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My guess is that its the greatest joke of all. The kind that never comes. Thats always fun to watch.

Yes, yes it is!

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I gave one of the staff the idea.


But he'll never confess it. Because of an ego.


Oops, I think I just gave it away. >_<



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It's all so obvious! Every visitor to BZP today gets a malicious worm program downloaded to their computer that forces them to go to BIONICLE.com a billion times, thus giving them more hits, thus giving Binky more money!



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I know! This years prank is absolutely mind blowing!


Just, so genius! So fresh! So original! So unbelievably complex it could be used to defeat Teridax!

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Im looking all over trying to find something...

but.... there... is... none....



but there is! there must be!

so confused!





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Roboninjadevil pretended he had bad grades and then he asked the staff to close his RPG topic temporarily.




Well, if that is what the April Fool's Day joke was, then I honestly have to say that's BZP's worst April Fool's Day joke yet and they're usually at least worth chuckling at.


I was really expecting a joke news article or something. Whatever.



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Roboninjadevil pretended he had bad grades and then he asked the staff to close his RPG topic temporarily.



But that isn't BZP's prank.



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