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Silver And Gold No More




Silver and gold are two colors commonly connected in the real world.

No more.

Your challenge: create your dream silver and black Toa. It CANNOT be smaller than the 2008 Av-Matoran and cannot be gigantic; however, a size as big as, persay, Takanuva 2008, would be fine. Just remember that IT IS A TOA!!

Update 10/02/08: There was some confusion about standard heads. Metru and Mata heads ARE FINE to use, along with the eye pieces associated. Also, any color masks are fair game, though for the sake of your color scheme, I suggest sticking to darker colors.


Entries begin being accepted as soon as this topic is posted, and will stop being accepted on Saturday, October 18th, at 12:00:00 AM EST. We will accept unlimited entries for this contest, so there's no need to rush your entry.

To enter, simply post a link to your entry picture in this topic. Your entry post in this thread should appear as follows:

Entry Name:
Entry Pic URL:
Topic URL (if applicable):


A running tally of entrants will be updated daily IN A SEPARATE BLOG POST, which will be posted shortly after the first entries are received.


Voting Process:

Semifinal Voting begins October 19th and ends October 27th at 11:59 AM EST. Several blog polls will be made. Winner from each advances.
Final Voting begins November 2nd and ends November 6th at 11:59 AM EST. Several blog polls will be made. Winner in this part is the winner of the contest.

The contest winner and final voting results will be posted in a separate thread on October 30th.



1) Your entry may not have been published prior to the start of this contest. You may make your own topic before posting in the official entry thread, but you must create a post in the entry topic before it is closed in order to be officially entered. You may only start one topic for your entry. Please post only one main pic in this entry thread and a link to the rest of the pics in the gallery on your image host (most likely Brickshelf, Photobucket, or Flickr). You can do pictures as normal in your own separate thread. If you need help posting pictures, please see this topic.

2) Don't hesitate to drop us a PM if you really want to say something in private, but try to refrain unless completely necessary.

3) Painted parts are NOT ALLOWED. No non-LEGO parts. All other LEGO parts are fair game; however, for the most part, they should be Bionicle pieces and Technic pieces. Let's say, at least 75% of the MOC Bionicle/Technic parts. Pictures in which the appearance of the MOC has been edited in Photoshop or other editing software are also prohibited. If either method is used, the MOC will be disqualified. The background may be edited, as long as it does not alter the appearance of the MOC.

4) Only one entry per member. You cannot switch or modify models mid contest. Once you have entered, you may not "un-enter" your models and enter new ones. You may opt to bow out of the contest for whatever reason but you cannot reenter under such a situation. If you get disqualified for any reason, you will not be allowed to reenter with another MOC in that contest.

5) Any flaming will result in disqualification from the contest. Competition is good if you keep it clean. Everyone play fair, NO WHINING, no insults. I reserve the right to DQ any entry at any time for any reason.

6) Absolutely, positively NO CHEATING! Anyone found to be cheating or even suspected of cheating will face immediate disqualification from this contest and will be banned from participating in future contests.

7) No "this is unfair" posting. Some people have more parts, money, time, penguins, gigs left on your hard drive, etc than others. That's life; we each have to do our best with what we have. Any excessive complaining may, at the judgment of the contest runner, disqualify you!

8) Discussion is encouraged. Feel free to ask questions about models you see or about the contest in general. This is for us, the BBC builders; let's have some fun with it.

9) The contest is open to all BZP members, and voting is open to all BZP members to participate in even if they did not enter an MOC. "Advertising" your MOC is fine by making a signature or avatar reminding people to vote for you, but mass-PMing is frowned upon. So is advertising your MOC in someone else's thread. Spamming may result in disqualification or even permanent contest ban. In other words, DON'T DO IT.

10) Your MOC MAY have shades of gray in it; however, it shouldn't be a major color. Let's say, 25% of your model can consist of shades of gray; the other 75% should be silver and black.

11) As long as there is some silver or some black, your MOC is okay.


*ONE pic allowed
**Pic may only be 250x100 pixels or 468x60 pixels or smaller
***Text may not exceed 5 lines
Anyone breaking the signature rules will lose 5 votes per violation in the semifinal polls.



A new Content Block will be created here on Shot in the Dark with your name, information, and link to your profile/blog. Basically, a Blog Member Spotlight. That will remain up until we get our next champ--so, basically, one or more months. Sound pretty cool?

We'll also give you a nice congratulations signature.

We hope for bigger and better prizes in the future, but for now, this is all we have to offer.

Contest Hosts:


Contest Assistants:

pocketmouse- 'Twas his idea for the contest. Any questions regarding theme, etc go to him.
Carakki- Helping us out in getting the contest up. He also made our awesome banner!

Dump your pieces out on your floor and start a-building!


Recommended Comments

Great, the contest's up again! I've started to spread the banner, so hopefully we'll get some more entries.


One question, though: Is there a specific ratio of parts that have to be silver and black (for example, 75% of the pieces have to be black or silver, not counting axles, pins, or pinaxles), or do the primary colors just have to appear black and silver?


EDIT: Hang on a sec. The contest deadline is in mid-October, and the voting doesn't start until April? Am I reading this right?

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Great, the contest's up again! I've started to spread the banner, so hopefully we'll get some more entries.


One question, though: Is there a specific ratio of parts that have to be silver and black (for example, 75% of the pieces have to be black or silver, not counting axles, pins, or pinaxles), or do the primary colors just have to appear black and silver?


EDIT: Hang on a sec. The contest deadline is in mid-October, and the voting doesn't start until April? Am I reading this right?


As long as it's black and silver, you're fine--any use of non black/silver pieces (discluding axles, of course) will get you disqualified.


Whoops; I copied the basic layout from an old BBC. Fixed.


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I built an incredibleentry like a week before this contest even was announced! O_o


I might use my aqua blaster blade, which is still intact.




~Terakk ;)

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I'll enter, but I still have to build it >.<.




Good to hear. :lol: If anyone thinks the deadline is too short, let me know, and we can figure out a good time that works for everyone--I understand (and know very well) that school and life can make three weeks seem like two days.


I built an incredibleentry like a week before this contest even was announced! O_o


I might use my aqua blaster blade, which is still intact.




~Terakk ;)


Creepeh. :lol:


Wow, you must be a miracle MOCist or something; Pridak: Tributed Revamped is already in pieces and I just built him Monday, I believe..


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Interested in entering. Expect something from me, unless I get more homework.


Oh, you might also want to change the announcement day of the winner. I think you meant October 26th, not 16th. :lol:

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Great! Don't we all hate homework...it just gets in the way. :lol: How many thousands of protests would we have to organize before it was banned?


Whoops; fixed. Thanks for pointing that out--falling asleep here.


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Great, the contest's up again! I've started to spread the banner, so hopefully we'll get some more entries.


One question, though: Is there a specific ratio of parts that have to be silver and black (for example, 75% of the pieces have to be black or silver, not counting axles, pins, or pinaxles), or do the primary colors just have to appear black and silver?


EDIT: Hang on a sec. The contest deadline is in mid-October, and the voting doesn't start until April? Am I reading this right?


As long as it's black and silver, you're fine--any use of non black/silver pieces (discluding axles, of course) will get you disqualified.


Whoops; I copied the basic layout from an old BBC. Fixed.



Okay, then, that clears it up.


Question: Does gray qualify as either black or silver?

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As long as it's black and silver, you're fine--any use of non black/silver pieces (discluding axles, of course) will get you disqualified.

Grey =/= Black or Silver. Javi: do NOT let grey enter this contest! (esp. 'cause I just built mine without it...)


Entry pic


Topic here.




EDIT: Oops, just saw it needs to be a Toa. Well, uh... Toa of shadow? Also, how do you expect people to build a Toa-looking thing if they aren't allowed to use standard heads?

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I might enter-if I have the time. grr homework!

Over and Out

Toa Zaxvo


'Tis the evil creature, come to hunt you down. Woe!


Great, the contest's up again! I've started to spread the banner, so hopefully we'll get some more entries.


One question, though: Is there a specific ratio of parts that have to be silver and black (for example, 75% of the pieces have to be black or silver, not counting axles, pins, or pinaxles), or do the primary colors just have to appear black and silver?


EDIT: Hang on a sec. The contest deadline is in mid-October, and the voting doesn't start until April? Am I reading this right?


As long as it's black and silver, you're fine--any use of non black/silver pieces (discluding axles, of course) will get you disqualified.


Whoops; I copied the basic layout from an old BBC. Fixed.



Okay, then, that clears it up.


Question: Does gray qualify as either black or silver?

Newp. If you mean gunmetal, however, that's perfectly fine.


I'm also interested, but the deadline's a concern for me. Btw, are grey parts legal?


No, but gunmetal is fine.

As long as it's black and silver, you're fine--any use of non black/silver pieces (discluding axles, of course) will get you disqualified.

Grey =/= Black or Silver. Javi: do NOT let grey enter this contest! (esp. 'cause I just built mine without it...)


Entry pic


I don't have time to get the topic up now, but when I do I'll link to it.




EDIT: Oops, just saw it needs to be a Toa. Well, uh... Toa of shadow? Also, how do you expect people to build a Toa-looking thing if they aren't allowed to use standard heads?


I didn't think about that. Heads are allowed, along with eyepieces. I'll add that. Sorry for the confusion!


That would explain why people were asking about grey. :lol:


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can i join? or are there requirements i'm missing?


Unless you own no black or silver parts, then no, you're not missing any requirements. We'd love for you to participate!


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ok that's cool, so this toa... bio-wise does it have to be an original character or can it be a revamp or a strange other-dimensional self of an existing character bound to toa-hood?

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ok that's cool, so this toa... bio-wise does it have to be an original character or can it be a revamp or a strange other-dimensional self of an existing character bound to toa-hood?

It can be anything you want it to be, as long as it's a Toa. ;)

*Runs off to make entry*


I am the walrus


Yayeez! :P You sound exactly like me.

I can probally whip up one in a litlle bit....

Cool. :)


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I have a question: Does the light grey connector used in Hydraxon to keep his hands together count as an connector?(can you use it?)


I am the walrus


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I have a question: Does the light grey connector used in Hydraxon to keep his hands together count as an connector?(can you use it?)


I am the walrus


I've never seen the connector; if you have a picture, that would be great. In any case, shades of gray are going to be allowed TO A MINORITY--as in, maybe 25% of your model can include shades of gray. ;)


Can i enter with a red black Toa? Theres a link in my sig: Zero selfmoc

Unfortunately, no; if you still have your model in one piece, I suggest trying to change the color scheme--it's a fantastic MOC, and I would try to revamp it. ;)


Is Gunmetal grey allowed?


Also, blue pins?

Gunmetal grey is fine. I do believe I said that earlier...or maybe not. I have a tendency to forget things.


Any color pins are fine, too.

One last thing, sorry.


Are these allowed:



and also what if the only silver in the MOC is the weapon? Allowed?

All three are fine. And as long as there's silver, you're okay. ;)

I agree with kosmos, the rubber on the leftmost piece is somewhere between silver and grey.

It's pure white, actually, but the majority of the piece is black; it's fine, therefore.


Great contest, I think I'll enter. Too bad I lost my black Pakari 7 years ago...


That stinks; I lost my only Hau for five years. I bought a whole mask set just to obtain a new one--the day after, I found it, trapped in a little crevice under my desk.


Good luck in the contest, all!


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