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Dog = Suv What The?



So I read an article on Yahoo a few moments ago entitled "Polluting pets: the devastating impact of man's best friend" You can look it up right now if you want. The basic gist of it was that one dog causes as much damage to the environment as two SUVs. A cat is a Volkswagon, two hamsters is a plasma screen, and a goldfish is two cell phones.


At the end of the article, it suggests that people should get rabbits and hens instead of dogs, because you can eat them.


I guess this adds new meaning to the term "gerbil warming". How much ozone are your pets eating?


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I don't believe that. I've heard that ruminant animals are pretty bad, and for that matter, we should all farm kangaroos instead. Their meat is much leaner anyway. :P


Humans are a different case though.


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At the end of the article, it suggests that people should get rabbits and hens instead of dogs, because you can eat them.

Who would want to eat their pets? ;~;

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Kiotu- I hear kangaroo tastes like chicken.

"Maybe they couldn't figure out what to make chicken taste like, which is why chicken tastes like everything."


Further proof!


Also, I can see where this article is coming from. It's not only the waste they produce, but the resources they consume as well, without adding anything to the economy in return, essentially making them leeches who live off of you. And if we want to get REALLY environmentally friendly, we should just stop farming animals altogether and instead go totally vegetarian. Alas, I love the taste of meat too much to advocate this, though. :P

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Kiotu- I hear kangaroo tastes like chicken.


It actually tastes pretty good, better than you would think.


And Exo, everything tastes like chicken. :P


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Who said you can't eat dogs?



You can, but we will shun you if you do. :P

Kiotu- I hear kangaroo tastes like chicken.

"Maybe they couldn't figure out what to make chicken taste like, which is why chicken tastes like everything."


Further proof!


Also, I can see where this article is coming from. It's not only the waste they produce, but the resources they consume as well, without adding anything to the economy in return, essentially making them leeches who live off of you. And if we want to get REALLY environmentally friendly, we should just stop farming animals altogether and instead go totally vegetarian. Alas, I love the taste of meat too much to advocate this, though. :P

XD. Yes, leeches who live off you but provide emotional support, physical protection, pest control, and in some cases aid for the disabled.


On that note, if any of us truly cared about the environment we'd regress back to the Neolithic era (hunter-gatherers weren't vegetarians so you'll be right at home :P) and run around in loin cloths. I can see how that may be appealing to some...


Kiotu- Where did you eat kangaroo? Oo


55555- Only at your nearest Ford dealership.

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Exo ~ I live in Australia. Kangaroo meat is becoming increasingly more common at supermarkets and butchers now days, so we tried it one time. Turns out it's actually healthier and leaner for you, and better for the environment. :P


Zeddy ~ We're probably like planet-sized Transformers or Jumbo-Jumbo-Jets.


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I saw that article in the newspaper a few weeks ago.


It obviously means everybody should trade in their SUV's for puppies. Since they don't care about the environment, it's twice the impact at a mere fraction of the cost 8D

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Waitwaitwait- If animals are bad for the ozone layer, why hasn't it vanished in the millions of years preceding humanity?



I couldn't have said it better myself.

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Kiotu- I hear kangaroo tastes like chicken.

"Maybe they couldn't figure out what to make chicken taste like, which is why chicken tastes like everything."

The Matrix=WIN.


Anyway, did this article cite any actual scientific evidence to support their claim? Aside from the fact that most of the planet's warming is not global at all - it is, in fact, not even atmospheric, but is instead more localized and primarily stems from poor heat management (I would like to point out now that New York City has gotten significantly hotter over the past century, while some nearby, more forested areas have actually cooled in the same amount of time), any environmental problem here does not stem from the pets themselves, but the way we care for them. Feeding your dogs steaks? Go for it. Feeding your dogs "food" that is mass-produced in large factories, and, in some cases, a significant portion of said food is made up of other dogs and cats? Bad, bad human! *smacks with newspaper*


The answer, clearly, is to butcher more cows, and closer to your home to reduce driving time for feeding your pets.

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