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Weird? What do you mean, "Weird"?


*Hits self in the face with a fish, then proceeds to put a bucket on his head and scream in gibberish.*

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We could ask you ladies the same thing ^^


But it's good you ask anyway, we'll all be a little more enlightened and entertained after this entry. I don't have an answer for either gender, but otherwise where would be the fun in trying to figure it all out?



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Why are boys weird? Heh, if I had a dollar for every time I heard a girl ask that one, I could probably go out and buy myself a nice laptop. But really, the answer just kinda stems from a lot of different chemical hormone stuff going on in the cranial area and stuff like that. Not to mention the maturity levels between boys and girls obviously differs. Guys and gals are in their element doing/talking/acting different from each other, it's just one of those things.


Then again, I've known a number of boys and girls in my time who were just plain weird no matter how you tilt the spectrum, and there's an answer to that too. Some guys/girls are just weird.


Well, there's my brief sociology/psychology lesson. =)



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I think the bigger question is, why are you asking this question? I'm with Nikira on this one, I have a girl I like, that likes weird boys.

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Just thought you might like to know, Turakii, that I swear the female population of BZP is weirder than that of men. You're a prime example of this.
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Just thought you might like to know, Turakii, that I swear the female population of BZP is weirder than that of men. You're a prime example of this.


This one.

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I feel offended. :o

Mind you, i agree in a way. I bought ten acces... yeah, that's on my blog labelled under "kraata" :P

Well, out of all people, i'd say i'm one of the weirdest. :P

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After all the things YOU'VE done...you ask why BOYS are weird? o_o



-Jordboy1 :miru:

Why shouldn't she? She's weird like that! :P


I believe that this is just a clever way of proclaiming her own weirdness. :P


Though, I am curious what brought the thought to her mind. Probably just a sibling, but perhaps there is some deeper event or plot related to this that we are unaware of? Worth considering. I shall analyze this.


*pulls out notepad; scribbles down notes; paces around the room being generally creepy and giving everyone shifty-eyes*

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