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Weekly Update - 1/8

Black Six



I hope you're all enjoying 2010. Personally I think it's a little cold, even with all this global warming. Anyway, let's see what we have on tap.



As we hinted at in our recent episode of the BZPowercast, we kicked off a prototype giveaway earlier this week. It's not too late to enter the Twelve Days of BZPower. Twelve lucky members will be selected to win some awesome prototype pieces - will you be one of them?


Continuing our reviews of the 2010, ToM Dracone shared his thoughts on Gresh. This leaves one more left to look at. Enjoy them now guys, before the sets are done with.


Cryoshell, the band that formed around making songs for Bionicle promos, releasend an EP on iTunes. For you youngins, EP stands for 'Extra Play,' and is a collection of songs that's more than a single but less than a full-blown album. Some of the songs we've heard before but have been revamped and rerecorded, while others are brand new. If you like their past works, you might want to check this out.


It's looking like I'll be recording over at LAMLRadio tomorrow for their year-end wrap up. I'll be showing off some off your awesome MOCs based on the comments you left in my recent blog entry. There'll also be some discussion about the past, present, and future of the Bionicle community.



1. Have you ever typed your name into google?

2. If you were in a (rock) band what instrument would you play?

3. Favorite year of school?

1. Yes.

2. Since I'm not very musically talented - tambourine maybe? If you want to base it on what I'm best at in Rock Band/Guitar Hero, it'd be bass guitar though.

3. 2004-2005.


Hey, B6! I've got a few Mailbag questions for ya. We all know you're in need of 'em!


1.) What is your favorite segment of the BZPowercast to record?

2.) What computer programs are involved in the making of the BZPowercast?

3.) What is your official, quotable opinion of Smeagol4's music? (As in: "NEW YORK TIMES: 'It's Smeag-tastic!'")

3.) What's your favorite Doctor Who episode? (Mine's Blink.)

3b.) How much of Doctor Who have you seen? Did you see much of the old series?

4.) In the past month, I became an owner of an Xbox 360, and Halo 3 and ODST. What are some quick tips you can give a newbie at those games?

5.) When I get good at Halo 3 and ODST, might I be able to fight you online?

6.) Specifically, how much does the Legendary Banhammer weigh? Since it's able to crush rulebreakers and your enemies to a pulp, I'd imagine it must be quite heavy.

6b.) Since I'm not a rulebreaker, I have never had the displeasure of seeing the Banhammer in person. What does it look like?

7.) Do you have any ideas yet for the next Staff namechange prank?

8.) What TV shows did you watch growing up that you reminisce about now?

9.) iPhone or Droid?

10.) What are the specs on your computer?

11.) And a personal question for my own benefit, what do you think of my signoff and its crazy BBCode?

1.) Any segment where I get to talk to someone else instead of just talking into the mic by myself.

2.) Conversations are enabled using Skype and recorded using Audio Hijack Pro. Mixing and mastering is done in GarageBand. I also use LineIn, Levelator, and All2MP3 for different things too.

3.) Black Six says, "It makes you feel things you've never felt before."

3.) Why are there two number threes? Anyway, that's a tough question. Since I don't want to pick Blink too, I'll go with Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead.

3b.) I've seen all of the new series. I've seen a few episodes of the original series. For Christmas I got The Beginning Collection, with the first three serials of the show. It's been interesting so far.

4.) Stay aware of your surroundings. Don't feel afraid to run away to prevent your death.

5.) No, because then you'll probably beat me.

6.) It's only 10 pounds, but that's more than enough to crush a skull with.

6b.) Like a sledge hammer crossed with a gravity hammer, but even more awesome.

7.) Would I tell you if I did?

8.) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Beast Wars, Star Trek: The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine, and too many others to list.

9.) As long as the iPhone it AT&T only, the Droid wins.

10.) Which one?

My desktop: Dual 1.8 GHz PowerPC G5 processors, 5 GB RAM, ATI Radeon 9600XT w/ 128 MB VRAM.

My laptop: 2.4 GHz Intel Core2Duo, 4GB RAM, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT w/ 256 MB VRAM.

Yeah, they're kind of old. A new desktop may be on the list for this year, especially with The Old Republic coming.

11.) I don't want to ask how long that took you.


With twenty-ten upon us, the pressure is on!


So, where's the flying cars? Rocket-powered skate boards? Video games that don't need hands? Marty McFly?


They wouldn't lie in a movie, would they? C'mon, B6, I expect you to have all the answers for this!

As everyone knows, 2010 is 'the year we make contact.' Once we meet the benevolent aliens, they shall give us all this technology.


1. How many reports do you usually get in a day?

2. Why has the news Orientated section of BZP is not focusing on Bionicle as much as it used to? (Like reporting Lego Harry Potter stuff)

3. And why do except this kind of news in the first place? (Mildly curious)

4. What would be the consequences of me calling you a bozo? (Extremely curious)

1. Not that many, since I moderate RPG, FCG, and News Discussion.

2. You might have missed the memo, but Bionicle has been canceled. That means a lot less news on the Bionicle front.

3. Why not? Bionicle is LEGO, and the news is LEGO, ergo the news is Bionicle. I see no flaws in that logic.

4. I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



That's all I have for tonight - enjoy your weekend, everybody! Feedback is always welcome.


Recommended Comments

Very good choice on the Doctor Who episode/s, there. SitL and FotD are two of my favourites of Series 4, especially the Doctor saving River Song at the end. That just sets off a long run of great episodes - Midnight, Turn Left, The Stolen Earth, Journey's End. I love the second half of Series 4.


Woahhhh, nerding out again. I do apologize. :P


- Tilius

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Agreed. Though judging from the Series 5 trailer, he's not looking too bad a Doctor.


Still. He'll never be Tennant. :(


We so need a Smith/Tennant/Ecclestone/McGann multi-Doctor story at some point.


That would make my day.


- Tilius

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3.) Why are there two number threes? Anyway, that's a tough question. Since I don't want to pick Blink too, I'll go with Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead.

3b.) I've seen all of the new series. I've seen a few episodes of the original series. For Christmas I got The Beginning Collection, with the first three serials of the show. It's been interesting so far.

Darn, how did my 3 clone itself? I thought I limited its intelligence to asking questions.


Anyways, those three episodes have to be my top favorites as well. I am extremely glad Steven Moffat is the permanant story writer now, essentially every one of the episodes he wrote alone was really great. Now I just turn to Matt Smith and hope he makes a decent Doctor to fill in these most-likely-amazing future episodes. Russell T. Davies just had too much over-the-top weirdness in his episodes, though he wrote a decent episode every once in a while.


4.) Stay aware of your surroundings. Don't feel afraid to run away to prevent your death.
Will do.

5.) No, because then you'll probably beat me.
Then how about before I get good? =P


9.) As long as the iPhone it AT&T only, the Droid wins.
Agree wholeheartedly. And the Nexus One looks even better!


10.) Which one?

My desktop: Dual 1.8 GHz PowerPC G5 processors, 5 GB RAM, ATI Radeon 9600XT w/ 128 MB VRAM.

My laptop: 2.4 GHz Intel Core2Duo, 4GB RAM, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT w/ 256 MB VRAM.

Yeah, they're kind of old. A new desktop may be on the list for this year, especially with The Old Republic coming.

A lot of RAM on that desktop compared to the other stats. Quite interesting! Let me know the stats on your new desktop when you get it, I'm always interested in tech specs from people I know.



11.) I don't want to ask how long that took you.
About a half hour to modify it from my original, which I was going to use in Wikicode on BS01 (but I couldn't because it was four lines of code too long. XD). After that there were a few hours of on-and-off testing, and asking friends' opinions of potential color schemes.


Very good choice on the Doctor Who episode/s, there. SitL and FotD are two of my favourites of Series 4, especially the Doctor saving River Song at the end. That just sets off a long run of great episodes - Midnight, Turn Left, The Stolen Earth, Journey's End. I love the second half of Series 4.
But it's so true. The end of series four was amazing episode after amazing episode. Matt Smith has a lot to live up to.
AGREE AGREE AGREE. That was an AMAZING sequence leading to the finale. The end of Turn Left was so crazy-awesome, as a massive Doctor Who nerd I flipped out when I got to that.


I will definitely write mailbag questions to you in the future, it was quite fun!



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I think it's sorta funny how no one talks about Global Warming during the winter...


Yeah, they're kind of old. A new desktop may be on the list for this year, especially with The Old Republic coming.

Are you getting that game? I'm somewhat stumped on deciding if I should get it.

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I think it's sorta funny how no one talks about Global Warming during the winter...


Yeah, they're kind of old. A new desktop may be on the list for this year, especially with The Old Republic coming.

Are you getting that game? I'm somewhat stumped on deciding if I should get it.

I am heavily considering it. I loved KOTOR, ME, and just started DA:O.

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Anyway, yay for KotOR fans, and can't wait 'til the monoliths start doing their thing.

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2. You might have missed the memo, but Bionicle has been canceled. That means a lot less news on the Bionicle front.


How could I miss it. :P


I just thought it seemed weird that lately (Even before Bionicle was canceled), the news section didn't have much Bionicle news. I'm not blaming you for this of course, I just wanted to know why there was so much other junk being put there instead, and I did get my answer. That's all.


By the way: What does LAML in LAMLRadio mean? :P

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It's very deep and cerebral. It means: "LEGO And More LEGO."


And I'm kinda glad that BZPower has kept up news stories, even if they're not strictly Bionicle-related.

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Personally, I'm loving the general Lego-based news. Although BZP is a site based mainly on Bionicle, it's worth giving the occasional bit of news on other Lego themes.


AGREE AGREE AGREE. That was an AMAZING sequence leading to the finale. The end of Turn Left was so crazy-awesome, as a massive Doctor Who nerd I flipped out when I got to that.

It was a good ending, but still doesn't out-do Utopia's ending. My favourite part of Turn Left was Donna in the mirrors - 'If I do this, I don't die. That's right, isn't it?' - that bit. Mainly because of the epic music in that sequence. 'A Dazzling End' on the S4 soundtrack. I love it. I wanted Tennant to regenerate to that music. But the music we got was still good, a lot more subtle, and I liked the idea of the Ood singing him to his sleep.


- Tilius

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The end of Series Four was amazing, as I got to see it about a week ago. =) "I have a feeling I'm forgetting something important... oh right, I'm crashing~! *Laughs* Geronimo!" He seems like he'll be epic. However, I have been taking a liking to Tennant recently, as I started watching the show with his Doctor.

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My favourite part of Turn Left was Donna in the mirrors - 'If I do this, I don't die. That's right, isn't it?' - that bit. Mainly because of the epic music in that sequence. 'A Dazzling End' on the S4 soundtrack. I love it. I wanted Tennant to regenerate to that music. But the music we got was still good, a lot more subtle, and I liked the idea of the Ood singing him to his sleep.
I just listened to that track on my soundtrack again 'cause I couldn't remember it. Aw, man, that brought back memories of the epicness and drama of that scene. I love it. I'm gonna have to go back and rewatch those finale episodes again while I'm waiting for season 5. XD



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I am heavily considering it. I loved KOTOR, ME, and just started DA:O.

Having finished Dragon Age a couple of days ago, I can honestly tell it's an amazing game.

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Video games that don't need hands?
Well, Project Natal is due out toward the end of the year.


Marty McFly?
You're off by five years, but if we keep moving forward, I'm sure we'll meet him together.


©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM

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Oh, also for the next staff mass name-change it should totally be Doctor Who based. What with a new Doctor and everything.


It'd be cool. And it'd make my year. :)


- Tilius

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