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Hey members.


Quick comment.


If you want to stay friends with someone -


Learn to forgive and forget.


It's important to kinda nudge our friends in the right direction if they make mistakes, yes.


But no matter how big the mistake is, if the person apologizes, forgive. Then forget - that doesn't mean bring it up later. Learn to let it go. Clutching onto a negative memory doesn't make you a better person than everyone else.

Holding onto something like that just causes resentment and bitterness and all sorts of messes on all sides involved - being a true friend means sharing trust with another person and knowing that everyone (yes, including your uber-cool, "perfect" friends) makes mistakes.


Also, having the mindset of "well if they won't forgive me, then I won't forgive them" is not superior. It is arrogant and selfish.


Prick that ego of yours, let it go, and for goodness sake, get on to the better things in life! Like real friends. Real friends are better than overly prideful ones.




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Very true, and I highly agree with what has been said here. It's rather... disheartening to see two other friends, both of whom you may or may not know and see them end up hating the other because they have the mindset of "If you don't say sorry to me, I won't do the same." since in that case neither get what they want and they end up hating each other for a very long time.


An ego is not always a good thing to have.

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I think it depends on the severity of how bad of a deed your friend has committed against you. Can't exactly forgive them for stealing something of great value of yours. With stuff like that, they would never be a true friend, and untrue friends aren't worth keeping.



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As long as your own wall is sprayed as well.


Humility is a big thing, even when you think it isn't.




My parents carved that message into my 4 walls. -_- That comment propably sounded a little more bragging then I wanted it to. My apollogy.

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I think it depends on the severity of how bad of a deed your friend has committed against you. Can't exactly forgive them for stealing something of great value of yours. With stuff like that, they would never be a true friend, and untrue friends aren't worth keeping.


That's why I added the whole bit about apologizing. If said friend stole from you, but admitted his wrongdoing to you and honestly apologized, I think that would still be an ample reason to forgive him.



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Indeed, something I can't say I'm perfect at, though I'm pretty good at the apologizing part.


I am good at forgetting things, but that's something else entirely. :P



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Well said, my friend.


A mark of maturity is the ability to accept that we all are imperfect and make terrible mistakes. A greater mark of maturity is the ability to forgive both ourselves and, more importantly, those around us, when these mistakes are made.


We all will hurt even the one we love most at some point, and he or she will hurt us too. Show you really do love by forgiving.

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And once again I am amazed that just because we like Bionicle some people insist on calling us childish. I met more mature people here then out there. :)

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Amen. Goodness this stuff is so annoying. People seem to can't give over this stuff, it just makes yourself and everyone around you worse off.


It's important to ALWAYS forgive, regardless of what that person did. Try to work it out and then just let it go, and if they really end up not being sorry just move on and don't let them get you down. Just forgive and forget, whether you end up rebuilding that relationship, or sadly separating it. It's never good to build up a grudge.


Ego's are so terrible, and there has been so many times when I've let a friend down. I can only hope I and others will learn to be a bit more tolerant and forgiving in the future.


Thanks for sharing Nikira. :)

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I can and will forgive...


But I'm always remembering.


But I won't let my memories get in the way of friendship anymore.




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Amen to that!

You have spoken words of wisdom here Niki; I just hope others will listen.

I would like to add that this would also apply to others who have wronged you whom you may not even know that well. It can be easier (or harder, lol) to forgive good friends, but when you are interacting with strangers it can be harder to move on and see them in a new light when they really and truly repent of a wrong...

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The sad thing is, most people refuse to see past themselves and their ego. The good thing is that they end up seeing past their ego when they realize how lonely it makes them feel.



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:D *glomp* Such true words! Humility is SO IMPORTANT!


I've also heard that it's good to forgive someone who's wronged you, even if they haven't said that they're sorry. Of course you have to learn from experiences, and reasonably do what you can to avoid being wronged again. For example, if they let you down without apology, you aren't so quick to rely on them again. But waving their mistake in their face, or sarcastically saying "I forgive you," without an apology from them, seems just as rude, honestly.

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I've also heard that it's good to forgive someone who's wronged you, even if they haven't said that they're sorry. Of course you have to learn from experiences, and reasonably do what you can to avoid being wronged again. For example, if they let you down without apology, you aren't so quick to rely on them again. But waving their mistake in their face, or sarcastically saying "I forgive you," without an apology from them, seems just as rude, honestly.

So true...


Very nice entry, Nikira :)





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