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Clone Wars

Spoony Bard


So I saw The Clone Wars today, and I am just gonna be frank here.


The movie sucked.


I would have rather watched Meet the Spartans, and that movie sucked so badly I walked out on it. But when compared to Clone Wars, well, Meet the Spartans is way better.


So yeah, Stars Wars is now officially going down a sucky path, if it hasn't already.




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Huh. How odd. I also saw it today. I completely agree. It was painful. I wanted to leave half-way through. >>


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I'm amazed you even didn't gouge your eyes out and surgically remove that part of your brain, like me has after watching it. :blink:





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Meh, I knew an animated SW movie would suck. I'm not a big fan, but from the previews, I knew this was worse than the live-action ones.

Now I don't have much hope for the new Resident Evil movie. :-/

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I heard that the new girl character is the equivalent of having ninety-odd minutes of Jar-Jar Binks.



I hope not. I wanna rent it and do what I did with Eragon: Just make fun of it.


Of course some movies are too bad to make fun of... >_>



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I heard that the new girl character is the equivalent of having ninety-odd minutes of Jar-Jar Binks.

Jar Jar is cooler than her. At least he provided stupid humor.



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No, people! See the movie! Sometimes it was unintentionally hilarious! :lol: Mostly horrible, though. 'Cept for the droids and clones. Battle droids had some of the best humor by far, and the clones were just awesome soldier dudes.


But Ahsoka cannot be forgiven for "sky-guy". It is the ultimate sin.

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You know what, I'm going to see it anyway. You have to not take it seriously. The movies then become hilarious.

It worked with Episode III!



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I didn't like the movie, although I did like all of those details they put in (The different hairstyles for the clones for instance) and I liked a handful of their side characters like the droid Commander and droid Sergeant, along with Rex.


Those three were the highlight of the movie if you ask me, it was well... bleh.

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Once again, I find more reason not to see this movie. Thanks for helping me not make the mistake and see it, Omi. You're a lifesaver, man. :)


Hmm...Is it true that some of the clone troopers have like their own face? Just curious as I believe that would technically be going against the whole clone thing as the troopers are supposed to be clones of Jango Fett, not their own person as far as I know.


I just find that weird that George Lucas would do such a thing, but I guess it was to help little kids identify the troopers better. *shrug* I don't know. I hadn't seen the movie and I guess I won't be see it, after seeing such bad reviews for it, so thanks for setting me straight.



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I heard that the new girl character is the equivalent of having ninety-odd minutes of Jar-Jar Binks.

Jar Jar is cooler than her. At least he provided stupid humor.



That's Not True!

That's Impossible!

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I have a friend who actually likes Jar Jar. He says Jat Jar is the best part.

Every time I see him, I am required by federal law to give him a look that simultaneously says "what were you thinking?", "did your parents drop you when you were little?", and "have you even seen a Star Wars movie?"


Okay, maybe not federal law, and not the second part of the look, but still, I give him the look.



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I heard that the new girl character is the equivalent of having ninety-odd minutes of Jar-Jar Binks.

Jar Jar is cooler than her. At least he provided stupid humor.



That's Not True!

That's Impossible!

You win.



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Hmm...Is it true that some of the clone troopers have like their own face? Just curious as I believe that would technically be going against the whole clone thing as the troopers are supposed to be clones of Jango Fett, not their own person as far as I know.

They all had the same face structure and voices.


Only thing that set them apart other than armor was their hairstyles and facial hair. And they all had different hair colors too.



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