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It's Time You Knew The Truth About Me

Takuma Nuva


Pretty much anybody and everybody acts different online. I'm sure you've all gotten a good grasp on how I am.


But what about how I act were you to meet me face-to-face? What is the real Takuma Nuva really like? Who's that man behind the curtain keyboard?


Well, I'd really have no idea what to tell you myself. Lucky for me and you though, I've had other people clarify this for me.


You see, my aunt once told me that my mannerisms, my personality, a good lot about me remind her of somebody. One day, I randomly decided to ask a co-worker what he thought of this. Before I even finished what I was saying, he said "Dude, that is so weird! I was seriously thinking that about you just this morning! I'm not even kidding!"


Apparently I remind him of said person too. I'd say this must be a good way of describing me if two people who don't know the other exists think the same of me.


So, I've decided to show you just who I am. Enlighten you all as to just what I'm like.


Ladies, gentlemen, and Turakii. I present to you...


Takuma Nuva:


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The sad part, some of my other co-workers haven't even heard of this guy...



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The even sadder part, some members don't know who he is either.


I'm not one of them. Don Knotts/Barney Fife is hilarious.


So when you sing Acapella, do you sing without music, or just sing the word "Acapella?" [/Andy Griffith Show reference]

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The even sadder part, some members don't know who he is either.


I'm not one of them. Don Knotts/Barney Fife is hilarious.



So when you sing Acapella, do you sing without music, or just sing the word "Acapella?" [/Andy Griffith Show reference]



Nah, when I sing acapella I wind up very much . . . alone.


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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The even sadder part, some members don't know who he is either.


I'm not one of them. Don Knotts/Barney Fife is hilarious.


Hey, i knew who Don Knotts was!

I take serious offence to that!

Nah, just joking


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I knew his name. Because I read it in the image's URL.


Well, he does look familiar. But other than that, I have no idea who he is. I checked on Wikipedia (Officially my #1 information source. :P ), and, well, it says he's from a couple of old shows and movies. So I must be modern-fashioned! What am I, 12?

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Takuma, you're officially the awesomest person on the face of the planet. Don Knotts is so awesome, so if you're like him, you're so awesome, too.


Should I start calling you Barney now?

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Oh, so you're the guy on the Andy Griffith show? Wow. You must be different in person. :P


If I met anyone on BZP in person, it would probably be a while before I would be comfortable talking with them. I'm much more shy in person. :P

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