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What Am I?



The more time I spend on BZP, the more I realize I really have no purpose here. I've been a jack-of-all-trades, dabbling in writing, role playing, theorizing and general discussion, but I never really have been able to make any of my actions a permanent part of my BZP life. Sure, I have a fair amount of fame, and there are many who could recognize my name from seeing me around, but I don't think I have any actual part in the BZP society.


Some people like Lady Kopaka and Nikira have artwork to show. The late GaliGee and noble Takuta-Nui are known for their literature. S&T nut(cases?) make and critique theories, RPG forum hermits do nothing but play Bionicle RPGs, COT dwellers talk nonsense in COT and play RPGs there, and such. There are so many stereotypes around, cliches that people fit into. And here I am, someone who's been here for over three years (coming up on four) and has a pretty good name for myself... just no reputation.


I really need to be able to find my place on BZP. It's any wonder why I feel so bored when I run out of topics in GD to post in. So... help me out here? Make me feel a bit more encouraged than this?




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I see where you're coming from, although I myself am pretty much just known for building MOCs (and maybe blogging), since my fanfics have been so few and far between. What I don't quite understand, however, is how such a non-specialized nature could be a problem. Do you feel a need to shine at one thing in particular? Is it that there's no one area of the site, no one "crowd," where you feel at home? I say, be at home wherever you are at the moment, if that's at all possible. And not belonging to any "core" or "elite" group doesn't make you an uninteresting or mediocre person, at all!!!


If the issue is a lack of interest, it might be best to take a break and come back later. Although I sense that's not quite the case here.



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I do art, MOCing, writing, RPing, Blogging, GDing, etc... and I'm enjoying myself. Being ambidextrous in your BZP hobbies allows you to fit into many different cliques which, I find, lets you be involved and friends with many different people. :)


So, keep up with the multitasking. It isn't essential to fit a certain "type." I greatly respect those who have more to them than just one thing they do.


-Nuju Metru

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I feel the same way. I don't think it's that bad to be that way, in fact, it keeps you from being stereotyped as one type of member.


-=< :s: >=-

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EW, you are unique -- that's all that matters. Fitting into a stereotype on BZP isn't fun, cuz then you feel restricted to that, cuz I know I do after seeing "RPG Hermit" XP


But, overall, I do plenty of things around the site; playing RPGs, writing in the library and in COT, posting in GD, LBS sometimes, and sometimes LGD, along with surfing around blogs. I do many different things, yet, I'm not truly "well-known" or "Have provided a permanent impact" in anything. The COT RPG Judge title isn't permanent, it's temporary, and I've done nothing revolutionary in that field anyway. Some people like my writing [Tifosi 92 liked Best Friend to the point of posting it to be the best SS he had read, which was very flattering... more because no one else really likes my stuff XP].


Despite doing many different things on the forum, I'm not well-known for anything. I'm just slightly known, that's about it.


But I don't stay here to make an impact, I stay here to talk with the people I like, to play some interesting RPGs, to write some fun stories and to just have fun. I also like helping out a bit when I can [Like checking the BBCode of the "Official RPG Rules and Guidelines" in COT].


Being well-known, famous, or amazing in one small area is not what people should be striving towards on BZP. Being kind, helpful, knowledgeable in the field you're helping with [Like, me helping with a computer problem is a "lolwut" moment], meeting new people adds even more fun.



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Aha! I knew I wasn't alone!


Don't worry too much about it, because it happens that there a few who are good at almost everything, but not great at anything. It's actually a good skill to have, when you think about it, because that leaves the door open for many career choices, if you think about it in the long run. The here and now can be difficult for us, so just absoarb what you can.

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:kaukau:EW, are you doing an impression of me?


Actually, you've been of more help than you know. That PM you sent me recently? I was very touched, and it helped me heal. You helped me grow in other areas, too.


If you want my advice, follow your old philosophy. "Only post if there's something worth saying". I have the philosophy with blog entries, and that's because of you, by the way.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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Well, you seem to be a part of the community, IMO, just by affecting those few people you know.

And I feel the same way sometimes. I know a handful of people in the blogs, but barely go out to the forums anymore. I post in the BBC, but really don't care/think anybody there knows of me. It's all in the blogs and the little community we have here--those/these people are pretty tight-knit.


But if you need a change of scenery, we'll understand--as long as you come to BF10. ;)



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as long as you come to BF10. ;)



Like, even if you fell off Platform 9 3/4 and the Hogwarts Express broke both of your legs and one of your arms, that wouldn't be an excuse to get out of going to BrickFair 2010: we'd drag you around in a wheelchair.


Actually, no, we'd acquire a golf cart and drive around in it. That'd be fun. :P



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Actually, no, we'd acquire a golf cart and drive around in it. That'd be fun. :P



OMG there are so many of those on campus everyone almost gets run over and I really really want to drive/ride in one but that'd be a bad idea...



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