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Data Loss At Bzp



They say adversity builds character. Guess that means BZP is very... uh... characterful.


About once a year, it seems BZP gets hit by some server-level badness. This one was pretty annoying, granted, but not quite as bad as the one in 2007. I lost quite a few topics I was fond of, as did everyone, but basically, BZP came through mostly intact, and will grow once more.


I think Black Six and Dimensioneer deserve a huge "Thank You" from everyone for all their work on getting the server back. My role this time was more limited, for a couple of reasons... one, I'm no longer the official BZP geek, and two, I was caught up in training and meetings, as well as traveling, during the crisis time. I did help a bit, but Dimensioneer (who you might not see much, but is still very much active with the business end of the site) was in constant contact with the host to get things fixed. And Black Six was on top of figuring out what was going on. His quick action prevented a more catastrophic result.


The dedication of the staff and members during times like this is a reminder how important BZP is to so many people. I certainly felt its absence, even though I was swamped with other stuff.


Now we get to rebuild. Better. Stronger. Faster. And for a lot less than USD$6 million. :)


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Yeah. . . I remember that awful offlineage. How long was it again? A month, perhaps? Back then I hadn't made a niche anywhere and I didn't have much to do. This was a little better, but it was a long weekend for me and it was ruined thanks to no BZP.


Thank goodness for imagination, Chimoru Omega and BZP Comics Wiki. :)


Not like anyone cares, though.

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Methinks I heard that quote recently... like today. So true though.


Thank you so much for whatever you did to get things up and running! :) I'm sure everyone is very grateful. Well, most everyone that is. :D


:kaukau: -JG

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I totally admire the staff right now. And I'm very grateful to them. It wasn't their fault for the data loss, so I can't blame them for anything, but I can thank them for fixing it.



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From now on I'll make backups of the first post of my topics. If it weren't for Black Six and Dimensioneer, we'd probably all go insane eventually. :P
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Putting on the old armor again, are we, Bink? Nice. And yes, those two did a great job, and I'm sure they had to go through a lot of questions and complaints. Great jobs, guys.
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You know, while the boards were down, I found various replacements for BZP

Like simulating a noob fight(during FCAT, bored out of mind), writing more of my epic(Like three words), going outside(it BURNED), and watching MoL, LoMN, and WoS(For the umpteenth time)

Then it hit me:

I have no life outside of this site

and im not sure if that saddens me or not

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Thank you everybody, specially B6 and Dimensioneer. It could have been much worse if you hadn´t sacrified your time and patience to do us a favor. :)


~Gata. ;)

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Meh, though I have no life, I suppose I must thank B6 and Dimensioneer for allowing me to maintain this pathetic form of existance

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And, I noticed you're an Admin again. Is that only temporary? [i hope not].



I needed full access, so I kinda upgraded myself... ;)

Well, that explains that.


*shrugs* No worries from me, you have the power to do so, you should do so.


Anyway, I'll be sure to bug Six about on AIM later. Tell D to get on more for me to bug him, too. -Swert

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And, I noticed you're an Admin again. Is that only temporary? [i hope not].



I needed full access, so I kinda upgraded myself... ;)

Heehee. :P


"Burper Emeritus" is still the best title out there, though.

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I woudl say this is worse then the 07 one.


07 there wasn't data loss...that I'm aware off...if there was a lot, we might have had immediate back up then...





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