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Two Cool Newes's :3



First off I changed ma name :3 to:

Chan'e The Serval Shapeshifter. Inspired by the African Wildcat the African Serval ;3


And the will be no channge to my character's name in the comic's, if ya'll would please stick with Chan'eTheDemongirl, beacuse you can bet I'll go back to it soon ;)


And 2nd Dlakii let me know lastnight that I was on the member spotlight again :happydance:



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So what is a shapeshifte?



ShapeShifter :P


I changed my name too!

Awsome name dude. And just in time before the new

Transformer's Revenge of the Fallen comes out, everyone else is probably going to be fannatic to

change their names as well after that movies out :D

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When you block a member, do all their posts and blog entries etc show?


EDIT: Nope. Thanks for stretching my screen.

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can i call u most leetist one?

Uh I have no idea what leet means :unsure:

I thought BZP just said it was bad to say O_o so IDK? <:D


When you block a member, do all their posts and blog entries etc show?


EDIT: Nope. Thanks for stretching my screen.

O~0 Ooooo-kay.

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And ocelots are still better. =D


But servals are awesome too. But not as much as ocelots.


So yeah.




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That's a pretty big name change. :(

Yeah I was kinda quick on that <|o

But everyone can call me whatever they like if they want. :)


Like E6! :P


Also...leet is just a stupid way of spelling things with anything that isn't the actual letters. lol


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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I swear, between the lack of spaces and the cut-off word, Candlejack must've been doing stuff to your display na-

ROTFL :superfunny:




And ocelots are still better. =D


But servals are awesome too. But not as much as ocelots.


So yeah.





You Sir have set a contest challange for yourself.

Do you except >:3 ?


That's a pretty big name change. :(

Yeah I was kinda quick on that <|o

But everyone can call me whatever they like if they want. :)


Like E6! :P


Also...leet is just a stupid way of spelling things with anything that isn't the actual letters. lol


-Jordboy1 :miru:

Thanketh you'eth JB'eth :P

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YOU GOT IN THE MEMBER SPOTLIGHT!!! That's soooo awesome! :D But I'm not surprised! :P


I'm pretty sure it's randomly picked, most likely from Premiers and once-Premiers.


I've gotten it twice, I think, and I have seen Chané there twice.




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YOU GOT IN THE MEMBER SPOTLIGHT!!! That's soooo awesome! :D But I'm not surprised! :P



YOU GOT IN THE MEMBER SPOTLIGHT!!! That's soooo awesome! :D But I'm not surprised! :P


I'm pretty sure it's randomly picked, most likely from Premiers and once-Premiers.


I've gotten it twice, I think, and I have seen Chané there twice.






Maybe :P but still makes me feel cool XD

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