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New Serials



Hey guys,


So we have started talking about new serials for next year, as the OOMN goes to war with the Brotherhood. Binkmeister and I are still firming up what they will be, but it looks like one first half of the year one is going to feature a very unusual team on a mission against the BOM. Who are they? Try:


Brutaka (team leader)



Makuta Spiriah




I can't WAIT to start writing this one :)


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OMGosh. Wow...............wow. As if I already din't love Brutaka enough. Takadox has placed high on my favorite characters list, due to his being the you-know-what and all. I'm not fond of Carapar, but it'll be nice to see him. Roodaka....well, every team needs a rebel. Vezon should...complicate things. It'll be nice to meet Spiriah, though.

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Carapar and Takadox -- Pridak and Kalmah would never agree to serve Brutaka, Mantax and Ehlek just didn't have colorful enough personalities ... Carapar brings some brute strength, and Takadox of course needs to get the heck away from the Barraki.

Why choose these six? Because, in the end, the OOMN feels this is a potential suicide mission and they are expendable.




Uh I like the OoMN's attitude... hey are so evil, I mean pragmatic :D !


Oh but Greg,

due to the comment you made in the quote. Wouldn't that be (if we were 100percent correct), a BL8 spoiler?! :o

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its like a team of the universe mis-fits!

reasons y they r misfits

Brtuaka-a former OoMN member who is sorta loony


roodaka-beginning to be rejected by both her organizations

and shes basically a double crosser


vezon-hes crazy unwelcome(even in insane asylums

!) and was the ruler of zyglaks who over thru him


spiriah-hes in hiding and hated by all


carapar and takadox are hated murderous rulers



so yeah they are awesome! baiscally karzahnis rejects!



zee :tohu:

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Love this team. I'd like to know how exactly they are assembled, however. Does Botar or another member of the OoMN come to get them from their respective locations? I expect for this question I'll have to wait.


But it's easy to see why they'll comply. Brutaka, while still a renegade, has never actively intended any harm to the universe as a whole, and he doesn't seem to like the BoM much, after seeing his experience with MoMN and the fact that he left the Brotherhood's armies in the first place. BTW, will we ever learn why he left in the books/serials? Was he disgruntled working for the BoM, or did the OoMN just give him a better offer? I can't wait to find out, that sounds like it might be a good setup for a short story...


Back to the list. Roodaka's obvious... her scheming has put her in situations beyond her control (she seems more of a "take advantage of the current situation" person than MoMN, who works more towards making sure that the situation he needs becomes the current one when needed), and this will be the best way for her to begin working back torwards that position of power she was in before. Unless she's changed, but it would be a rather pathetic story if it took so little to make her do so. Oh, gosh, I hope the Brutaka+Roodaka pairings don't come back... it was an innocent gesture when LEGO made their names rhyme, and made the sets a similar size, but some random fan had to take these coincidences too far. I had hoped we'd seen the end of this, I'll have to wait and see if that holds true (though if you leave the potential for it in the story, it would be a little more bearable *hint, hint*).


Vezon... well, I suppose he's doing it for fun. It'll be a nice experience, and the alternative would be, as he would think of it, not fun at all. I wonder how the rest of the group will be able to put up with him. :lol:


Spiriah... well, your reason a few comments back sums it up nicely.


And Carapar and Takadox... Ah, the dillemic duo (Is that a word? Well, it is now. :P). ***EDIT: Sorry. Forgot that that was still a spoiler. Wish I could make it up to the people I spoiled it for.*** If the opportunity comes to get revenge, and the alternative is death, well... the choice should be obvious. And Carapar's useless without Takadox anymore, so there's no loss if he tags along.


All in all, a horribly balanced, ludicrous, and all-around despicable team. Can't wait to see how you tackle this. :)

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Oh lord, that must be the most sexy group I have ever seen in Bionicle.


FTW! *Hugs Mr. Greg*


Oh Lady K you bad girl *giggle*


you forgot about who isn't in this group...

Yah You got Bionicles most desired Bachelorett. But unfortunately not the most desired of men in there... but they are some pretty good candidates in there...

We might have to make a new poll. :sly:


Lady Ranna



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I missed this until I heard of it in the OGD, sounds great, can't wait to see a mismatched team like that trying to work together, there should be plenty of conflict between the team so the "United we stand, Divided we fall" thing will really play a factor.

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This, I cannot wait to see you pull out of a hat. Seeing as half the team are water breathers, I can assume it's underwater?



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Takadox being the traitor is going to have something to do with this, innit?
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I don't think it's going to be underwater, Dorek. They probably gave Brutaka, Takadox, and Carapar their own breathing apparatus so they could function on land.




Edit: Stupid qoute tags. Had to get rid of them.

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Kinda sad that this is just going to be a serial... hopefully you have room for a little more interaction and character development... Although Into the Darkness was incredible for a web story...


Vezon. Ah. It's refreshing to see that guy again. And it's great to see two Barraki in the pack, and ever nicer that it was the best two personality-wise... and set-wise. Takadox is also the one Barraki not to meet Brutaka yet... So... good choice all around. (Although, didn't know who the traitor was... ah well, not too big a spoiler... kinda surprising though.)


Roodaka... guess the Hagah effectively saved her... seems like the only organization she really hasn't messed with in the past, the only one willing to hire her... definite motive there...


Brutaka... that's just a Yay. I didn't really care about Brutaka until he appeared in ITD, but now, yay! More Brutaka!


Spiriah... Don't know much about him yet, but a renegade Makuta seems like a cool addition. Guess he needs protection from the BoM and Tracker... although if Tracker finds him, he finds Roodaka, his sworn enemy... possible confrontation there?




EDIT: Wait... Vezon didn't have powers when we saw him last... how's that gonna work?

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2008 is officially going to be the one of the best years in Bionicle. I'm glad Brutaka is back, he's probably one of my favourite character to read about.



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Love 2008 best characters all in one team! Go vezon Go vezon Go vezon. Wait he has no weapons or poweres what's he gonna do? Maybe the OoMN will tamper with him and give him a new weapon or re create the Spear of Fusion?

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The OoMN is just EVIL! They can do anything! Including bringing a lunatic, psycho lady, former member, renegade Makuta, and two freaks from the deep together in the ultimate dream team!

Oh, this is just like what a fanfic writer would write.....

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You definitely know how to cheer up someone on a crummy day.


Seriously, those are some of my favorite characters returning. Good to know Vezon's still gonna be intact. I was almost beginning to get worried for that guy. ... Speaking of Vezon, you sure that shield he carries in the set still won't get mentioned? Y'know, only for the sake of a slight set-story continuity? And for his well-being?



But anyhow, great stuff. Be careful not to set our standards too high, though. :P

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I can tell you'll enjoy writing that

that is definitely what I'd call a bunch of dysfunctional mismatches

well done

have fun writing



PS unblock me

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that is the best news Bionicle-wise I have heard in ages!

That is just so awesome. don't know why any of them are with the OOMN and that war's finally going to happen?!


Thanks Greg



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Wow. Greg you are a genius. Some of the best storyline characters put together as part of my favorite organization! This will be totaly amazing. I also read in the OGD that although Vezon didn't have a power, the BOM doesn't know that. I laughed when I read that, because I can just imagine Vezon running around in battle, freaking out bigger guys then him.

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