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Imitating Other Members

Black Six


I just thought I'd point out that there is a rule about imitating other members. This includes copying their name, avatar, signature, etc. It's been around for almost four years and is stated very clearly.


Now normally it is up to the member being copied to report such a thing. Just because, however, a member is banned does not make it OK to break the rules.


Oh, and as if it needed reminding: banned members are not to be discussed.


Thanks everyone, I appreciate your cooperation.


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It's sad people have to be reminded of this.


On the plus side, I like disabling the sigs of members who do that. :D

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what about using their post formatting (or variant thereof) if it's interesting to you?


because I've been using the formatting of a banned member since - well, since he got banned, since it's a pleasing font and whatnot.


so I mean would this be considered an infraction of that no-imitation rule? :\



and, while I'm here, what about if say a member gave another permission to copy them, or even if say the two decided to swap names, sigs, avatars, and whatnot?

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what about using their post formatting (or variant thereof) if it's interesting to you?


because I've been using the formatting of a banned member since - well, since he got banned, since it's a pleasing font and whatnot.


so I mean would this be considered an infraction of that no-imitation rule? :\



and, while I'm here, what about if say a member gave another permission to copy them, or even if say the two decided to swap names, sigs, avatars, and whatnot?

I wouldn't generally call a certain font and color a case of imitating, unless it was very unique.


"Moderators and admins will decide if a certain situation is a case of account detail copying, and if the situation is not corrected, the offending member will be penalized."

If another member is letting you imitate them, that's fine, unless it gets to the point where it is becoming confusing to members and causing problems.

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Would this count?

I would say no, since it doesn't appear that they actively trying to copy you, just as this member is not actively trying to copy me. When your name uses words from the dictionary, you have to expect there's a chance for others to have similar ones.

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Out of the blue question here: Next staff name changing gig you guys do, would it be possible for someone to change there name to a current staff member since there name would be free to use? And if a member wanted to do this, (Take a guess which one. :P ) what would be the consequences?
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You cannot change your name to someone else's login name, even if their display name is different. So in most cases their name would not be 'free to use,' and it would still be considered impersonating a member.

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You cannot change your name to someone else's login name, even if their display name is different. So in most cases their name would not be 'free to use,' and it would still be considered impersonating a member.


Dang. I was looking foward to reaction I'd get from Smeag when he couldn't change his back. :P

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@Tifosi 94: That's been done before during staff name-change chaos, and it wasn't pretty for the member that did it.
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@Tifosi 94: That's been done before during staff name-change chaos, and it wasn't pretty for the member that did it.


Well I'm not that stupid (Hopefuly). :D


B6 are you gettin' any ideas from this? :P

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