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Pain Week

Kevin Owens


This is it. Two weeks until I'm finished with my freshman year of college. This is what I have.

Physical Education FinalCalc Section 3 ExamCalc Cumulative FinalC++ Final ProjectC++ Cumulative FinalMaking of the Modern Mind Group EssayMaking of the Modern Mind Individual EssaySpiritual Formation FinalAs you can tell, I will be extremely busy. I'll have to ask that you try to not pester me with silly little things and just talk about essential things until I finish up with my exams. There will be plenty of time for goofing off later.






Ladies and Gentlemen,


Welcome to pain week.





6:43 PM:

Alright. Time to put the finishing touches on this paper. I'll just open it and... why is half of my paper missing?


Dawn of the first day


120 hours remain




Signs of mental degeneration. I start to refer to Palestinians as Palestini.


5:46 AM:

My sister:

psychology.... is almost done...

how is ur paper going?



Microsoft word just crashed

I want to cry


Microsoft office crashes for the second time. Damage is minimized

7:45 AM:

I finished writing my paper. I'll just put this paper onto my flashdrive so I can take it to the printer. What's this? Oh, it's my backup copy of my original paper without half of it missing.


It is not even 8AM on Monday morning and I already want it to be the weekend.



I have been awake for 24 hrs.



I have three hours of class after this. Followed by a group project. I also have two tests tommorow. This probably won't be as bad as I thought it was going to be.


12:50 PM

I take a five minute nap on my desk in between classes.


2:00 PM

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no


2:45 PM - Denial

This can't possibly be happening. I spent all this time working on this! I spent all weekend. What do you mean I have to scrap it and start from scratch? I don't have the time!


3:30 PM - Anger

What have I done to deserve this? What have I done to set the fates conspiring to do this? WHY ME?


4:15 PM

I am cleared for caffeine. I have shot at getting out of this alive.


4:45 PM

Sweet, delicious brown medicine. Take away the pain~


5:30 PM - Bargaining

Maybe I can get an extension on this project. Maybe she'll be kind enough to let me off the hook.


6:00 PM - Depression

I give up. There's no way I can do this. It's all too much. I have essentially a test every other day.


7:06 PM

Nap time~


8:45 PM - Acceptance

Four days. That's all I have left. Then I'm free.


9:00 PM

Why does Calculus refuse to make any sense?


10:30 PM

Why did I decide to put off my Physical Education studying off until now?



Dawn of the second day


96 hours remain


1:30 AM

I go to sleep.


6:30 AM

Wake up


7:00 AM

Grab a brush and put on a little make up


8:00 AM

Calculus test


9:00 AM

At the end of class the professor tells me that we will have another test coming up in addition to the two exams I have yet to take. That means I have three more calculus tests before the end of the semester. That's three more calculus tests in addition to all the other tests, essays, and projects.


I die a little bit on the inside.


3:00 PM

Why is there a semicircle of sugar outside the entrance to my dorm?


5:00 PM

Please make the studying stop


11:00 PM

I lay down and try to go to sleep




Dawn of the Third Day


72 hours remain


5:00 AM

I finally fall asleep after tossing and turning the whole night


8:00 AM

I wake up. As of this moment, I have had ten hours of sleep in the past three days.


8:50 AM

I finally break


1:30 PM

I learn from my Making of the Modern Mind professor that I will be having another essay before the end of the semester.


I want to cry.


7:00 PM

I hate Calculus with an undying passion. I start to question my choice of major and university.


11:00 PM

I am living a nightmare.




Dawn of the Fourth Day


48 hours remain


3:30 AM

With insomnia, everything is a copy of a copy of a copy...


6:00 AM

I wake up. I don't know when I passed out. I don't know how long I've been asleep. I do know that I have a Calculus exam in two hours. I study as if my life depends on it.


8:00 AM

Would you like him to shoot you now or wait til he gets home?


Shoot me now! Shoot me now!


9:20 AM

I break. Again.


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Lean on me, when you're not strong

And I'll be your friend

I'll help you carry on

For it won't be long

'Til I'm gonna need

Somebody to lean on

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>implying there's anything wrong with guys wearing makeup


I think Gato could pull it off with ease!

Regardless of that...I dunno..if you're stressed out..And time is of the essence....make up seems like a waste of time.

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>implying there's anything wrong with guys wearing makeup


I think Gato could pull it off with ease!

Regardless of that...I dunno..if you're stressed out..And time is of the essence....make up seems like a waste of time.

personally I've found that it doesn't take long to put on just a little bit of eyeliner.

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>implying there's anything wrong with guys wearing makeup


I think Gato could pull it off with ease!

Regardless of that...I dunno..if you're stressed out..And time is of the essence....make up seems like a waste of time.

personally I've found that it doesn't take long to put on just a little bit of eyeliner.

For such painful week..every second seems to count.

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For such painful week..every second seems to count.

I'm pretty sure that he is capable of taking a few seconds out of his busy schedule to do other things, including simple tasks to make himself look prettier.

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Eh my two cents. I think it's waste of time.


Though I also happen to think it's a waste of time when girls do it too.


So yeah

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It gets better Gato, you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel soon enough. And you always have me. =3


Unless that makes it even worse in which case I will gladly stay out of your way for the time being. =[

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Gato, you are amazing and I love you.You're a friend of EW-- and you know what that means? You can't fail. Cuz EW's friends are winners, not failures. Comes with the job.



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