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Here It Comes...




Depression. I used to have it. It started when mom got cancer. I got it again when we moved to Hawaii. I was just getting over it, but now...


My life has been full of ups, but mostly downs in terms of emotion. I really don't have that bad of a life, but none of the good things seem to matter when I feel this way.

Recently I've realized how much people suck. I've never been very social, and I really only have two close friends. Those friends are now far away on the mainland, and heaven knows when I'll see them again.

So this thing started when my parents finally decided to put me in a sport: paddling. I've never been one for competition, and much less any kind of organized sport, but this is a bit much. Not because the actual paddling isn't enjoyable, but because I hate extremely dislike the people.

They put me in it so I could make friends, but if anything it's making me more distant from people, and I just...
I never want to see any of these people again, but come next Tuesday, I'm gonna have to.

And every time I tell my parents how I feel, mom just asks repetitive questions about why I don't like it and dad doesn't give a fish.


Of course I've thought of suicide, as I have pretty much all my life, but then I think of you guys, and all the nice people on the interwebs, and then I can't.

So I blame you for my still being here. =/
Thanks guys.

And besides, I can't miss BBC #50. = |



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Whenever I think I'm getting depressed I just remember how bad my life could be, but it's not. I could be homeless, with no food, on a deserted island, with savage tigers chasing me. That always cheers me up. :P


And suicide's stupid. Seriously.




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BZP can't lose its bunny.
Yeah, seriously. You're the most coolest member on here. It'd be so dull without you. :D




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Sounds like me sort of. I'm not really social, I dislike competition, and many types of people are annoying to me.


Then I think about how everyone that knows me would react. It is saddening. Think about if one of your friends committed suicide. Wouldn't that just suck? Well that is how they would feel if you did the committing.



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Sounds like me sort of. I'm not really social, I dislike competition, and many types of people are annoying to me.


Then I think about how everyone that knows me would react. It is saddening. Think about if one of your friends committed suicide. Wouldn't that just suck? Well that is how they would feel if you did the committing.



Silly people, I said I wouldn't. XP



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fun stuff... for some odd reason i have recently gone into a depressive spiral! but there is no way to fix it, thinking of how bad others have it is just lying to yourself and getting off the subject.... so just try to help yourself out, even if you're not so social try making friends (yeah i know... hawaii not the best place for that... but just try it mmk?) who might be able to help you out when ya' need it!

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*Puts away shank*








Depression hurts, .Cym.Balta can help.



Seriously, we wubs you. Suicide might cause a lemmings effect, and BZP would lose at least 20 members.





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*Puts away shank*








Depression hurts, .Cym.Balta can help.



Seriously, we wubs you. Suicide might cause a lemmings effect, and BZP would lose at least 20 members.





But... I don't have Balta!



Lemmings? Tasty!



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*Puts away shank*








Depression hurts, .Cym.Balta can help.



Seriously, we wubs you. Suicide might cause a lemmings effect, and BZP would lose at least 20 members.





Yup, I'd prob'ly be gone without you.


On another note, I know where you're coming from. Sort of. I started out like most other kids, everyone was friends, it didn't matter if anything was differentfrom anyone else or anything. But then, as things started to change, people left the school, and new kids came. Some were good, others, bad. Then the cliques started to form. And people, please don't say it's just life, because this is far worse than normal... Anyways, so there were the cliques, over half of my former friends were now enemies that I wanted to destroy. They ruined most of my youth. They constantly made fun of me and the friends I still had. And me, being the oldest of the class, was always the one they picked on because they thought it'd be a better way out where they could say that I started it. They always got into fights with me, one time, a kid threw a football at my face. Let's just say things didn't turn out that well for him. After that episode, everyone hated me. Things were tense for a long time, then eight grade came along... Quickly, within the first month, a fight erupted. I was the target of the fight. One of the kids (the same kid with the football) started to randomly kick me, I pushed him away, but three more of his friends came and joined in. Luckily, I had been good at defensive maneuvers, so they only hit my arm. Though, with that said, my arm was beat up and is still scarred. My own friends started to disband as well. Two of my best friends changed. One went extremely bad over the course of a month after his dad died from cancer and he turned to drugs and other corrupt things. The other, changed from more things. I on the other hand, was changing from my heart being broken twice. After six months or so, what friends I had left came together, and realised what we screwed up on, we are now constantly together, trying to have parties whenever we can. Plus, my heart has been mended as I now have a loving girlfriend. So overall, what I'm trying to get you to get out of this is, "Good things can come from the bleakest things in life". My life is a great example. Yeah, I thought about other things, but that's all they were, thoughts. I tried my best to overlook the bad things in life, and only see the good things, it didn't work, but as you read, things all fell into place.


Yeah, I know you said you weren't committing suicude, but I wanted you hear my opinion.



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LOL, I've been there. I'm not very social either, and it took me a while to make friends after we moved. And then I went to college and have to start the whole thing over 'cause most of my friends went to the rival school. :rolleyes: Just hang in there, eventually you'll find the people who'll be your friends.


And suicide is stupid. If you think it isn't, read Sylvia Plath. Afterwards, you'll agree that it's pretty stupid.



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*Puts away shank*






>< No!


It's suppose to be:








*Puts away shank*








Depression hurts, .Cym.Balta can help.



Seriously, we wubs you. Suicide might cause a lemmings effect, and BZP would lose at least 20 members.





Yup, I'd prob'ly be gone without you.


On another note, I know where you're coming from. Sort of. I started out like most other kids, everyone was friends, it didn't matter if anything was differentfrom anyone else or anything. But then, as things started to change, people left the school, and new kids came. Some were good, others, bad. Then the cliques started to form. And people, please don't say it's just life, because this is far worse than normal... Anyways, so there were the cliques, over half of my former friends were now enemies that I wanted to destroy. They ruined most of my youth. They constantly made fun of me and the friends I still had. And me, being the oldest of the class, was always the one they picked on because they thought it'd be a better way out where they could say that I started it. They always got into fights with me, one time, a kid threw a football at my face. Let's just say things didn't turn out that well for him. After that episode, everyone hated me. Things were tense for a long time, then eight grade came along... Quickly, within the first month, a fight erupted. I was the target of the fight. One of the kids (the same kid with the football) started to randomly kick me, I pushed him away, but three more of his friends came and joined in. Luckily, I had been good at defensive maneuvers, so they only hit my arm. Though, with that said, my arm was beat up and is still scarred. My own friends started to disband as well. Two of my best friends changed. One went extremely bad over the course of a month after his dad died from cancer and he turned to drugs and other corrupt things. The other, changed from more things. I on the other hand, was changing from my heart being broken twice. After six months or so, what friends I had left came together, and realised what we screwed up on, we are now constantly together, trying to have parties whenever we can. Plus, my heart has been mended as I now have a loving girlfriend. So overall, what I'm trying to get you to get out of this is, "Good things can come from the bleakest things in life". My life is a great example. Yeah, I thought about other things, but that's all they were, thoughts. I tried my best to overlook the bad things in life, and only see the good things, it didn't work, but as you read, things all fell into place.


Yeah, I know you said you weren't committing suicude, but I wanted you hear my opinion.





That sucked.

LOL, I've been there. I'm not very social either, and it took me a while to make friends after we moved. And then I went to college and have to start the whole thing over 'cause most of my friends went to the rival school. :rolleyes: Just hang in there, eventually you'll find the people who'll be your friends.


And suicide is stupid. If you think it isn't, read Sylvia Plath. Afterwards, you'll agree that it's pretty stupid.





I don't think so. The only good friends I've had I've known since I was little.


I'm really bad at making friends.





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At least You have us to live for.


I know what you mean, I dont make friends easy either, my only real friend, i've had since grade 3, i'm in year 9 now. when i fall out with him, seems like my world goes bye-bye. I have to agree with everyone else here, You are the BZ Bunny, even if you're kinda a BZ pony/Bunny now.

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At least You have us to live for.


I know what you mean, I dont make friends easy either, my only real friend, i've had since grade 3, i'm in year 9 now. when i fall out with him, seems like my world goes bye-bye. I have to agree with everyone else here, You are the BZ Bunny, even if you're kinda a BZ pony/Bunny now.

Yeah, my best friend was in the house when I was born. :D


Lulz at the bunny/pony nonsense.



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And every time I tell my parents how I feel, mom just asks repetitive questions about why I don't like it and dad doesn't give a fish.

Hmmm...do you mean she keeps asking you the same questions? Because you don't want to answer them, or she doesn't understand the answers you give her?


Have you ever told your mom and dad that you have considered suicide? Maybe your dad will realise how unhappy you are if you tell him about this. Then again, I suppose you don't want to risk upsetting your parents, especially after what happened to your mom...








Everyone seems to have complicated me. I don't know whether to be happy or jealous...

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Without bad things, there are no good things. Without death, there is no life. Without light, there is no darkness. Enough with paradoxial relations. My point is, the worst happens in the middle. I know where you're coming from. I was moved up to third grade half-way through my 2nd grade year. Only one kid in the class was truly a friend to me. All of my old friends have moved away, save for one who has become an enemy. All through elementary, each year they thought up a new thing to make fun of me about. 4th and 5th grade was the "little 3rd grader" and "little 4th grader", respectively. back then, I was not only the youngest, but I was also the smallest, and as you can guess, when the main cause of your grief is twice as big as you, it's hard to fight back. 6th-8th was like death. But now, after just graduating 9th grade, they have almost come to a complete halt.


My point to that little story is this: As one grows and matures in life, troubles come and go.


I shall pray your situations get better.




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I really haven't had that hard of a life, but I know how you feel about friends. Throughout my life I have only had tw o friends. I've recently made a new one, but my other friend and I had a falling out. So now I only have one close friend

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Feel free to talk to me, as well.


With two sucidal friends, and being a bit of a psychologist/psychiatrist myself, I know some stuff.


Plus, I deal with depression too.


Okay, just DON'T read 1984 right now.

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Go ahead and PM me. Arpy has also helped me through a hard time I just had, and I'm sure he'll help. And the other members that offered.


I'm sort of in a depressed mood myself right now too, so let's get through this together. (I'm about to go blog about it.)


As for talking with your parents, I know that can be hard, especially if they're questioning you so much. My parents ask me a lot of questions and sometimes I wish they'd be more considerate and stop making me feel awkward.


That's why you should talk with your friends. Go ahead and talk with some of us on BZP, but you should call (or email) your friends on the continent too. Talking with someone in real life can really help. (But putting your feelings through text can also help you organize your thoughts.) Let them know how you feel and that you miss them.


As for real people around you and making friends, I can say keep trying. I'm hard myself when it comes to socializing. I can't remember, are you homeschooled? If so, then I don't know where to start. But if you go to school...well, school's over now. I'm sure you've had some friends there, right? (Or was it home school?) I don't quite know how you can meet new people, sorry.


I don't like competition either. What's worse is that you're stuck in the middle of it. With people you don't like. That's not just bad for you, but for the team. If you got along with them then the team would do better and then you'd feel better, competition or no competition. I bet if you liked your team you wouldn't mind rowing as much. You need something that you like. Something you care about. I know you like Lego, but there's no Hawaii LUG out there, plus that's adults that only meet once a month, I guess. What I'm saying is you need to find a group you'll care about with people you'll eventually care about.


I hope I've helped. Feel free to send me (or anyone else) a PM.



PS, Suicide, don't. Talk to trusted people IRL about it. Even you may not want to say anything, those you will end up talking to care about you most.

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