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One Of Those Entries

Tufi Piyufi


In order to break this horrific block of inactivity, I know I have to post some manner of entry. Thing is, I have no clue what to write about. This does not help things.


Therefore, I'm gonna have to do one of those sorts of entries.


You heard me. What you do is ask me questions, and what I do is answer them. Or not answer them, if it's something I'd really rather not discuss. Or smite inappropriate stuff.


So? Go for it.


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Aha! A forum in which you must finally answer me! Tufi, answer me this one question. Do you, or do you not hold claim to the cursed Tiki Idol?

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Pirates or Ninjas?


Other than the Puffin, what is your fave bird (other than the puffin)?


How is Canada this time of year?


Anything fun planned for the summer?


Since you're getting close to that time, what are your college plans? Major?



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To be... Or not to be?


That is the question.

Suffer the slings and arrows. It's nobler, and besides, you don't know what's kicking around in that 'undiscovered country'.


Aha! A forum in which you must finally answer me! Tufi, answer me this one question. Do you, or do you not hold claim to the cursed Tiki Idol?

No way. I passed that thing off on Kaiapu long ago. He might not actually know this, though. So... um... there you go, Kaiaboss? :D


Ever had Puffin brand cereal? It's surprisingly tasty.

Unfortunately, I've never even seen it around here. Rest assured, though: if ever I did see it, I'd snatch it up so fast.


How are you coping without Schizo?



Somehow, I'm alive. Remarkable.


What's that one thing you said you did to me?

If I told you, that'd ruin everything. Obviously.


Pirates or Ninjas?


Other than the Puffin, what is your fave bird (other than the puffin)?


How is Canada this time of year?


Anything fun planned for the summer?


Since you're getting close to that time, what are your college plans? Major?



Ninjas, no question.


Herons are also pretty awesome.


As it encompasses a wide variety of different biomes, extremely variable.


Not quite yet.


A most delightful program involving two delightful schools.


How tall are you?


Do you really have Clikits hidden somewhere in your room? :o




I'm actually not too sure. Not extremely tall, though.


Not at all. They're in plain sight with the rest of my Lego.


Is it made of lemon juice?

Only for Passover.

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If you ever jump the border, they sell them at health food stores. They're almost as addictive as picking the marshmallows out of Lucky Charms.


Okay okay this question has got to be asked: who is Kacie Hanafuda and is she a real person? It's been nagging in my brain for such a long time that I even looked her up on IMDB to see if she existed. For serious. All those big director guys rolled into one almost sounds too good to be true.

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Aha! A forum in which you must finally answer me! Tufi, answer me this one question. Do you, or do you not hold claim to the cursed Tiki Idol?

No way. I passed that thing off on Kaiapu long ago. He might not actually know this, though. So... um... there you go, Kaiaboss? :D

Then the game is afoot!

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How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


Have you ever been aboard a spaceship?


Who sells seashells by the seashore?


Who is your favorite Bionicle character?


Did I spell "Character" wrong?



And the most important question ever asked...


Why am I asking you all these weird questions?

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Did you ever forgive me?




If you ever jump the border, they sell them at health food stores. They're almost as addictive as picking the marshmallows out of Lucky Charms.


Okay okay this question has got to be asked: who is Kacie Hanafuda and is she a real person? It's been nagging in my brain for such a long time that I even looked her up on IMDB to see if she existed. For serious. All those big director guys rolled into one almost sounds too good to be true.

Oh my.


Kacie is the top director at Ketran Studios of Dreamscape. She is best known for her classic film Just Run Away, Totem, about a boy named Totem during a point in his life where everything is getting mixed up and the shocking personal discoveries just won't let up. She has also done the film adaptations of the great Torcuran musicals Ikallie and Lacri, and is said to be working on her own take on the Red Version story. She's mostly human, but she's got some crocodilian bits to her, for reasons unknown.


And no, she isn't real, I'm afraid. Not as far as I know.


What is your quest?

I seek the DS wi-fi USB thing.


Doesn't it suck that Ottawa lost the Stanley Cup?

Profoundly. Considering they were the Canadian team, that they were looking so good up to that point, that they're my second-favourite team in general, that they lost to the Ducks, that they lost to Brian Burke...


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


Have you ever been aboard a spaceship?


Who sells seashells by the seashore?


Who is your favorite Bionicle character?


Did I spell "Character" wrong?



And the most important question ever asked...


Why am I asking you all these weird questions?

As much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.


Not as far as I know.


She does.


Oddly enough, I don't think I have one. I've never been too big on the official story.


Nope. You're good.


Because I asked you guys to.


Why is the answer to life 42?

If you have to ask why, you're not ready to know.

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Of the Three Witches and Lady Macbeth, who is more awesome?


Scales or fur? Or feathers over both?


What is your opinion of Thursday?


Is Ninjo away because he's being held hostage by Clikits?


Who is your favorite of the nine Muses?

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Well then what's your favorite NHL team?

Do you think Emery play dreadful in the finals?

Moving away from hockey are you having nice weather like me (Canada rules)?

Do you ahve pets?

Isn't it late (1 am for me)?

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Ooh this should be fun!


~Do you have a boyfriend? :P

~What is your favorite color?

~Who would you want to seal in protodermis? :P

~Have you heard of Degrassi?

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Is it tough being a Global Moderator?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no.


Of the Three Witches and Lady Macbeth, who is more awesome?


Scales or fur? Or feathers over both?


What is your opinion of Thursday?


Is Ninjo away because he's being held hostage by Clikits?


Who is your favorite of the nine Muses?

THe witches. Lady Macbeth is, dare I say it, overrated.


Well, on me, none of the three, thank you very much. On other stuff, it depends on what it is. No sense having a furry snake, after all.


It's an okay day. Less insane than Tuesday, though.


Clikits are inanimate objects. Evil, but inanimate. How could they hold him hostage? :blink:


Eh, may as well go with Terpsichore. She'd prolly be fun to hang out with.


  • Do you hate me? Why?
  • Were you ever a Newb?
  • Am I a Newb?
  • Which came first? The chicken Puffin? or the egg?

No, and thus non-applicable.


Considering I don't buy into that whole 'newb/noob/etc.' deal, also non-applicable.


See above.


As the egg would be the first thing to contain the DNA of what will eventually become the puffin, the egg.


Well then what's your favorite NHL team?

Do you think Emery play dreadful in the finals?

Moving away from hockey are you having nice weather like me (Canada rules)?

Do you ahve pets?

Isn't it late (1 am for me)?

The Canucks. Hey, Vancouverite.


Honestly, I had no time at all to watch any of the games, so I can't say for sure.


Indeed I am.


A big, fuzzy grey cat.


Nah, not really.


Ooh this should be fun!


~Do you have a boyfriend? :P

~What is your favorite color?

~Who would you want to seal in protodermis? :P

~Have you heard of Degrassi?

Not answering this one.


Blue (but if it's something that can be called 'azure', then it gets a million more points), followed by a good, solid yellow.


While I'm on the hockey kick, I may as well say Gary Bettman.


Heard of it, yes. Seen it, no. Want to watch it, not especially.

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Lemme try my hand at this....

~ Who do you think would win in a fight? Mario, or Sonic the Hedgehog?

~ Why do you like puffins so much?

~ What is your favorite movie quote?


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Why is it "Time to break out the chains"?


What are "the Chains"?


Coke or Pepsi?


Do you like soul music?


What about funk?


Don't you think its unfair that the Trix Rabbit never gets any Trix?


Where is The Fountain of Youth?


Why can't more people like Brussel Sprouts?


Do -you- Like Brussel Sprouts?

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