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Eating Me Inside. It's Burning Me Alive.

Takuma Nuva


I would have done an "obligatory" entry, since I love the word so much, but it's already taken.


So, the Bionicle sets are coming to an end. I have mixed feelings about this. Sure, I was buying close to no sets, but that's simply because I would build them and then just leave them sit on a shelf for display. I've done close to no building with them and I'm running out of space to display sets. If I had lots of room, I'd probably have been buying more sets. Not to mention I always just liked looking at the sets.


My favorite part was always the story. The only time I was truly disappointed with that was when we took off for Bara Magna. I mean, c'mon, the Toa and their powers are the heart and soul of Bionicle. I'm ecstatic that the story will continue, especially with BZPower here to cheer it on. Also, that's why my epic (and possible future epics) go alongside the canon story. Because I love it THAT MUCH.


Aside from the story, the part I'll probably miss the most will be the media aspect. With no more sets there'll obviously be no more commercials which means, most likely, no more awesome songs. As a matter of fact, I just listened to every "Bionicle" song in a marathon, right from "Hero" by AIK to "Bye Bye Babylon" by Cryoshell. I also threw in "We Are The Champions" at the end for kicks. :P Speaking of Cryoshell, WHERE'S THAT BLASTED ALBUM!?


Not just music, but the online games. Can't see LEGO making online games about old sets, can you? That also gives me a great idea. It would be so cool if there was a Lego/Tt-style game about Bionicle 01-09. Don't deny the awesomeness of such an idea, regardless of it's impossibility.


Also, wallpapers an such that can't show up without new sets in them.


Don't anyone get the idea that the sets themselves leaving has made me die a little inside, though. Sure, it's a toy line targeted at young boys, but it's still a part of my childhood. I guess I just assumed that this would happen after I'd completely left Bionicle for whatever reason it would be. Too busy? Family to look after instead? Who knows.


As for the mysterious toy line next year, I'm indifferent. I mean, how can anyone say "I HATE IT SO BAD I WANT TO KILL IT" when they haven't even seen it yet?


Some people have said, "I liked LEGO before Bionicle. Why should that change now that it's gone?" or something to that effect. I agree with them, yes, but before '01 LEGO was cool. Bionicle made it awesome.


One of the things I'm most thankful to Bionicle for truly is BZPower. Wouldn't be around with Bionicle. Why BZPower so much? I'll tell you.


It's the people. Hubalaboo, Gerlicky, Turakii, Blade Titan, Avokah Tamer, Laughin'Man, Tavakai, Xaeraz, Gravatic Ghost Rider, Ynot, Dlakii, Fikou-Man, Zaxvo, DudeNuve, Gabriella: Toa of Music, Lewa0111, Macku: Toa of Bubbles, ~Toa Lesovikk~, and the list goes on. So many memories. So many hours wasted away IMing "acquaintances" as my mother puts it, 'cuz she doesn't believe that anyone I meet online and talk to only EVERY NIGHT could be considered a "friend". xP


...and now I've lost my train of though 'cuz I'm too busy IM'ing said BZPers. Darn you all! xP I'll just hit the publishing button now.


Do you know

What it takes to be a hero?


<End Track>


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I feel mostly the same way. Pretty much the only thing I do with my sets these days is use them as a visual aid for spriting. :P


I had that same TTGames idea at least three years ago. :P


Also, I think it went, "What it takes to beat the villains?" not "the fearless".

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Quite frankly, the first thing that went through MY mind, was 'Gee, now that the sets are at an end, MAYBE they can make a decent game about all the years between '01 and '10'

After that, It was 'Well, dang, there goes the biggest thing that sucks money out of my wallet, but is still love-able'

And finally "I wonder what the reaction on BZP will be now that it is confirmed"



Now I wish BZP would give us all Prem privileges so I could access my Blog....

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Eh, can't say I wasn't dreading this. But hey, it's a win-win for me. Either the new line is good, or I've more cash for Space Police. =D
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I'm actually pretty ok with the sets ending. Even if it means I'll never get a dark red Hau. What do hate, though, is how they're just ending it with the Stars. I mean, the Stars are nice, but they're Matoran-sized, for crying out loud. Not to mention the fact that this is the end of Lego's greatest toyline ever, and they don't bother ending it with a bang.


It's kinda like Exo-Force all over again...

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I can't say this wasn't expected. There were waaay too many "BIONICLES ENDIGN ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG!!11!!1!" blog entries and topics that made me wonder if it would end.


This new "theme", I bet, is most likely a pathetic attempt to smother Bionicle and all its fans. Most likely, it will fail, and LEGO will lose many AFoLs (Adult Fans of Lego(s?)). AND FOR LEGO'S SAKE, IT HAD BETTER NOT BE BEN 10 ALIEN FORCE. Thank you.


But we will not surrender. We will remember the Bionicle storyline for the glory it once was. In our hearts and in our minds, the Toa Mata will have washed ashore on the island of Mata Nui.

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I actually haven't gotten any Bionicle sets in a while, but the story is still slightly attracting me. And seeing how Lego will continue the story for a while, I'm okay with the move.


I think that some of the reactions to the end are a little overdramatic, especially the people who want petitions and start bashing TLG and threaten to boycott all Lego sets. I've seen this before in regards to a forum I was once on, and reactions were similar to what I'm similar. Only this time the sets that the forum is based off of are being discontinued, not the entire forum itself. :P


Of course, reactions of slight sadness and nostalgia are perfectly okay, but not when they are brought out on the people who possibly had to make that decision.


And in regards to the new theme, it's not Ben 10. Ben 10 is directed towards the younger fans, although I don't know what the new theme's angle will be. Plus, the new theme comes out in Summer, and Ben 10 comes out this January.

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And in regards to the new theme, it's not Ben 10. Ben 10 is directed towards the younger fans, although I don't know what the new theme's angle will be. Plus, the new theme comes out in Summer, and Ben 10 comes out this January.

I dunno... it's through and "established third-party series" or something similar. I suspect this is Ben 10, though you could be right. There's a 50/50 chance right now.

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Beginning in summer 2010, The LEGO Group will debut a new, more flexible buildable figure property created by the same people who brought you BIONICLE. At the same time, we are also expanding the category to appeal to a younger audience through an established third-party property, starting in January.



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