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Ew Speaks! On Proto Energy



Proto Energy: What Is It and What Does it Mean for You?

Proto. We all want it. Some have more, some have less, others are just at the dead center. But why? Why are some people so eager to have it? And furthermore, what does it mean to have it?

Well, let's start with an example. Member Asdfg has just joined BZPower and is brand new to the system. He's a good member, has been tutored through by a Greeter-- errr, Mentor, and he's doing pretty good with a couple dozen posts so far. He's a nice member of average maturity and excitable brain, basically what one would expect of a member of his standing. He's a, what, Tohunga? Yeah, a Tohunga. He looks around, and ooh! Orange! What's this? Oooooh, "Outstanding Citizen!" He must be something special. What does this member do? He compares. He sees the big difference is that he's got 0 proto and this member, who we shall dub EW, has a full bar, or 5 proto. He's fairly impressed (remember, he's excitable).

Here's a question for you: Who doesn't wanna be outstanding? When in school, don't you love it when the teacher comes by, slides a quiz on and says "Outstanding work, Doofus"? By the way, your name is Doofus-- she wasn't calling you anything demeaning. Anyway, everyone likes praise, and the word "outstanding" is synonymous for praise. Naturally, just as you were when you were in Asdfg's position, you longed to be deemed fitting for the entitlement of being an "Outstanding Citizen." It's natural to want to be the best, to be the greatest. Little Asdfg, being human, is no exception.

So, what next for our little adventurer? He tried to get to the top, at first being a Captain Obvious (Dundunduuuun!) and pointing out the most obvious rule violations. This didn't get him anywhere, as saying "This is spam (hurr)" only got a staffer to tell him "This was not needed (durr)."Finally, he starts reporting, and he does well, squeezing in a couple reports every week or so, even if they were a week or so late. He tries his best.

OHMIGAWSH! A PM! It's from a staffer! It's-- a proto reduction. Awww, mannn. He tried to hard! Political discussion, apparently. Bummer, dude.

We'll get back to Asdfg in a moment. But for now, let's take a peek at what Proto is in the first place. It's a reward system. a merit system, and a sign of helpfulness, right? Well, not entirely. See, the proto system is indeed a merit system in that it shows that you've helped BZPower, but by no means is it an accurate measurement. Let me ask you this: who helped BZPower most? The member who send in money three times ($33 total) and got boosted the whole way, or the member who gave two valid news reports, countless signature reports, and hundreds of post reports and was given boosts according to his help? They both got treated the same in the end. Obviously, we'd say "the second guy-- he really helped" and you'd be correct. The first guy got proto because he gave money, not because he's up to snuff or anything. But, again, they look the same in the end. They're both active members, post a lot, have their blogs, all that jazz. What's more, member Asdfg looks up to them both because of their proto.

The point of this is to show that proto is not equal. Anyone can become an Outstanding Citizen, anyone, but that doesn't make them actually outstanding. Members, like Asdfg, look up to them because of what they are, not what they did to become what they are. The moral, however, is more harsh: proto doesn't matter.

It doesn't. Why? Well, aside from the fact that it's just pixels in a virtual reality, it really is useless. I've seen truly great members in regular Arial font and I've seen absolute fools in bold orange. How much proto you have doesn't indicate how great a member you are. But Asdfg and other like him don't understand that, and most people don't even teach that.

This is where people confuse being Outstanding with being outstanding. One of a couple fallacies appear: 1) the member assumes that by becoming Outstanding one becomes outstanding, or 2) the member assumes all Outstandings are outstanding. Since neither is an absolute, they are fallacies. But people buy them, because they sorta make sense to them.

My point: Proto isn't a balanced system and cannot be used to determine the actual quality of the member.

Back to little Asdfg. He's gotten over his loss of pixelly goodness and he's back. He's mproved a bit, and he's actually doing pertty good. He's bought a Premier Membership package, posts responsibly, etc. He still sees members in orange as being the best, though, and he's still aiming for that climax of his BZP career.

Asdfg seems to be doing fine, so back on the subject of proto for now. What does it mean to be Outstanding? It means you're supposed to be outstanding. You're among the best of the members, you're one of the most qualified in their groups. Maybe you're an artist or a veteral writer, or maybe a roleplaying god or a forum old guard. Or maybe you're just a brand new Outstanding Citizen and you're a bit clueless as to how you got there. You -- we -- have no actual duties, per se (unless you're a Judge or something similar, like me, in which case you do have duties =P), but you do have an obligation: to be a role model. Members like Asdfg will copy you, will look up to you, will listen to you. If you say "Yeahh, doing this is almost against the rules, but it's fun and funny and I like it," hey, guess what, people are gonna copy you and do it, too. Is this good? Is it bad? It's like a computer: it can go both ways, so long as it's used responsibly.

Being an Outstanding Citizen means you gotta act your best, obey the rules, and show how being a member is done. Not just any member, an outstanding member. It's awesome. Bottom line: if you're an Outstanding Citizen, act like one. All eyes are on you. You da man. And if you're not, act like one anyway. Being an outstanding member isn't something shown by a title, it's shown by how you are, how you act, what you do and how you do it.

Asdfg has received full proto after two years of being good and helpful. He's now the one showing the example. He's the one being the really outstanding member. Maybe someday he'll be blue or green. Anything is possible for anyone.


About the author: EmperorWhenua, also known as Rene, became an Outstanding Citizen in summer of '08. He's received only one actual proto boost out of merit; the rest was bought. He considers himself an old guard member because he's outspoken about what he considers the real way of a member. Sometimes emotional, sometimes vindictive, he's always level-headed and likes to think of himself as the epitome of the average, struggling member. He doesn't think of himself as any better than Asdfg, though sometimes will need a little schooling. A COT RPG Judge, he's one of the most famed roleplayers on the site, though he's still clueless as to why. EmperorWhenua lives in his house on Earth and enjoys debating, hiking, and reading. You can reach him by commenting in the box below.


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I've seen truly great members in regular Arial font and I've seen absolute fools in bold orange.


Bioran. teehee.png


Cool post, EW. Like you, I've bought all of my proto except 1, but unlike you I still have yet to fill it via hard work. :P

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I think it's a tad silly that you can just buy your way to premier Outstandingness. =/

I dunno about this... people donate their own money to help fund this site. That's just as helpful, if not more, than randomly browsing Bionicle.com, finding a new story chapter and being the only one to report about it to the news.


Anyway, "POBZPC" is the silliest member group name ever. Premier Outstanding Biological Chronicles Zone Power Citizen.

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TTNzorz, correction: they spend their parent's money to find the site, more often than not.


Also, sure, they may be supporting the site, but unless their hearts were in the action, they didn't actually mean it; they just wanted a blog and two proto boosts. The people who report stuff, whether it be news, sigs, or posts, are the ones who are actually helping the site with a more honorable goal in mind; again, more often than not.



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Also, sure, they may be supporting the site, but unless their hearts were in the action, they didn't actually mean it; they just wanted a blog and two proto boosts. The people who report stuff, whether it be news, sigs, or posts, are the ones who are actually helping the site with a more honorable goal in mind; again, more often than not.

Eh, IMO, you could say the same things about both groups of people. Some people report things only for the proto boost, some people pay for Premiership only to help the site, and vice-versa.


Whatever their reasons may be, it's awesome to help the site in any case, even if it's for their own personal agenda. Like you said in the entry, they're treated generally the same anyway.

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Let's get the less important bit out of the way first.




Why I got Premier Membership in the first place was really to help out the site, on a personal level. I mean, this was in the days before Blogs (only a couple of months before, though), so I can't exactly say the incentives for getting it were very high. There would be numerous people that do it out of generosity, as there are numerous that do do it for the perks. I mean, hey, blogs, that's cool, right? :P


Yes, I admit I was much like Asdfg in the early days, I did want the orange and Huna next to my name and such. Though I think I probably aspired to be more Premier than that in some respects. But I have never really been that contientious in trying to help, though I do help out sometimes, if no one else has picked it up. I guess it's because I'm here for my own reasons, and as long as I'm not disrupted, I'm not concerned or whatever.


And it's interesting, really. The only time I've ever got Proto for actually doing something good is at a time when otherwise I was being quite provocative, so it's a bit of a bizarre system in ways, happens when you least expect it or even want it. But yeah, no idea what I'm on about, just be happy with my approval. :lol:



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Yes, I admit I was much like Asdfg in the early days, I did want the orange and Huna next to my name and such.

Who doesn't? We're all enticed by fame and status to some degree.


And I'll have to respectfully disagree with you there EW (surprise! =O). It doesn't matter whether they're only getting PMship for the proto boost, whether or not they were selfish or selfless their actions still resulted in helping out BZPower by providing them with money. The consequences count as much as the intentions do, and I think that's the beauty of this proto system. Some people will be rewarded with a boost, some people will help BZP out of a greedy desire for a boost, but the ultimate result is that BZPower gets help and support either way.

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Yes, I admit I was much like Asdfg in the early days, I did want the orange and Huna next to my name and such.

Who doesn't? We're all enticed by fame and status to some degree.


And I'll have to respectfully disagree with you there EW (surprise! =O). It doesn't matter whether they're only getting PMship for the proto boost, whether or not they were selfish or selfless their actions still resulted in helping out BZPower by providing them with money. The consequences count as much as the intentions do, and I think that's the beauty of this proto system. Some people will be rewarded with a boost, some people will help BZP out of a greedy desire for a boost, but the ultimate result is that BZPower gets help and support either way.


Though, I think EW means more in terms of behavior, and not so much the financial, or news support. As in, new members tend to look up to those who are Outstanding BZPower citizens, why? Because they're labeled as "Outstanding", which to them would probably mean that they're the epitome of how to act and preform on the website. Yes, paying to help BZP is an outstanding thing to do, doesn't matter whose money you end up using, as you're benefiting the community by letting it stay around for a little while longer. But, when people do reach the "orange" status that a lot of the new members look up to, they should be trying to act and behave in an outstanding manner.


I more think that POBZPC's and the like should be held up to a much higher standard, given, OBZPC's do get perks for doing good and they also act as a website role-model of sorts and if that role model doesn't behave in a mature, intelligent way when on the board, then more members will see that as the thing to do and end up the same way. Though, this is why I do really like the Forum Mentor staff group, as it directs new member attention to those staff members who have been specifically selected from the community to help run it. FM's behave in an outstanding manner and exist to act as a guide, a mentor, an instructor to help new members understand the do's and dont's of BZP -- unlike back before them, when all the members had were the OBZPC's to really rely on for site-assistance (As, from my personal experience, not everyone really has the thought to ask a staff member and people would mainly feel a bit more comfortable just conversing with other members, such as the outstanding members, in terms of their questions).


From the entry, what I get from it is more of a "If you're labeled as a BZPower Outstanding Citizen" then try to uphold the image of being an outstanding citizen, rather than being rude, insulting others, breaking rules (minor or major), advocating those who cause harm to the community, or getting worked up to the point of starting a flame war on the website. I've seen POBZPC's/OBZPC's do all those things I've listed in the time I've spent on BZP, more during recent years, and for an Outstanding member, it is beyond unacceptable. For a normal member, it is simply unacceptable.


In my opinion, proto and OBZPC status should be two separate things. Proto shows how much you have helped the website, how much you assisted in the financial and data aspect of everything. While OBZPC should be more geared towards those who show maturity, kindness, and act appropriately on the board while helping others out when the opportunity is given. At least in that way, full proto would more reflect donations and technical assistance to the website (Reports, News, Premier Membership), while the OBZPC aspect would reflect that individual's behavior on the site.


But that's just my opinion.

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Being an Outstanding Citizen means you gotta act your best, obey the rules, and show how being a member is done. Not just any member, an outstanding member. It's awesome. Bottom line: if you're an Outstanding Citizen, act like one. All eyes are on you. You da man. And if you're not, act like one anyway. Being an outstanding member isn't something shown by a title, it's shown by how you are, how you act, what you do and how you do it.


You are 100% right, and you deserve this:




Excellent entry, EW.


Though, this is why I do really like the Forum Mentor staff group, as it directs new member attention to those staff members who have been specifically selected from the community to help run it. FM's behave in an outstanding manner and exist to act as a guide, a mentor, an instructor to help new members understand the do's and dont's of BZP -- unlike back before them, when all the members had were the OBZPC's to really rely on for site-assistance (As, from my personal experience, not everyone really has the thought to ask a staff member and people would mainly feel a bit more comfortable just conversing with other members, such as the outstanding members, in terms of their questions).




But you do make a good point -- When I was an OBZPC, I received quite a few PMs from people just asking me questions about the site.


In my opinion, proto and OBZPC status should be two separate things. Proto shows how much you have helped the website, how much you assisted in the financial and data aspect of everything. While OBZPC should be more geared towards those who show maturity, kindness, and act appropriately on the board while helping others out when the opportunity is given. At least in that way, full proto would more reflect donations and technical assistance to the website (Reports, News, Premier Membership), while the OBZPC aspect would reflect that individual's behavior on the site.


That would be kind of cool, but I'm not sure how'd it work. I mean, how would one earn OBZPCship [Like, when does one become OBZPC?]? Right now it's from getting +5 proto, but obviously that wouldn't work.


And I think that reports should be included in OBZPCship -- after all, reporting is a lost art [yes, a few members do it -- some of which do it quite a bit, but out of the whole BZPower community not all that many people do it], and it is extremely helpful to staff members. I think that OBZPCship should reflect an individual's behavior -and- helpfulness on the site [but helpful in a reporting/answering questions way, not a financial way]. And then OBZPCs would be like "sub-staff" who don't really have any authority/power, but help staff out.


So yeah I'm not sure if it'd work. We'd almost need another "proto bar" [one for becoming OBZPC, and another for full proto (by like PMship, etc)]. Then full proto would get you some perks [like 30-day name change], but the orange/huna would go to actual OBZPCs. Maybe I'm not thinking clearly [i am sick atm, after all], but that's how I see it. :/ It's an interesting idea, though.



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Unless someone tells you, you don't know motives for what a person does. Of course, if it's for selfish reasons, it's going to become painfully obvious when that same proto a person was given is soon taken away or just constantly comes across as arrogant/rude/whatever. People who have paid for PMship/OBZPC have also lost privileges and respect by breaking rules; though not perfect, staff tend to know the troublemakers and try to act accordingly.


Also, some spend their own money, not their parents.


What about outstanding balances? Those aren't good. :o


©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM

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That would be kind of cool, but I'm not sure how'd it work. I mean, how would one earn OBZPCship [Like, when does one become OBZPC?]? Right now it's from getting +5 proto, but obviously that wouldn't work.


And I think that reports should be included in OBZPCship -- after all, reporting is a lost art [yes, a few members do it -- some of which do it quite a bit, but out of the whole BZPower community not all that many people do it], and it is extremely helpful to staff members. I think that OBZPCship should reflect an individual's behavior -and- helpfulness on the site [but helpful in a reporting/answering questions way, not a financial way]. And then OBZPCs would be like "sub-staff" who don't really have any authority/power, but help staff out.


So yeah I'm not sure if it'd work. We'd almost need another "proto bar" [one for becoming OBZPC, and another for full proto (by like PMship, etc)]. Then full proto would get you some perks [like 30-day name change], but the orange/huna would go to actual OBZPCs. Maybe I'm not thinking clearly [i am sick atm, after all], but that's how I see it. :/ It's an interesting idea, though.[/color]



Reports, I think, would go to an actual "proto" set-up, as it's helping the site in a technical way and you don't really have to be well mannered or mature in order to send in reports. People should do it more often when they see something that breaks the rules (I remember a topic that had a bad case of "no reports" when it needed to be closed a month before it had been), and the enticement for taking time to type out a minute or two long report would be to gain some of the PE in order to get closer to faster name changes and the like. Full PE, IMO, would be best just showing off the technical assistance one gives to the website -- PMship, News Reports, Forum/Blog Reports, etc. My reason for that, is that, you don't need to have an outstanding behavior to do those things and more OBZPC's do need a bit more of an outstanding behavior as they're looked at, by new members, to be the epitome of what to shoot for. (Even if a member helps and is kind through selfish means, he/she is still being helpful and nice to others. Versus, someone who lacks common mannerisms in communication and ends up teetering on the line of PE-drop, but is not quite there and ends up insulting other members, or causes a more negative atmosphere for others).


PE, IMO, would be something to more point at "Oh, so this member did put in time to send in News, send in money and to send in reports." It'd still be a thing of community-ish pride to reach that point, as it does show that you care and have assisted the website, but it doesn't make new members think that they are the epitome, or the golden bar, of what to be.


Going on 'Raga's thing for a minute. I used to think that a bit back, but there are OBZPC's who do act in a disrespectful, or rude way on the board, but do not quite do it to the extent of Proto-Reduction. It wouldn't be as much a problem to me if POBZPC's and the like had a higher chance of losing that PE point if they act in ways that aren't acceptable of someone who holds the position they would on the website. Basically, if OBZPC's/POBZPC's were held to a much higher standard than members, then it'd balance itself out with a bit more ease.


Though, Velox, there wouldn't be a thing monitoring how close to OBZPCship you are. There isn't one for when members are asked to be staff and in my mind, it'd work like a "Individual A sees that Individual B is being incredibly helpful, kind to others and is putting their time into the community in a positive, giving manner. Individual A informs an Admin of that a bit [Or Admin can just see it] and based on everything present, the Admin makes the choice whether or not the member deserves a moving-up to OBZPC status." ----- I've known many, many websites with that sort of honor system and it does work. Many times, the people who act positively, maturely, kindly and hold respect for others are in a spot that new members can see "Oh, I'm just going to ask him... as he's a member and probably won't chew me out for asking a dumb question...."


In a way, OBZPC's kinda do (or would) fill in the Support Team function back with the Forum Assistants were just the "Support Team" as the ST's (From what I read) didn't have any moderating abilities, but existed to help the staff out by reporting things and by helping out members who needed some assistance.


With OBZPC things, I do believe that behavior should be looked at --- does the member act appropriately? Does he or she go above and beyond, by helping others who need it? Does he or she have a knack for continuing to help when they can, providing links and other references as to where the answer may be? Does he or she act maturely on the board, not getting into fights, not insulting/rude to others? Does he or she understand where others may be coming from and attempt to see it from their prospective before they respond, as to try and minimalize offenses? (Okay, that last one would be hard to judge).


But overall, OBZPC's should be members of the community who do help, who provide their time to assist others or to try and post coherent messages that are positive. Not just saying "This is garbage" or "Your art is terrible" or "Stop wasting my time and go do the research on your own" or "Shut up" or "i haet all thees tihngs dat goes on" onwards and forwards. As well as OBZPC's who are all "bzp sucks" or "we're gonna be radical on the interwebs"


But eh, it's more what I think on PE and OBZPC stuff. Got a bit wordy, but in the last paragraph those quotes are more from actual instance's I've seen.

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