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So this morning my dad got ready for work as usual and went into the garage only to come back inside a few minutes later to report that it had been broken into last night. Some loose change was missing along with random things like a pair of gloves he kept in his car.


Now here's the annoying part: I probably could've stopped this.


My room is right by the garage and as I was up late on the computer, I thought I heard a noise like the side door to the garage opening, but I just dismissed it as the wind. I debated checking it out, but I just assumed that my mind was playing tricks on me. I also probably could've taken the guy since I'm a six foot tall, seventy kilogram, nineteen year old male and there are a variety of weapons I had access to that I could have defended myself with that I had easy access to (a wooden baseball bat and an aluminum cane to name a few).


Right now I'm all jittery with adrenaline thinking "what if I'd gone to check".


And like, nothing important was stolen, we literally keep nothing of value in the garage apart from our cars, but it's just the principle of it all. I live in a supposedly low-crime suburban neighbourhood; people and possessions are supposed to be safe at night. Whoever the thief was, he clearly needed the money more than we did, but all the same, stealing isn't something I condone.


All I can say is, whoever did this better watch themselves. Fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me -- you can't get fooled again.

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...I didn't know you were that tall.


Oh, the story was interesting, too. XD Jk Jk...


No, really. Scary that happend. At least no one was hurt.


Hope the theif doesen't gome back tonight. :sly: *Gets strangled by spirit*

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If you did this, I would personally come to your house and slap you in the back of the head, for attempting something so dangerous.


You talkin' to me? :P If I did do it, you would've known about it. Trust me. :P

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If you did this, I would personally come to your house and slap you in the back of the head, for attempting something so dangerous.

Dangerous? If you knew how my house and garage were set up, you would not be saying that. It's hard enough to get out of there when you know what you're doing, let alone when you're breaking into the place. Not to mention that I don't think this guy was packing heat or a professional for that matter. I mean, even though the blinds were shut, you could tell that my light was on (and my window is right by the entrance to the garage); secondly, if the guy wanted anything valuable, there were two perfectly good cars for him to hotwire and steal (so clearly he was small-time); and thirdly, you have to walk down a few stairs to get into my garage, giving me a higher-ground advantage. Not only that, but I had home-field advantage and the element of surprise.


Plus, I'm a young adult male. I laugh in the face of danger. B)

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Fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me -- you can't get fooled again.

Yes, I'm not the only one who makes Bushisms references! :happydance:

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