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One day, I will find out where you live and I will stalk you. I will watch you all day long, I'll learn when you eat, when you shower, who you like, who you hate.



Then one day, you'll be walking down the street and someone will say hello to you and walk off.



Or I'll just kill you in your sleep, skin you, and turn your pelt into a skin suit that I will use to flawlessly take over your life.

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Eh, already did. In Villanous, that is. Now I can't think of anything to do other than light Metru-Nui on fire, but then people will shoot that down and it'll acomplish nothing.

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I'm sorry, that TV interviewer was in my way, but now that I've filleted him with that salad knife, I believe I can spare a few moments to talk with you. While I wait for you to formulate your questions, you don't happen to have a plastic spoon on hand, do you? If so, I'd love to see it. No, no, I can't tell you what it's for, but I guarantee that it'll just about knock your socks off.

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I'm too sane to be presented. Instead, I'm summoning Steven.




Darn it. Bad Steven. You killed everyone before your insanity could be shown...

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So here's how I see it: Eiffel Tower = World's biggest lightning rod. On Spectacular Spider-Man Doc Connors injected himself with electrified lizard blood and became the Lizard. So if I can use that tower to bring on a storm, then wrap one end of a copper wire around it and the other around a vial of lizard blood, that'll create SUPER-electrified lizard blood, which I can inject into myself to become GODZILLA!


...But then how would I play videogames if I'm that size? Darn, back to the drawing board.



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I SIIIIING in the BATHROOOOM becuase it is FUUUUUUN whilst NOONE can hear me BECUASE I'm too lazy to

think up a good TUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNE!!!

^ I really do stuffs like that in the shower.

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*looks up from the pile of ears of those that tell me "The cake is a lie"* I've run out of people to cut ears off of in my blog. Mind if I take it up here? :evilgrin:



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