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Nose Is Bleeediiing

Taka Nuvia


Day by day. But thee were 2 or 3 days in between when it did not bleed. ><


Truly wonderful


EDIT: A doctor said it's okay, I just should... kinda allow my nose to rest and heal (I dunno how to translate it, sry -.-)


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I've considered getting my nose cauterized, it can be that bad. It's fine for a while -- weeks, months, even years. Then while calmly doing my daily routines, I put my finger to my nose to twipe away some moisture and hey, it's blood!


Sometimes ic cuz I blow my nose. Sometimes it's cuz I run or overwork. Sometimes it's just cuz. I was in fear of having a nosebleed or two or three in an airplane. Imagine the freakiness that would happen if that did occur. Thankfully, it didn't, but still.



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I know how ya feel, T Nuivia. I have nose bleeds all the time... :P

It's kinda like a hobby for me now I guess..... :P


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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