). They have final decision making power over the players in their region, and their opinions can often sway a vast number of Protectors. They must worry about the approval of those living in their region, as well as making sure the other players in their region actually do their jobs.


GENERAL-These players are in charge of their region’s army – maintaining it, training it, and leading it if need be. They also serve as their region’s second in command should their Ruler perish or disappear, and work directly with their region’s Toa. They must worry about their soldier’s respect, else a mutiny could occur or morale could fall.


DIPLOMAT-These players are in charge of diplomatic relations and trade. They will often need to travel in order to perform their duties, or send messages via the Guardians (though this will cost them approval within their region). They must worry about their approval, as the public will dislike a Diplomat that does not appear to be performing their duties. Travel can also be dangerous, and for Diplomats, even more so.


GUARDIAN-These players form the Mask Maker’s Council. They are a mix of the General, Diplomat, and Turaga roles; each commands a fifth of the forces defending the Ancient City, while also providing the Mask Maker with advice and helping with any diplomatic issues that arise. The Guardians each have what they refer to as “little birds” in their respective regions that will keep them informed on any happenings there; it would be possible (but difficult) for a Guardian to spread their birds into other regions as well.


TURAGA-These players are more reclusive, serving as historians, advisors, and oftentimes adventurers. Despite the honorary title, Turaga are not typically so old in their age that a simple fall would end them. They can use their vast knowledge of Okoto and its histories to help any players that might ask them for advice (particularly their Rulers), but Turaga are also known to frequently leave their regions to explore, searching out answers to new questions.



These stats will help each player to set themselves apart; you’ll fill out a stat sheet and send it to me via PM when you sign up. If you already know which role you will have, you can fill out the form to help you – or, if you’re feeling mischievous, you could fill it out to help you in different areas. Certain players will receive bonuses in particular areas depending on their roles; other players might lose stats in certain areas for the same reason… but keep in mind that these modifications will only occur after you have sent your form in.


You will be given 40 points to assign wherever you choose, and can assign a maximum of 10 points to any individual stat; whenever you make a move, the relevant stat will be added to an RNG roll out of 10 for a combined result out of 20.


The stats are as follows:

STRENGTH – (Attack Damage, Physical Strength, Use of Larger Weapons & Tools such as Crossbows & Swords)

PERCEPTION – (Noticing Surroundings – World & People, Recognizing an Attack or Attack Opportunity)

ENDURANCE – (Stamina, Ability to Withstand Damage, Ability to use Masks of Power)

CHARISMA – (Public Approval, Ability to Persuade NPCs – Possibly Players, How You Are Perceived by Others)

INTELLIGENCE – (Chance of Success with Complex Actions & Attacks – Intelligence Checks, Damage & Hit Chance with Mask-Related Attacks, Ability to Plan/Approach Situations, Historical Knowledge)

AGILITY – (Dodging, Hit Mitigation if Dodge Fails, Stealth, Use of Smaller Weapons & Tools such as Daggers & Small Hammers)

LUCK – (Can be used as a “Saving Throw’ if a Roll Fails or used to improve chances with a Difficult Roll, Acts as a ‘Faith’ stat for Members of the Faithful)




The Ancient City

“Let it Be Forged”

The Mask Maker – the Ruler of Okoto – is the only native of this central region. They currently possess the mystical Mask of Creation and the Mask of Time, both of which are contained within separate vaults deep inside the city. The vaults are guarded by two Skull Warriors – one wearing a Mask of Truth, the other a Mask of Strength.


The Mask Maker is also personally guarded by Lewa, the Toa of Jungle, as the Jungle Region has been absorbed into the Fire Region. For a hundred years the Mask Makers have traditionally been guarded by the Skull Warriors; this change has met with some resistance from the regions, particularly Earth.


The Ancient City houses a number of Protectors from all regions, and the Guardians each command a force of troops from their own regions approximately 100 strong to defend the Ancient City and its inhabitants.


The current Mask Maker is a Protector of Water, who has long espoused their wishes for a peaceful and united Okoto – despite the circumstances that allowed them to reclaim their throne from Voxumo the Usurper.


Political relationship with Fire, Earth, Ice and Stone is strained to varying degrees, though it is more of differing ideologies than of any true hostility.


Political relationship with Water is stronger than it has been in nearly a century.


Views on the Knights and the Faithful are neutral.




The Fire Region

“Fire and Blood”

Supplies coal to the rest of the island, as well as forging iron tools with the metals mined in Earth and Stone.


Since taking over the Jungle Region eight years ago, also supplies soil, plants, wood, and animals to the rest of the island.


Guarded by Tahu, the Toa of Fire, and boast a military 9000 Protectors strong; 3000 of these are Protectors of Jungle. Of the army, rumors suggest that approximately 4000 of them are loyal to the Faithful, while 2000 are members of the secretive Knights.


They share their regional words with House Aodh, whose members rule over the Fire Region.


Political relationship with the Ancient City, Earth, and Water strained after their takeover of the Jungle Region.


Political relationship with Stone remains strong, if only because Stone relies on Fire to purify their water supply. Political relationship with Ice remains cordial.


Views on the Knights are range from neutral to positive. Views on the Faithful are positive, particularly in the Jungle.


House Aodh

“Fire and Blood”

House Aodh has ruled over the Fire Region for over 300 years, since the time of Ekimu. Its members often rule over the region as a whole as well as its subsections, though it has been known to leave governmental positions open to other houses. Named for its founder, who unified the region through political marriages and intense negotiations to guarantee the loyalty of the other houses… or at the very least, their peace. So tight are these alliance that to turn against House Aodh is to turn against the other houses it is allied to – and making this mistake has led to more than one house being returned to the ashes.


House Ember

“The Flame Consumes All”

Of all houses, it is House Ember which is most closely tied to House Aodh politically. They provide over half of the region’s soldiers, as well as the second-largest portion of its workforce; most of the Fire Region’s forgers originate from House Ember.


House Ash

“Naught Remains but Ash”

Once a servant caste of sorts as well as the smallest major house in the Fire Region, House Ash was nearly wiped out 100 years ago in an attempted coup by House Darkfire. While the entire Fire Region was embroiled in battle, a number of assassins sent by House Darkfire managed to infiltrate the castle of House Aodh; countless members of House Ash gave their lives to slow down the assassins, and they succeeded in holding them off until the main force of the Darkfire Rebellion had been defeated. For their loyalty, the current Ruler dismantled House Darkfire entirely and elevated House Ash to their former position. Nowadays all members of House Ash receive rigorous training, so that they might serve as royal guards to House Aodh. Voxumo the Usurper was a member of House Ash.


House Coal

“Fuel for the Flame”

Predictably, House Coal is the largest supplier of coal on Okoto. The excellence of their miners rivalled that of the Earth Region at its peak, if only in the realm of coal mining. Members of this house are said to be so unconcerned with precious gems, money, and wealth that they throw any products of mining not coal out for being useless as fuel. Their innovation of safety techniques and mechanisms has minimized the dangers of coal mining, and their air filtration systems are some of the most advanced tech present on the island.


House Kindle

“From a Spark, an Inferno”

By recent censuses, House Kindle is the largest of the Fire Region. Providing nearly half of the region’s entire workforce and the second-largest portion of its soldiers (though still paling in comparison to House Ember in that regard), Kindle is notable to the other regions of Okoto for the numerous services it exports; it is House Kindle who purifies the Stone Region’s shipments of water.


House Boscage

Fire and Ashes

House Boscage is currently the closest that the remnants of the Jungle Region have to a ruling house. Formerly House Cage, it shifted into its current form eight years ago when the acting Ruler of Jungle, as his final act, accepted the surviving members of many decimated houses into their ranks to form House Boscage. As a sign of their loyalty to Fire, they took on new house words, modelling them after those of House Aodh and the Fire Region. Due to the nature of its formation, House Boscage’s members are involved with a wide variety of activities.


House Hinterland

“Growing Strong”

The former ruling house of the Jungle Region before the War for the Throne began ten years ago. In the earliest days of the war, TimeLord Hinterland was struck down by Nato Greavesy and Terrorsaur Rayne, propelling the Jungle Region into an alliance with Voxumo the Usurper – one they paid the price for when the Usurper was felled and the true heir seized the throne. Despite the Usurper’s death, the Jungle Region fought on for two years under the commands of TimeLord’s chosen intermediary commander, until the Fire Region razed half of Jungle to the ground and conquered what was left, crushing the remaining members of House Hinterlands in the process. Remnants of it still remain, but they are scattered and alone among the other Jungle Protectors.


House Briar

“Our Roots Go Deep”

Of all the major houses, House Briar perhaps weathered the Fire takeover the easiest. As the best herders and farmers in the Jungle Region, their skills were necessary in order for the Fire Region to begin making use of the territory they had seized, as well as beginning the process of restoring what had been burned to ashes.











The Water Region

“Right Conquers Might”

Supplies water, fish, and animals to the rest of the island, as well as boats and other tools for sailing using wood from the Fire Region.


Also contains a booming black market for poisons that those in power claim they have been unable to shut down.


Guarded by Gali, the Toa of Water, and hold a military 5000 Protectors strong; 500 of these are rumored to be loyal to the secretive Knights.


They share their regional words with House Vatten, whose members ruled over the Water Region until all except one were slain in the aftermath of Voxumo’s Rebellion.


Political relationship with Stone remains poor after the Stone Region was decimated ten years ago at the hands of Terrorsaur Rayne. Political relationship with Fire (particularly the Jungle areas) is strained.


Political relationship with the Ancient City and Mask Maker is secure, as is their guaranteed loyalty. Political relationship with Ice and Earth remains neutral, though significant ties have been forged with Ice in recent years.


Views on the Knights range from neutral to positive. Views on the Faithful are carefully neutral.


House Rayne

“Flood from a Raindrop”

At the end of Voxumo’s Rebellion, House Rayne took over the Water Region in the name of Voxumo the Usurper after House Vatten was dismantled, all the while hiding the true heir within their ranks. It provides water to the other regions, and has taken over House Vatten’s role of healing with water and plants as well. It has historic ties to the Earth and Ice Regions, both of which have been called upon and strengthened since the War for the Throne. House Rayne is known for being quick to act and take advantage of situations, and remains unapologetic about any actions it takes that might offend other regions, believing in its house words: they are the flood, and everything else are the raindrops.


House Vatten

“Right Conquers Might”

House Vatten ruled over the Water Region for 300 years, and members of their house frequently sat upon the throne in the Ancient City as well… right up until Voxumo’s Rebellion thirty years ago. In the aftermath of the rebellion, every member of House Vatten was slaughtered due to their ties to the previous line of Mask Makers except for Pulse Vatten, son to the usurped Mask Maker and true heir to the throne. Pulse remained in hiding for twenty years before gathering allies and starting the War for the Throne, in which he successfully overthrew the Usurper and reclaimed his place. House Vatten remains small, and relies on the loyalty and protection of House Rayne, unable to rely on its historic ties to the Jungle Region; due to this arrangement, House Rayne has also taken over the role of healing with water and plants.


House Corruich

“The Rage of Rapid Rivers”

Formed roughly half a century before Voxumo’s Rebellion, House Corruich is a merged house of off-shots from House Conlectus and House Rayne. It is generally quick to anger and is also slightly xenophobic, though not to the extent of House Conlectus. It has historic ties to both Ice and Stone which is does not try to conceal, and provides many fish-based goods to the rest of Okoto, as well as specializing in sailing and ships


House Conlectus

“Water Erodes All”

The smallest of all the major houses in Okoto before several others were nearly wiped out after Voxumo’s Rebellion and the War for the Throne, House Conlectus is known for their rather poor luck, faring poorly in every war they take part in. As a result, they are a particularly xenophobic house – especially towards Stone, though they are known to dislike Jungle and Ice as well. They are somewhat of a laughingstock to the rest of Water, as this goes directly against their ancestral ties to the Stone Region.


House Lurrun

“Water Boils, Water Burns”

House Lurrun provides the majority of the Water Region’s soldiers and is the second largest house in the region, though its current growth might soon put it ahead of House Rayne. It has significant external ties to the house of the Fire Region, hence its house name and words; they are what comes when Water and Fire meet. Its members frequently push for greater ties with the Fire Region; wishes that have begun to come to fruition since the War for the Throne.








The Ice Region

“Cold as Iron”

Supplies snow, ice, warriors, guards, and steel to the rest of the island.


Rumor suggests that the Ice Region also contains the current headquarters of the secret brotherhood known as the Knights of Ekimu, and that the region itself remains favorable to them.


Guarded by Kopaka, the Toa of Ice, and boast the strongest military force on Okoto – 10, 000 Protectors strong, nearly 4000 of which are claimed to be loyal to the secretive Knights.


Their regional words come from the ancient House Gelu, which collapsed approximately a century ago in what many suspect was a coup.


Political relationship with Earth is extremely poor.


Political relationship with Fire, Stone, and the Ancient City are strained but cordial.


Political relationship with Water remains neutral, though significant ties have been forged in recent years.


Views on the Knights are extremely positive. Views on the Faithful are extremely negative.


House Greavesy

“The Cold Preserves All, But the Self Above Else”

One of the oldest houses of the Ice Region, House Greavesy has a history of sticking to the sidelines, waiting to pick sides until the victor becomes obvious. As a result, its reputation is rather shaky across the entire island, though this has begun to change, with its current head – a Protector named Nato – having actively helped the true heir to reclaim the throne ten years prior.


House Rime

“In Ice, All Stagnates”

Once a proud and powerful nation, efforts to expand their borders into the territory of other houses ended with wars of attrition on multiple fronts. At the time of Voxumo’s Rebellion, House Rime ruled over the Ice Region; nowadays House Rime is a shadow of what it once was, and while they have outwardly embraced this – even with their house words – some say that they still plot to become a prominent force within the Ice Region once again.


House Nivis

“Avalanches Have No Fury like Ours”

A pugnacious, militant house, House Nivis is a significant contributor to the nation’s military forces, but they are also stubborn and proud. They are known to respond violently or spitefully to insults and affronts of any kind; after overthrowing the rule of House Rime twenty years ago, their inability to handle Voxumo the Usurper led to a failed assassination attempt on the Usurper that saw the head of House Nivis slain by a Skull Warrior, favor lost across the island, and a new Ruler from a different house being appointed to control the Ice Region instead. Despite these setbacks, House Nivis remains undeterred, and they seek to add to their many historical conquests of minor houses.


House Glacies

“Thriving Like Ice”

Historically, House Glacies has done very little – though in the ever-shifting lands of Ice, that has served them well. It has waged no wars, never significantly contributed to any conflict, and never led the nation… but it has survived and thrived in the face of every adversity thrown its way. Natural disasters, foreign invaders, and other houses have all failed to overcome them, thanks to their well-defended, strategically-positioned home.


House Crustallus / House Crustallum

“Harder than Ice” / “Stronger than Stone”

Once one house, House Crustallus and House Crustallum split off from one another nearly a century ago over some family dispute, and have remained on harsh terms with one another ever since. The two remain in close proximity to one another, jointly operating small mines in the mountains of the Ice Region, but are always arguing and disagreeing.








The Stone Region

“As Strong as Stone”

Supplies stone, metal, workers and tools to the rest of the island. Also becoming well-known for procuring antidotes to most poisons.


The region suffered greatly during the War for the Throne, with nearly a third of their entire population wiped out after their water supplies were poisoned by House Rayne of the Water Region. Despite this, in the decade since, they have managed a miraculous rebound, thanks in no small part to significant aid from the Earth Region.


Guarded by Pohatu, the Toa of Stone, and contain a military 7000 Protectors strong; rumors suggest that 4000 of these are loyal to the Faithful.


Unlike most regions, the regional words for the Stone Region have never doubled as the words of a house; since before Ekimu’s time, the Stone Region’s words have served as a unique line to unite the region itself.


Political relationship with Water remains poor. Political relationship with Fire remains strong, but only because Stone depends on Fire to purify their water supply – something that the Stone Region hates, especially since Fire absorbed Jungle.


Political relationship with Earth is strong. Political relationship with the Ancient City and Ice is strained, but cordial.


Views on the Knights are neutral at best. Views on the Faithful are positive.


House Raqmu

“Stand Tall Eternally”

Until Voxumo’s Rebellion, House Raqmu served as the main banner men to House Petros – but when their lieges fought against the Usurper, House Raqmu seized their chance. When the rebellion ended in success, House Raqmu was installed as the new leaders of the Stone Region, and the first house outside of Petros to rule the region since before Ekimu’s time. With the Usurper’s death, however, the future is anything but certain….


House Petros

“The Great Foundation”

Claiming descent from Patrus the Proud, House Petros has ruled over the Stone Region since time immemorial, having bound the disjointed tribes early on and forming a strong, united front. They were overthrown by House Raqmu during Voxumo’s Rebellion after trying to support the true heir, and have spent the last thirty years in disgrace – but they still exist all the same.


House Archean

“Might With Right”

House Archean prides itself on keeping the laws of the land, resorting to justice or military might to uphold peace. They have strong historic ties to the Water Region and House Vatten in particular – a link signified by their house words. During Voxumo’s Rebellions they sided with the Water Region and House Petros, but their numbers decreased drastically after the Usurper won, as many members of House Archean chose the sword instead of living in the Usurper’s new world. The remaining members still continue their fight for justice and fairness.


House Maran

“Steer the World”

Traditionally, House Maran has developed most weapons and tools for the Stone Region. If updated technology is sought after, House Maran is the place to get it. Having remained neutral during both Voxumo’s Rebellion and the War for the Throne, they continue on a path of prosperity and stability – though their reputation is somewhat tarnished, as they have become known for only providing their services if the pay is good.


House Galum

“Fight to Live, Live to Fight”

Warriors are bred from birth in House Galum – making them a crucial ally in almost every conflict. Their support was instrumental in allowing House Raqmu to overthrow House Petros during Voxumo’s Rebellion… and their waning support during the War for the Throne is believed by many to have contributed heavily to the Stone Region losing the war. It remains to be seen if they will now aspire for greater things than serving as the Stone Region’s cannon fodder, or if the status quo shall remain.








The Earth Region

“What is Dead May Never Die”

Supplies gems and metals to the rest of the island.


Occasionally lends Skull Warriors to other regions should a task prove too arduous for Protectors alone, though only if the project in question is led by those who keep to the Faith.


Guarded by Onua, the Toa of Earth, and contain an army 2000 Protectors strong; all but 100 of these are said to be devout to the Faithful. They also hold a force of 1000 Skull Warriors.


Their regional words represent the entire region as a whole, for their army of 2000 Protectors consists of almost every single Earth Protector who still lives. They were selected after the Earth Region returned to the fold.


Political relationship with Ice is extremely poor. Political relationship with Ancient City and Fire is strained.


Political relationship with Stone is strong. Political relationship with Water remains neutral.


Views on the Knights are extremely negative. Views on the Faithful are extremely positive.


House Sevoi

“Tremors within the Serene”

Of the three remaining major houses of the region, House Sevoi is perhaps the largest and the strongest, as they historically provided the Earth Region with most of its troops and combat training – the need for which has grown exponentially in the last thirty years as the region collapsed after fleeing underground. While the region is ruled by Kulta and the Faith, of the remaining three houses, House Sevoi is by far the most faithful, and they hold the most power because of it.


House Zemlja

“The Light of Night”

The second largest and most powerful house still remaining, House Zemlja is unparalleled in their ability to re-shape and carve gems into special “light stones” that are used all across Okoto to light mines and other dark areas more permanently than torches allow. The ability to provide this service in the eternal darkness underground insured House Zemlja’s survival during the Earth Region’s exile, and it has drawn Kulta’s personal attentions to them as well.


House Qendroj

“Here We Stand”

The former ruling house of the Earth Region, who were decimated by the forces of Fire, Stone, and Ice during Voxumo’s Rebellion thirty years before. In the years since they have diminished further, and as the lone house within the entire region to not keep to the Faith, their power is next to none. Yet true to their house words, here they still stand – whatever happens, House Qendroj will endure.










So this is BZPGOT Season 2 as it stands right now. I'm posting it here so that you can all look it over for any mistakes you might find, or so that you can give suggestions regarding game mechanics and such.


I've spoken with a few people about additions to the game - so if you see that something is missing, please let me know and I'll make sure to include it in the final draft!


I'm estimating a release for the game in February.

  • Upvote 6


Recommended Comments



Here's hoping I get killed instantly again


  • Upvote 1


Since the Jungle only has three players, with one being a back-up ruler, what would be the roles of the other two? I assume they have no Guardian, and that they would have a Diplomat (though mainly for internal Jungle-Fire region relations since they badly need that), and a Turaga, since I imagine Lord Burnmad Aodh doesn't want them to have their own General and there's a Guardian for each of the five currently existing elemental regions. 


As for the Earth Region, since they have no Ruler (as Kulta takes that position), there's one slot left without a role. What of them?


That's a nice map (and wow, the Fire Region is huge now). It's probably nothing, but it's interesting there's an island belonging to nobody below the territory of House Kindle. 



For the most part I like the addition of the stats. The turaga is an interesting role... I still don't approve of backdoor pms, as showcased just how potent they can be in the first game where I basically lost from the start without even knowing those that were suppose to be my allies weren't anymore. But that's an incredibly minor thing. Will alliances be forced to be made through official pms? I think if such things are required it will cut down on the power of backdoor pms considerably.

  • Upvote 1
Nato G


Ah, at last. I've been waiting for this. 


I have unfinished business with Kulta and co. 



Since the Jungle only has three players, with one being a back-up ruler, what would be the roles of the other two? I assume they have no Guardian, and that they would have a Diplomat (though mainly for internal Jungle-Fire region relations since they badly need that), and a Turaga, since I imagine Lord Burnmad Aodh doesn't want them to have their own General and there's a Guardian for each of the five currently existing elemental regions. 


As for the Earth Region, since they have no Ruler (as Kulta takes that position), there's one slot left without a role. What of them?


That's a nice map (and wow, the Fire Region is huge now). It's probably nothing, but it's interesting there's an island belonging to nobody below the territory of House Kindle. 


1-For Jungle I haven't fully decided. Obviously one is a Ruler. I'm actually thinking the other two would be a General and a Turaga - as a part of the Fire Region they have no need for their own Diplomat, and likewise they would not contribute a Guardian to the Ancient City.


Their total forces are also still large enough to warrant having their own General, I reckon.


2-The Earth Region still has a Ruler; they just have to clear anything that they say or do with regards to running the region with Kulta first. Kulta is aware that certain places (such as the Ice Region) would not take kindly to its presence, and it is also aware others would be somewhat freaked out by its form, so the Earth Ruler often functions like a Diplomat, taking Kulta's place in any meetings outside of the Earth Region.


3-That island would belong to House Kindle; I didn't intentionally leave it outside of the borders or anything. Any locations not a part of Okoto (say, a certain labyrinth settled to the southeast long ago by a certain Mask Maker) are not on the map.


4-Nice name.


For the most part I like the addition of the stats. The turaga is an interesting role... I still don't approve of backdoor pms, as showcased just how potent they can be in the first game where I basically lost from the start without even knowing those that were suppose to be my allies weren't anymore. But that's an incredibly minor thing. Will alliances be forced to be made through official pms? I think if such things are required it will cut down on the power of backdoor pms considerably.


I don't want to put too many restrictions on the players. I think a part of what made Season 1 so special is how open it was; there are certain restrictions, and with the stats becoming involved Season 2 will be more structured, but I like the freedom that the players have.


I could make alliances something mandatory to form in official PMs, but that fact of the matter is that those same players could go and forge unofficial alliances elsewhere - and if they're clever enough (and trust me, players like Nato and Burnmad, among others, are) they could cover up those unofficial alliances quite easily, so there's not really any point to forcing players to only ally in official PMs.



Here's hoping I get killed instantly again






I can't promise that a similar incident won't occur in this game, but I can promise that if it does, it'll be because of your own foolishness (and after careful planning by whichever player is trying to kill you).


With the new stat system in place, for example, when I tell you that someone has poured you a drink, you could make a perception check for poisons; if it is poisoned and you succeed, obviously you would refuse the drink and therefore survive. But if you failed the perception check (or didn't make one at all), you would accept the drink and then die.


Ah, at last. I've been waiting for this. 


I have unfinished business with Kulta and co. 


They're looking forward to meeting you, as well.


Yes finally it's here!


I mean, kind of. The game isn't really here yet. :P

  • Upvote 2



Here's hoping I get killed instantly again






I can't promise that a similar incident won't occur in this game, but I can promise that if it does, it'll be because of your own foolishness (and after careful planning by whichever player is trying to kill you).


With the new stat system in place, for example, when I tell you that someone has poured you a drink, you could make a perception check for poisons; if it is poisoned and you succeed, obviously you would refuse the drink and therefore survive. But if you failed the perception check (or didn't make one at all), you would accept the drink and then die.


So my character is automatically aware of potential poisons, which ones could be in the drink, how to detect them, and most importantly knows all of this beforehand?


Wow, that would have come in handy before. I guess if I get attacked, I also know perfect martial arts and can knock my opponent out in one blow.




For the most part I like the addition of the stats. The turaga is an interesting role... I still don't approve of backdoor pms, as showcased just how potent they can be in the first game where I basically lost from the start without even knowing those that were suppose to be my allies weren't anymore. But that's an incredibly minor thing. Will alliances be forced to be made through official pms? I think if such things are required it will cut down on the power of backdoor pms considerably.


I don't want to put too many restrictions on the players. I think a part of what made Season 1 so special is how open it was; there are certain restrictions, and with the stats becoming involved Season 2 will be more structured, but I like the freedom that the players have.


I could make alliances something mandatory to form in official PMs, but that fact of the matter is that those same players could go and forge unofficial alliances elsewhere - and if they're clever enough (and trust me, players like Nato and Burnmad, among others, are) they could cover up those unofficial alliances quite easily, so there's not really any point to forcing players to only ally in official PMs.



Here's hoping I get killed instantly again






I can't promise that a similar incident won't occur in this game, but I can promise that if it does, it'll be because of your own foolishness (and after careful planning by whichever player is trying to kill you).


With the new stat system in place, for example, when I tell you that someone has poured you a drink, you could make a perception check for poisons; if it is poisoned and you succeed, obviously you would refuse the drink and therefore survive. But if you failed the perception check (or didn't make one at all), you would accept the drink and then die.



So, in the case of poison in particular-- would you also have an endurance check to resist the poison? I don't think it would be that bad an idea if poisons just did varying degrees of damage and weakening and only killed outright if you had very low END or were very unlucky. The less completely remote killing, the better, I think.


Also, I, too, like Pulse's name...



  • Upvote 4


1-For Jungle I haven't fully decided. Obviously one is a Ruler. I'm actually thinking the other two would be a General and a Turaga - as a part of the Fire Region they have no need for their own Diplomat, and likewise they would not contribute a Guardian to the Ancient City.


Their total forces are also still large enough to warrant having their own General, I reckon.


Ah, I imagine whether or not that General will obey the Fire Region is another story altogether. 





Here's hoping I get killed instantly again






I can't promise that a similar incident won't occur in this game, but I can promise that if it does, it'll be because of your own foolishness (and after careful planning by whichever player is trying to kill you).


With the new stat system in place, for example, when I tell you that someone has poured you a drink, you could make a perception check for poisons; if it is poisoned and you succeed, obviously you would refuse the drink and therefore survive. But if you failed the perception check (or didn't make one at all), you would accept the drink and then die.



So my character is automatically aware of potential poisons, which ones could be in the drink, how to detect them, and most importantly knows all of this beforehand?


Wow, that would have come in handy before. I guess if I get attacked, I also know perfect martial arts and can knock my opponent out in one blow.



I think it'll be more like that if you have a high perception, you'll be more likely to notice that things are a bit off about anything that could be poisoned. Similarly, if you don't have adequate strength and/or agility, you probably wouldn't be able to know perfect martial arts. However, if you already know that something is poisoned. you could opt not to drink/eat it without having to pass a perception check. 



Well, it was definitely a bit unfair on the Stone Region and Voxumo, that they got no chance to fight back against their deaths. Checks like these help against that, and also, Voxumo, I think you might have stood a better chance if you had used backdoor PMs more. 



(I like my name too, I was inspired by TimeLord changing his name to TimeLord II.)





So my character is automatically aware of potential poisons, which ones could be in the drink, how to detect them, and most importantly knows all of this beforehand?


Wow, that would have come in handy before. I guess if I get attacked, I also know perfect martial arts and can knock my opponent out in one blow.



Not exactly. More like what Pulse described.




So, in the case of poison in particular-- would you also have an endurance check to resist the poison? I don't think it would be that bad an idea if poisons just did varying degrees of damage and weakening and only killed outright if you had very low END or were very unlucky. The less completely remote killing, the better, I think.


I will most likely be giving certain players knowledge regarding specific types of poison with varying degrees of effectiveness - mostly those involved with the black market in the Water Region or with producing antidotes in the Stone Region.


One poison might be untraceable but very weak; another might be easily spotted but kill instantly; or maybe there's one that's almost untraceable and kills instantly (though the player using it would need to succeed in a lot of rolls for that one, and I would punish them with the amount of time it would take to acquire).




Well, it was definitely a bit unfair on the Stone Region and Voxumo, that they got no chance to fight back against their deaths. Checks like these help against that, and also, Voxumo, I think you might have stood a better chance if you had used backdoor PMs more.


Voxumo's limited use of Backdoor PMs definitely played a significant role in his downfall.


Like it or not, the Backdoor PMs are a significant part of the game, and might honestly play a larger role than the Official PMs, especially with regards to planning with other players. To ignore them is to immediately handicap yourself.

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


So, I can return to this game as my character from Season one, right? And goof off and do random acts of shenanigans instead of blah blah political game blah blah assassination of the Mask Maker blah blah crazed fire dictator thing?


Would I still have the Mask of Control for the animals? Do I have to wear red armor because I'm fire nation now? Will there be drama, forbidden love and props?



My question answers/builds on Tekulo's. I know we can assume that players who survived S1, such as Tekulo, will be guaranteed a position in the same region in the sequel. Some players, such as myself, Smoke, FF, presumably Nato-- will get to retain our jobs from last game, as well. However, what happens with players who died? Do they get preference as well, as L&H would seem to imply by mentioning TTL's progeny character? Or do they have to compete with incoming players? Additionally, what happens, considering the established lore, if someone doesn't want to/can't reprise their role from S1?


Edit: Also, Tekulo, regarding the mask: That's probably a question better addressed to Smoke. As for the armor, your freedom in color choice depends on how many times you call me a crazed dictator ::)


Whether there's forbidden love and props depends purely on the players, but drama is guaranteed.


- :burnmad:



Nice, if I sign up I'll try not to afk for a month this time

Kaleidoscope Tekulo




I'd better have freaking neon rainbow armor that gives everyone a desire to go clubbing. >:V



So, I can return to this game as my character from Season one, right? And goof off and do random acts of shenanigans instead of blah blah political game blah blah assassination of the Mask Maker blah blah crazed fire dictator thing?


Would I still have the Mask of Control for the animals? Do I have to wear red armor because I'm fire nation now? Will there be drama, forbidden love and props?


1-Yes, you can continue playing as your character from Season 1 - same as any players who survived the first game.


2-Well, this is a game designed with politics, assassinations, and war in mind, so from the host's perspective, I'd rather the players participate in that?


3-No to the Mask of Control. While I'm giving role preferences and some very minor concessions to survivors of Season 1, the players will all be starting off on as even footing as possible (which still won't be very even, but you'll all figure it out). For objects like the Mask of Control, I have my own plans.


4-No, you do not - most Jungle Protectors would still wear green armor, though they could wear red if they so choose. Burnmad might have conquered the region, but if he tried to enforce every little detail on them he'd be facing an uprising that would almost certainly end with one of the two regions completely destroyed, and that would in turn set off another island-wide war.



My question answers/builds on Tekulo's. I know we can assume that players who survived S1, such as Tekulo, will be guaranteed a position in the same region in the sequel. Some players, such as myself, Smoke, FF, presumably Nato-- will get to retain our jobs from last game, as well. However, what happens with players who died? Do they get preference as well, as L&H would seem to imply by mentioning TTL's progeny character? Or do they have to compete with incoming players? Additionally, what happens, considering the established lore, if someone doesn't want to/can't reprise their role from S1?


1-Role preference is only given to players who survived Season 1, and players who won will also receive other minor concessions. You don't need to keep the same job, though; if you decide that Burnmad has retired to become a Turaga, you can do that.


For players who died in Season 1, they'll have to start over with brand new characters. No preferences will be given to them - if TimeLord is not fast enough to claim one of the Jungle spots, then he'll be unable to play his Season 1 character's son (such is the dangers of trying to plan ahead so far).


L&H is somewhat vague following the War for the Throne just in case any survivors don't want to (or can't) reprise their role from Season 1; while most are known to be alive at the current time of the L&H being "published", they could still die or disappear before the events of Season 2 (and a death could, in fact, cause some early Season 2 drama).


If a survivor wants to play a brand new character, that's fine; I'll work out their old character's fate with them, though it could be as simple as their Season 1 character deliberately avoiding the politics of the island.



4-No, you do not - most Jungle Protectors would still wear green armor, though they could wear red if they so choose. Burnmad might have conquered the region, but if he tried to enforce every little detail on them he'd be facing an uprising that would almost certainly end with one of the two regions completely destroyed, and that would in turn set off another island-wide war.


What if I legislate that Tekulo, specifically, has to wear featureless, monochrome red?






4-No, you do not - most Jungle Protectors would still wear green armor, though they could wear red if they so choose. Burnmad might have conquered the region, but if he tried to enforce every little detail on them he'd be facing an uprising that would almost certainly end with one of the two regions completely destroyed, and that would in turn set off another island-wide war.


What if I legislate that Tekulo, specifically, has to wear featureless, monochrome red?



- :burnmad:




Then you're probably going to wake up one morning to a slit throat

  • Upvote 1




It's happening


(I'm just messing Tekulo, you gird yourself in rainbows you fabulous thing you~)


- :burnmad:

  • Upvote 2
Nato G



Some players, such as myself, Smoke, FF, presumably Nato-- will get to retain our jobs from last game, as well. 


Nah. Let's face it, while I accomplished a lot during Season 1, I was truly awful at my actual job of being a diplomat. This time around, I'm probably looking to be either General or Guardian, a role where I can put the knowledge I gained last game to good use, and have some loyal men to watch my back. 


While I'm giving role preferences and some very minor concessions to survivors of Season 1, the players will all be starting off on as even footing as possible 


I assume this means that those of us who forged masks last game won't be starting off with those masks? We'll have to waste an episode or two to make some new ones?




Well, it was definitely a bit unfair on the Stone Region and Voxumo, that they got no chance to fight back against their deaths. Checks like these help against that, and also, Voxumo, I think you might have stood a better chance if you had used backdoor PMs more.


Voxumo's limited use of Backdoor PMs definitely played a significant role in his downfall.


Like it or not, the Backdoor PMs are a significant part of the game, and might honestly play a larger role than the Official PMs, especially with regards to planning with other players. To ignore them is to immediately handicap yourself.


To be fair, the only reason I didn't use them until the very end, and even then it was only to strategize for current events, is because I find it... Scummy. Alot of the games I play it is generally agreed that while you can talk and plan oocly, if said plans are not initiated and carried out icly, then that is metagaming. It'd be like playing a mud that you a friend whose an important character in the game. You create a new character and are immediately assigned as their second in command, while those who had put the time and effort are pushed to the side because of ooc connections. Scummy. I'm not saying those who used the backdoor pms are scummy, far from it actually as everyone has their own play styles, I'm just simply saying why I don't really use such things, except for simple planning around current events.



Though truth be told, I'm just hoping I'll be able to snag a turaga position... That seems like a nice, quiet, not in the spotlight position.




While I'm giving role preferences and some very minor concessions to survivors of Season 1, the players will all be starting off on as even footing as possible 


I assume this means that those of us who forged masks last game won't be starting off with those masks? We'll have to waste an episode or two to make some new ones?



There's a reason why the Mask of Control isn't mentioned in the first post - and why Pulse has locked up both the Mask of Creation and the Mask of Time...




Though truth be told, I'm just hoping I'll be able to snag a turaga position... That seems like a nice, quiet, not in the spotlight position.


Good luck with that :P



The only safe, out-of-the-spotlight position is Unmentioned Citizen Who Isn't Playing ::)



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