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Animation Test



I finally got to see the animation test for the new movie last week -- wow.


For whatever my opinion is worth, it blows away any character animation ever done for BIONICLE and speaks to a lot of things BZPers have said they wanted in a new movie. If the whole movie can look like that, we are going to have quite a film.


The latest news I have heard is that a lot of concept art is done, voice recording should be done soon, and the studio is straining at the leash to get started on the script for the 2010 movie.




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-- I don't have any info on the voice cast, so I don't know if there are name actors in it. Personally, I hope not -- I think you fall into the "Oh, that's so and so playing that character!" trap, which knocks you right out of your immersion in the story. You wind up picturing the actual actor rather than focusing on the character.



True. I just want to know just to make sure we don't have a repeat of *shudder* Lewa's MoL voice.

I loved Lewa's MoL voice! What do you have against MoL Lewa!?

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So all the recording's done, eh? Well, there go my wild fantasies of being a voice actor in this one. :rolleyes:


Anyway, I'm not surprised that the animation in the movies is improving. Just look at the differences between movies 1 and 3. Now give that 4 years and we're going to see some pretty cool stuff.

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I think it would be cool to see the Antroz animation test as a special feature in the DVD. Well, all this talk about the movie is getting me excited. It's also fun to know Greg's getting credited. :D

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as far as i'm concerned, i'll only like it if it has the same look as the Ghost animations.......those are the best.

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Whoo hoo! Just a few questions:

Will it be 3D like the other three?

And will you still be using Furst?(Please say yes, his music oh, I said a leet word - contact a Moderator to take proto from me!!)




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Sounds great! I really can't wait for the movie now! :happydance: But, are the characters and everything going to be animated the same way as the other movies? I think it'd be cool if it was done like the CGI animations, where they actually look like the sets!

And they're starting the 2010 script already? :blink: It seems a little early... but maybe this means you'll be able to give us spoilers for the story earlier, right? :P


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Exuse me while I intercept:


1. Scripts can be written way in advance of a film -- a film can be made just based on a script, actually, that usually happens anyway.


2. For movies happening next year, they also have only season dates, for instance maybe Summer or Fall 2009.

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Awesome news. :D


Question: if possible, can you tell us if it's simililar to the animation used in the original movies, or is it a totally different style? :)



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Woah, awesome!


Suggestions we made? The only thing I can think of is making the characters look more like the set forms. I love the latest CGI stuff, especially the Mahri mini movie. If the animation for the movie blows that away, I don't really know what to expect. I couldn't really ask for more.

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Wonderful. ^_^ Can't wait to see it.


Also, wow, they want the 2010 scripts already? That seems a little early. :mellow:




You need to understand that it takes quite awhile for movies to be made. For Example, the movie Apocalypse Now took 2 years to finish, which wasn't even an animation, good animations can take just as long, seeing as there are multiple factors added to the timeline in order to have it completed by 2010.


Anyways, the movie sounds like it will be a success when it finally comes out. This is also good for Bionicle in general, because the movie will also act as an advertisement for the sets, which can lead to many good things, including better sets, more sets, and better sales over all, assuring a bright future for Bionicle.


Hayden J

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