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Lady Kopaka




It’s snowing.




The first thing I did was run around outside in the dark, face up toward the dark blue sky, dancing around with the beauty of the falling snow. I just wanted to cry or something! It's not snowing a super lot, but just the perfect amount... it's so lovely.



Stop laughing at me; I haven’t seen snow in years. You know how deprived I’ve been??


Now it's just outside being all white and fluffy and pretty. The neighbors have some christmas lights on... aahh, snooowww. <3


I though, find it really funny that the year I move from LA, that it suddenly snows there too. :P


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I'm sure it gets annoying sometimes, but don't take it for granted. Snow is awesome. I've seen snow time to time, but never like this! *is very happy*


...Okay, it's only like an inch or two right now. But still, snow! :P

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Haven't gotten snow yet, but it's coming.


And I'll be waiting. *holds shotgun and prepares to shoot at snow clouds* I'MA GONNA PROTECT my STATE!


Enjoy your snow, LK. -Swert

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Snowing? In the south? Impossible? =O


Seriously, in the five years I lived there I never got a single flake. It didn't even snow when we went to Canada for crying out loud...snow seems to hate me. D=


In short, I'm jealous. :P

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Stop laughing at me; I haven’t seen snow in years. You know how deprived I’ve been??

Oh, I pity thee. Although here I am up north where it's supposed to snow and we've barely got anything.


Stop stealing my snow.

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I know that feeling, LK. The last time it snowed here was January of 2000.


The second time I've ever been in snow was a few years ago in Oklahoma.



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Though it was only about an inch, but enough to give us a snow day.

Yeah I had a snow day too today... but mom informed me of that after I did my school. xD

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Sure. LA gets snow. YOU get snow. The whole freaking world gets snow. 'cept me and my little state of NC>_<

(okay, so the mountains got some. But I'm not there :( )


Does it help any that I made 2 wishes on the clock numbers 11:11 and a wishbone for a white chrismas down here? I hope so!!!! :lol:


_Xenronn, who now wishes he were a Toa of Ice.

PS: Hey, Lady, do you think you could persuede Kopaka into sending me some frozen goodness? :P

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