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Weekly Update - 12/5

Black Six



Welcome back, faithful readers, for another issue of the Weekly Update. Don't you have anything better to do? :P



So, we still have no new rank images. We're working on them, and I saw a few new ones this morning that made me shiver with glee (that may or may not have been an exaggeration). While you're waiting though, you can check out our new Gallery Avatars showcasing many of the sets from the past few years. They're made with 100% awesome.


In other news, we had some new staff promotions last week. Congrats again to Watashi Wa and Zeddy. I'm sure they'll do a great job. In other news, we'll be having even more promotions coming up soon. Crazy, I know.


Seeing how it's December once again, it means it's time for our quarterly RPG Contest. This is our 12th contest, so be sure to go check out the entries and write an RPG and enter if you're feeling up to it.


We don't really have anything else planned right now. It's getting to be a pretty busy time of year, so I think it's better to focus on a couple of things rather than spreading ourselves too thin.



How do you find time to make sure BZP works and at the same time keep up with schoolwork and a social life? I hope some days everything is going smoothly, yet at the same time I'm sure that the server could look like it's about to puke and you have a 10 page paper to write.

I ask this myself sometimes. It requires a lot of prioritizing and time management. But I've been an admin for over three years now and you just get used to it after a while.


1. What is a usual B6 day?

2. What was one of the weirdest questions you asked?

3. What was one of the weirdest bannishments you had to do (I understand if you can't/don't want to answer this)?

4. What is/was one of the hardest decisions you have/had to make?

1. I wake up in the morning, get ready and go to work. Work all day. Come home, eat dinner, catch up on what's happened in the land of the Internet and BZPower. Go to sleep. Sometimes I'll play some videogames or watch TV or a movie.

2. I try not to ask weird questions because I'm afraid of what the reply may be.

3. We don't talk about banned members.

4. The decision to prune the forums was pretty big, but it wasn't made by just me.


1-Did you ever watch The X-Files?


2-You ever watched Terminator?


3-With the six Satr Wars movies, which one would you say you liked best?

1. Nope.

2. Yep, and still do.

3. Empire Strikes Back, without a doubt.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



And that would be it for this week. Please leave feedback and comments. Talk to you all next time.


Recommended Comments

Way to go an advertise your contest on the front page. :P

Other contest hosts know they can ask me to put ads up for them.


Out of curiosity... am I being promoted? :P


-Nuju Metru

We'll find out soon.

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I'd love to be a moderator.

Or even just be able to close topics, I report revivals so often it's not even funny.

I hope I'm picked, it's always been my dream.

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Snopori must live this December.

Emphasis on Snopori.



have a 10 page paper to write.

1. I wake up in the morning, get ready and go to work.

Oops. Honest mistake though. Are you super smart that you skipped some school years?



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Snopori must live this December.

Emphasis on Snopori.



have a 10 page paper to write.

1. I wake up in the morning, get ready and go to work.

Oops. Honest mistake though. Are you super smart that you skipped some school years?



Nope. It's called an internship.

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More staffiers?




It's alsways a good sign. And maybe I'll enter the RPG contest again... Doesn't help much seeing I never made it past the first round of voiting...

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Stop promoting people! :o



He's just trying to fill the huge gap you left. :P

I thought he was trying to prevent Omi from coming back =P

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Man those avatars in the gallery are awesome I bet someone really handsome and charming made most of them. B)

No, it was you.

But surely Smeag is all of what he said! :o

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Man those avatars in the gallery are awesome I bet someone really handsome and charming made most of them. B)

No, it was you.


You need to get your eyes checked, Sixboss. :P



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Man those avatars in the gallery are awesome I bet someone really handsome and charming made most of them. B)

No, it was you.


You need to get your eyes checked, Sixboss. :P



I'd make a comment, but I'll be nice.

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Man those avatars in the gallery are awesome I bet someone really handsome and charming made most of them. B)

No, it was you.


You need to get your eyes checked, Sixboss. :P



I'd make a comment, but I'll be nice.

So, does that mean your eyes have been checked? :P

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Stop promoting people! :o
I think it's an addiction for him, and you're not around to demote anymore.


I'd make a comment, but I'll be nice.
Ooh, implied snap. :P


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

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Premotions? i hope I do, but it's very unlikely. But, hey, nothing impossible (Unless it's getting the Glatorian in the middle of 2006) :P

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*crosses fingers in hopes of being promoted*





What? :P


Also new rank images must be out soon. I have a PMship that's almost over. ;_;



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