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(!) Brickfair 2010 (!)



Update - 29/4 - The fund is officially opened. If you want to send me money (cash or check or credit card) let me know so I can give you my mailing address. This is the tricky part. :P


I don't know if I'll be going.


What it has come down to is that I simply do not have the money. Usually, $400 for airline tickets isn't too much for us, but in this case, it is, what with all our current expenses and all. We're living beyond our means as is and that extra $400 can be a serious predicament for us and leave a mark on our strained budget. The t-shirts will be there, the mastermind may not.


I know it's silly, but I'm serious about this: is there anyone who wants to see me there so bad as to help fund my trip? Like seriously, if anyone could help out with this, that's be awesome. And I might even throw in some sort of gift if I can, too, like a t-shirt or something. I'll be working to get some money, myself, so I'm not asking you guys to hand over four Franklins; I will be raising my own finds, too.


Anyone feel that they might be able to help? If so, PM me to keep such things confidential. But if you do help, I will love you forever and be in your debt.


Some people have volunteered to help out. Thanks, people! Still am a long way from my goal, though, so I'd still absolutely looove (and still neeeed) more help! =D





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:cries: You should come, but I can't really help you out financially, since I drained my account getting my tickets. But I suppose I could sneak you through. Would you be able to fit inside a 3'x3'x'3 duffle bag?



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I think I could contribute some money; that would be terrible if you couldn't go!



:cries: You should come, but I can't really help you out financially, since I drained my account getting my tickets. But I suppose I could sneak you through. Would you be able to fit inside a 3'x3'x'3 duffle bag?



Ummm... Normally, yes, but given how those baggage people mistreat the baggage, I'm inclined to decline your offer. :P



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I can't give that much, but I can offer some support.


Also, are you sure you can't just not fly back with your troop? That'd be the cheapest/easiest.



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Man, I really wish I could be of help to you... :( And I would if I had the money.


Alas, I have to save up for my own (possibly two) trip(s) to Germany in the same period. =/

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Also, are you sure you can't just not fly back with your troop? That'd be the cheapest/easiest.



Troop flies back on the 4th/5th. And I already spoke to the committee-- I can't just stay in DC. They tried to accommodate me, but in the end, I'm just too vital to protocol.



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Also, are you sure you can't just not fly back with your troop? That'd be the cheapest/easiest.



Troop flies back on the 4th/5th. And I already spoke to the committee-- I can't just stay in DC. They tried to accommodate me, but in the end, I'm just too vital to protocol.



Dude, I was a SPL once... what possible leadership role do you have on sitting on a plane back to Oregon for five hours? Organizing the troop at the airport? Sure, scouts can help, but they shouldn't be the ones solely in charge of it. That's why we have adult leaders, is it not?


Anyway, to quote (kinda) from the scout law, "A Scout is thrifty." That means you don't fly home only to immediately turn around and fly back. Notwithstanding the price issue, this wastes time and resources for the airlines. I can understand if your troop wants to keep everybody together the whole time, but in my experience as a scout, we were supposed to come up with better solutions to problems like this, and not just go with unnecessary regulations.


But I guess I came from different troop. Oh well, thus ends my rant. ;)



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That's ridiculous that you can't stay in DC, IMO. Do you know anyone high enough if your area council who can pull some strings for you to let you stay there? (I know some people who could do that for me in my council :P) I'll see if I can contribute a few bucks. I really don't have that much money, though. I'll see what I can do, but I don't expect it to be much. Wish I could help more.


Now what if something like, I don't know Home Alone 2 happens, and you "accidentally" end up on the wrong plane to a place just outside of DC *wink*wink*nudge*nudge* :P

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Xccj's point would ring true if I were a member of the youth spectrum. I'm not, though-- I'm the frigging 3rd assistant Scoutmaster. :lol: So yes, they actually do want me to organize the troop at the airport. And follow protocol and keep that darned two-deep adult leadership ratio.


Yes, LK, I have a looot of people I can pull strings from. A lot. And I already pulled them. I can't stay in DC, and that's been finalized. As an adult leader, I'm simply too important.



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You could just....happen to miss your flight back, and then your best friend in the entire world Ben could just happen to show up at the airport and offer to let you stay at his house until you can get a flight back to Portland which will just happen to be a few days after BrickFair ends....



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Comment Money Drives are against the roooools. :o


As much as I love you, I can't offer you any funds. Sorry homie. :(

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You could just....happen to miss your flight back, and then your best friend in the entire world Ben could just happen to show up at the airport and offer to let you stay at his house until you can get a flight back to Portland which will just happen to be a few days after BrickFair ends....



That sounds almost romantic. Euuugh. Eugheugheugh.



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Rene, is your life really just the plot of a romantic comedy? :P


But, with a better soundtrack and more karate explosions while hiking mountains to get to the LEGO store of course.



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... I didn't know you were an adult leader. :blink:


In that case, I can see why they'd rope you in. When I was leaving Scouts myself, my troop was having problems getting enough adult leaders cause all the old dads were leaving and the new dads weren't participating. I guess I could see why they'd force you to stay.


(But I thought you had to be an adult to be an adult leader. I know for sure you can't drive other scouts around until you're 21. Oh, how I wanted to drive some of those scouts off a cliff... I mean, never mind.)

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Well, since this is Jamboree unit, there is a slot for an 18-21 adult leader (3rd ASM). That'd be me, bottom of the adult ladder, above the youth staircase. I'll be turning 18 on the Jamboree tour, so I'll be an adult adult for the Jamboree proper.


Also, the Guide to Safe Scouting says that a Scout who is at least 16 and has had their license for 6 months without any violation can drive Scouts around under special circumstances. My troop has the limit at 18, though; it rally is a bylaw each troop sets up individually.



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Usually, $400 for airline tickets isn't too much for us


Ah, the face of shock. We're not rich, we just know how to manage our money. Anyone can do it. :P


Sorry for not sending it in yet, I'll try to do so by Wednesday. Is there a deadline for this?

Oh, no problem. Nope, no deadline, just... in time for me to buy tickets. XD



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I'm so sorry for ruining your game Master. ><; And I'll see what I can do about the trip, I'm 99% sure I won't go be able to go myself but a few Jacksons shouldn't be too hard to send your way. It's about time I had to get a job anyway, perfect time to start.

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