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New Serials



Hey guys,


So we have started talking about new serials for next year, as the OOMN goes to war with the Brotherhood. Binkmeister and I are still firming up what they will be, but it looks like one first half of the year one is going to feature a very unusual team on a mission against the BOM. Who are they? Try:


Brutaka (team leader)



Makuta Spiriah




I can't WAIT to start writing this one :)


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You mean, Brutaka, Roodaka, Vezon and all those others are teaming with the OOMN to beat the BOM? Sweet. 2008 just keeps getting better and better.

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Wow... :o Tha-That is a dream lineup...Some of the best characters ever...And all on one team? I can't wait to start reading it.

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Brutaka (team leader)



Makuta Spiriah



OK, Brutaka can be a leader. I guess that means he's truly turned to the dark side.

Roodaka. Good to see her again.

Vezon. Interesting

Spiriah? Is this the MoMN's true name?

Carapar and Takadox. I'm guessing Takadox entranced Carapar to follow him. Interesting how it's these two warlords of the LoSK. I wonder what happened to the others?


Cool info!




Edit: I just realized this was a team of six. That's typical I guess.

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Brutaka (team leader)



Makuta Spiriah



OK, Brutaka can be a leader. I guess that means he's truly turned to the dark side.

Roodaka. Good to see her again.

Vezon. Interesting

Spiriah? Is this the MoMN's true name?

Carapar and Takadox. I'm guessing Takadox entranced Carapar to follow him. Interesting how it's these two warlords of the LoSK. I wonder what happened to the others?


Cool info!




Edit: I just realized this was a team of six. That's typical I guess.

Spiriah is the rogue Makuta of Zakaz, the one who mutated the Skakdi.


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Sounds like one that'll appease older fans very much. But personally, it sounds like something a crazy fan-fiction author would come up with, but I'm sure you'll have some amazing reasons to group them together. I can't wait to see what this leads to.



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*Inhales half of drink up nose while reading* ... ... ... *Bursts out laughing* What a team! Huray!!! Brutaka, Roodaka, Vezon, Spiriah, Carapar, and Takadox... I can't stop laughing. I LOVE IT! The first three, I can't wait to see them on the same team. When will you start writing this one? It'll be better than this year's EASY. Good idea! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:



:t: :m_o: :c:

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That sounds like the best team ever. I'm intrigued about how this team will be formed...Oh man, Greg, you've made 2008 sound even better. I can understand your excitement about writing that serial.

BTW, excellent work with this years serials. Too awesome for words...



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Wow. Just wow.


You really do know how to please the fans Greg. :)


The personalities in that line-up reminds me of K.W. Jeter's Bounty Hunter Wars series. :P



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Count me in to read it.


I will have to say, this LOOKS like it'll rock. How will it look when it's written?


I guess time will tell. -Swert

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Are you kidding me?


What in the world happened to her? Mega turnaround/brainwashing?

I mean she... eh... whe....shhhhhhhpt whatever...


I guess I'll find out


*looks at the list again*


0_0 ....... 0_o ...... Ok?!?


Lady Ranna

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Are you kidding me?


What in the world happened to her? Mega turnaround/brainwashing?

I mean she... eh... whe....shhhhhhhpt whatever...


I guess I'll find out


*looks at the list again*


0_0 ....... 0_o ...... Ok?!?


Lady Ranna

If you think about it, it seems like an obvious thing to do. She sides with whoever's winning, not just the BoM. Just because she's evil dosn't mean she cares about helping the almighty good, just herself.

Looks great Greg. Can't wait to see some of the best characters in a single team. More Roodaka is always awesome.

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I can understand why Roodaka would be in it, seemingly due to the Toa Hagah :P Carapar too, because he hangs around with Takadox (Remember his method of thinking? If not, consult BS01). The others, however...


Oh, and Brutaka. He might've found reclamation. Still, it's open for ideas, and until it's revealed why these characters do so, I'm going to thinking of zany ideas why they are in :P

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Oh. Wow.


So this is against the BoM? Oh, even more interesting... I can't wait to find out what spurred Roodaka to turn against them. Takadox is understandable - and I'm going to assume Carapar was just hypnotized by him (Might not be...). And after that confrontation with Makuta, Brutaka makes sense too... But he's mutated. Hmm.


Spiriah would want revenge, yes...


But Vezon? :blink: I don't see how he fits into this, but, lol, it'll surely make it much more interesting.


Thanks for the preview, Greg. ^_^ I can't wait to see this.

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My model for this was essentially the old "Dirty Dozen" movie -- where a bunch of convicts have to go on a mission in WWII, and if they refuse to participate, they hang for their old crimes.


So here is how the team was formed ...


Brutaka is team leader because he was an OOMN member, and as gets revealed in 2008, is back working with them again. He is also, along with Spiriah, the most powerful of them.


Roodaka is participating for a very good reason -- self-interest. If the DH know she was betraying them, the BOM know it too, or soon will, and her life won't be worth a widget. So she has a choice -- join the team and have some measure of protection in numbers, or be left on her own to be hunted down by one side or the other.


Vezon -- He is the only Piraka who didn't mutate, and the one whose whereabouts are unaccounted for ... plus he's just really fun to write.


Spiriah -- The most logical choice. If the BOM prevails, he's dead.


Carapar and Takadox -- Pridak and Kalmah would never agree to serve Brutaka, Mantax and Ehlek just didn't have colorful enough personalities ... Carapar brings some brute strength, and Takadox of course needs to get the heck away from the Barraki.


Why choose these six? Because, in the end, the OOMN feels this is a potential suicide mission and they are expendable.



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*Starts choking on muffin* Wow, Greg, you really know how to make a crack team. I wonder how Vezon got away from the Zyglak, or how Takadox and Carapar start breathing air again. That is, if the mission's over land. Their armies will really help if underwater.



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