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Fruit War 2





Since some of my readers decided in the last blog entry that the Fruit War is back on, I figured I would at least devote a new blog entry to it.


REMEMBER, this is not, nor will it be an RPG.


*lobs watermelon at Onuki and Spitty*


Oh, and my Premier Membership is gone, so no new entries.


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"is that even a word??"*BANG!**Throws the worlds biggest carrot at cthulhu and hits him in the most unpleasant of places(oy)*

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Carrots are vegitables you fool!


and yes, bludgeon is a word...


*Jams nuclear pumpkin down Hakkan's throat*


*Nuclear blast with meaty bits*

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It... It's safe to come out now?


The fruit war has stopped?


Dokky, you made the biggest slice of bzp history. 1000 comments in less than 3 days? Amazing, simply amazing.

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*Tries to follow TMK through the rift but the rift closes before jumping and ends up lying on the floor*



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*Pours my new cereal on Seranikai*


IPB Image



*Also sends in Pie-Wing Fighters to 'asplode the USS Fruitloop*


*Also sends in Strawberry Clones and Blueberry Droidekas along with PIE Fighters to capture part of the Fruit Wars Medical Center*

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*Thinks for two seconds, holsters pistol and takes out Lemon machine gun*




*unleashes Lemony destruction on NP*




*pushes Seranikai outta the way of cereal, pulls out a Lemon Lightsaber out of the ground, marhes off to claim things and is hit by a peach*




EDIT: The edited thingy gave out my Sign-in name, OH NOES!

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I'm back! Nice one NP, but I am sorry to say that yer Pie-wings are all gonna asplode! *Shoots down Pie-Wings with a well placed kumquat*

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*Blocks Eryzeth's Lemon Lightsaber with box of strawberries.* Arrr! Pirates can not be defeated, only knocked out!


*Is coincidentally hit in the head with a watermelon.*


*Falls over unconscious.*




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You'll have to ask Cap'n Laughin'Man about that; I is only the ship's... miniscule-Pirate-person.


*Can't duck to avoid applesauce because she is unconscious.*




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You'll never defeat me! *knocks ripesaber out of JSZ's hands and chucks it into the ocean*

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