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Tufi Piyufi


I moderate GD. As such, I often wind up reading the topics contained within that forum. Funny how that works out.


While reading that topic in particular, I noticed something. The phrase 'haven't entered any (since) because there's no theme that interests me (yet)' or a variation thereof comes up a fair bit. I can't help it: as BBC Contest host, I tend to be interested in these sorts of things.


So tell me, folks, off the record: what would be an interesting theme?


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A contest where you create a BIONICLE version of a celebrity. Just came up with that off the top of my head. Alternatively, one where you make an MOC of a famous fictional character.


Or perhaps an MOC where you make an MOC of another member. Of course, that one might be a bad idea, since people may vote based on who it's an MOC of rather than how good it is.


I dunno, I'll post any others I come up with.


BTW, could you tell me what you thought of my Tufi TransforMOC? Since the contest is over, you'll be able to review it. I look forward to getting your personal feedback. Sadly, I believe the topic is dead by now, but you can review it via PM if you want, or I can post the MOC on one of the other sites you use (since I do know a few). Thanks in advance, and feel free to review it at your leisure.

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I was of the opinion that said topic contained mostly posts from non MOCers and not many from the people who do like the contests.


I find many of the past contests have required a good bit of skill and creativity to make something new and cool, and not just another Toa MOC. I haven't had a problem with any of the themes.



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Considering that I appreciate the spirit that goes into these things, I'd say that more people would be interested if there was more focus on the BBC contests. Beyond that, personally, I'd love a horror-themed contest.
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I've always wondered what would happen if people started making MOCs based on a feeling or an emotion from a song... :mellow:


Basically, a MOC (character, Rahi or object) which is inspired by a song.

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I have no idea how many times I've told you these two. :P


1. Self MOC

2. Comic character (We could even bring back categories...)

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I've always wondered what would happen if people started making MOCs based on a feeling or an emotion from a song... :mellow:


Basically, a MOC (character, Rahi or object) which is inspired by a song.

that would be cool i'd like to see that to.

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I have no idea how many times I've told you these two. :P


1. Self MOC

2. Comic character (We could even bring back categories...)

*agrees with ET* We could have two categories, one for heroes and one for villains, then a Grand Battle-sort-of-thing between the two winners in each category.



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I'd like to see a free-build (with the technic-system ratio changed to 60-40) where toa-mods are not allowed. And if one is feeling risky, limit the amount of colors that can appear on the moc, similar to the idea of BBC 39.


I also like the song-based moc idea.

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Hmm... A contest that's divided into categories, with each category being a theme from an earlier contest. That would be cool.



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1. Self MOC. With a size restriction or something, so that people don't go crazy

2. Set revamp

3. Playsets?

4. Make Hapori Dume (kinda obvious after #44)

5. Make a sidekick for an existing Bionicle villain

6. Make a vehicle for Toa Mahri to use

7. Custom Toa team

8. Create a new type of hero (other than Toa)

9. Make an evil machine for an existing villain

10. Sculpture contest (e.g. Shan's Mata Nui shrine)



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Y'all have some neat ideas. ^_^ Here's one that hasn't been thought of yet (to my knowledge): weapons. I'd like to have two categories: figure-sized (such that it can be held by a BIONICLE figure) and/or human-sized (such that a human could use it).

-Toa Of Justice

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